Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Shunt & Aisle 16-24
Loading Bay door opened/closed fully?<br>Water cleaned immediately & hazard signage utilised?
Security barrier down & alarmed?
Pallet wrapper pre-start checklist completed?
Lighting adequate?
Used batteries stored safely in Battery Bin (contacts taped up) / safety posters present?
Powered device pre-start checklist completed?
Dangerous Goods on Shunts: batteries contacts taped & aerosols secured?
Aisle & floors clean, pallets in line, no protruding carton flaps?
Kick stools / safety steps in good condition?
Damaged equipment labelled & in designated area?
Employees using handrail on stairs?
Both stairwells clean & free from obstruction?
Safety Mirror offers maximum coverage of area?
Eye wash station stocked & clean?
Aerosols cabinet tidy and closed?
Lighting adequate?
Aisle & floors clean, pallets in line?
Pallets & loads thoroughly secured?
Broken pallets in use?
Emergency exits clear of obstruction?
Employee Behaviours
Powered Device Operator Behavioural Observation Checks
Powered device pre-start checklist completed?
Device operator looking in the direction of travel?
Device operator using horn / warning devices where required?
Device operator wearing a seat belt?
Device operator traveling at a speed suitable depending on amount of traffic, etc?
Device operator vision impaired - clear view over the load?
Employee Behaviour Observation Checks
Evidence of heft test / is the employee aware of load contents?
Is the employee adhering to a Good Posture / loads suitable for manual handling?
Is the employee over-stretching / twisting?
Is the employee holding the load close to trunk?
Discuss unsafe observation programme with employee.
Discuss unsafe observation programme with employee.
Discuss evacuation procedure with employee.
Discuss accident reporting with employee.
Any recognition: