
  • AGL Project Manager for this site

  • Conducted by Whom

  • Conducted on

  • Client / Site


  • Competent person supervised erection of scaffold?

  • Scaffolds designed by a qualified person?

  • Employees trained before working on scaffold?

  • Scaffold area is free of electrical cabling and other obstacles above.

  • Scaffold area is free of electrical cabling and other obstacles below.

  • Scaffold area is free of electrical cabling and other obstacles around.

  • No members of the public or other workers are in place whilst scaffold is being erected?

Scafold Construction

  • Scaffolds are capable of supporting 4x the intended load?

  • All brace connections secured?

  • Ladders are provided to access scaffold platform?

  • Casters are proper size and locking mechanism functioning correctly?

  • Supporting surface is level and solid?

  • Platform is dry

  • Platform is made with a suitable material and is free of any damage.

  • Platforms on all working levels fully decked?

  • Employees are locking scaffold when worker is using in stationary position?

  • Scaffold is not being used if height is more than 2x the width?

  • Scaffold platform is 600mm wide minimum

Guard Rails and toe boards

  • Guard rails sufficiently strong to not deform permanently when pressure is applied.

  • Guard rails in place and of a suitable material.

  • Guard rails placed in suitable locations as to prevent falling of any person or work item.

  • No gaps between Guard rails exceed 470mm

  • Any Guard gates intended to be used as access equipped with a automatically closing hinge.

  • Top Guard rail is a minimum 1100mm in height

  • Toe board in place

  • Toe board a minimum height of 100mm with a maximum gap between the board and the platform of 10mm

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.