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Key Information

  • Date & Time

  • Company Name

  • Company Contact Person

  • Contact Person's Position

  • Site Address

  • Completed by

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Previous Inspection

Previous Inspection

  • Has Agoge conducted a previous compliance check for this company's site?

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  • Has the previous inspection been reviewed?

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  • Please review previous inspection report with client and ensure all recommendations have been addressed and outstanding actions have been taken

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  • Are there any outstanding actions?

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  • Please note the outstanding actions that still require consideration

Employee Licencing / Training / Authorisation

Forklift Operators

  • Number of forklift operators employed on this site

Department of Labour (DOL/OSH) Certification

  • All forklift operators hold a current DOL (OSH) forklift accreditation

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  • Please note: NZ Department of Labour (MBIE) requires that all employees who operate a forklift must maintain a current DOL (OSH) forklift accreditation

  • Company holds and maintains adequate records of all current employee DOL (OSH) certificates

  • Managers have a tracking process for DOL (OSH) certifications, including reminders of when their employees' certifications expire

Induction / Authorisation

  • All forklift operators have been through an adequate site induction (including safety, emergency processes and hazard identification)

  • All forklift operators have had in-house training on the specific forklifts they operate

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  • All forklift operators have signed a competency register, verifying that they feel competent and confident to operate the designated forklift/s safely and efficiently

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  • MBIE suggests creating a competency register which is signed by every employee who completes forklift in-house training. This will verify their competence and confidence for operating the designated forklift/s and may cover the company from claims employees were not adequately trained.

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  • MBIE recommends taking all new forklift operators through a full in-house training program using the forklift/s that the operator will be expected to use. This training program could include forklift daily pre-checks, forklift specifications and capacity, specific hand and foot controls, site traffic rules/expectations and safe operating techniques.

    They also suggest creating a competency register which is signed by every employee who completes forklift in-house training. This will verify their competence and confidence for operating the designated forklift/s and may cover the company from claims employees were not adequately trained.

  • All forklift operators have written permission from the company to operate the designated forklifts

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  • MBIE recommend having a document stating who has been authorised to operate the forklift/s, when they were authorised, and by whom. This may cover your company if a non-authorised employee chooses to operate the forklift (without permission) and is involved in an incident.

External Person/s Operating Forklifts

  • Any person/s external from the company (suppliers, contractors, temporary staff) operate the forklift/s on site

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  • A sufficient process to ensure all external person/s operating forklifts on site have and maintain current DOL (OSH) certifications

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  • MBIE recommends having a sign-in form for all site visitors which includes a section asking if they will operate a forklift on-site as well as if they hold current DOL (OSH) certification

  • A process for authorisation and induction for these external forklift operators?

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  • It is recommended that all external person/s operating forklifts on your site first go through an site induction process before being formally authorised to operate your forklifts. It is also recommended that all external person/s undergo a new site induction every six months in order to keep up with any equipment and/or site changes.

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  • If this situation changes and you choose to allow external parties to operate your forklifts, it is recommended to form authorisation, induction and sign-in systems in order to ensure external parties are legally able to and competent to operate forklifts on your site.

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  • If this situation changes and you choose to allow external parties to operate your forklifts, it is recommended to form authorisation, induction and sign-in systems in order to ensure external parties are legally able to and competent to operate forklifts on your site.

F Endorsements

  • Are there any areas of the company's site that would require an F endorsement to operate a forklift (public carparks, throughways, public areas, roads, service lanes) - regardless of whether forklifts are currently operating in these areas

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  • Specify which area/s of the site would require an F Endorsement in order to operate the forklifts within

  • Forklift/s currently operate within any of these areas

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  • Please note: If in the future you are wanting to operate a forklift in the area/s described above, forklift operators would be legally required to hold a current F endorsement (printed on their NZ driver's licence).

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  • Every person who operates a forklift within these area/s hold a current F endorsement (printed on their current NZ driver's licence)

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  • Please note: The law states that forklifts operating in areas deemed 'publicly accessible' require all forklift operators to maintain current F endorsements (which need to be printed on their current NZ driver's licence)

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  • Company moniters all F endorsed forklift operators on the NZ driver check program (which tracks changes in licence status and reports any changes)?

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  • If your company holds a 'NZTA Transport Service Licence', you may like to consider registering all drivers and forklift operators with Toro (NZTA driver check). This service is free and allows employers to be notified if and when employees have a licence status change (including if they lose their licence).

Warehouse / Forklifts

General Warehouse Assessment

  • Safe racking system (company's racking system appears to be secure with no signs of incorrect assembly and without any noticeable damage or missing components)

  • Designated pedestrian pathways in areas where forklifts are operating - Comment on any high risk areas and/or make recommendations for improvements/pedestrian pathways

  • Adequate barriers, bollards etc. to avoid preventable damages / harm to people and property

Forklift Environment

  • Adequate forklift parking space

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  • Please note: It is a MBIE requirement that all forklifts have designated parking spaces

  • Adequate parking procedures (common knowledge when forklifts need to be left in designated forklift parking)

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  • Please note: There are strict MBIE requirements around how and when forklift operators must go through full parking prodecures. The most common requirement for parking is when an operator is wanting to go further than 7.6m from the forklift. Please ask an Agoge representative if further explanation is required.

  • Evidence of forklift signage around warehouse and wider site ('forklift in operation', 'authorised personnel only', 'safety gear - high vis needed', etc)

  • Safety cage for lifting person/s with forklift/s

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  • Please note: It is a legal requirement that companies provide a certified safety cage if person/s are to be hoisted up using a forklift (to change lightbulbs, repair racking, etc)

General Forklift

  • Full comprehensive forklift service records

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  • MBIE recommends maintaining a comprehensive service record for each forklift on site, which shows regular servicing and repairs/parts replacement

  • Operator/s conduct daily forklift pre-checks and sign-off on them

Forklift Check

  • Forklift instruction manual easily available

  • Rotating beacon light working on each forklift

  • Does the company's forklift/s operate in publicly-accessible area?

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  • Please note: If your forklift/s operates in a publicly-accessible area, NZTA state "your forklift/s must be registered and have a warrent of fitness - and it may need an alternative fuel certificate". Please see for more information

  • Current warrant of fitness for forklift/s

  • Registration plate for each forklift

  • Licence label (registration sticker) for each forklift

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  • Please note: If your forklift/s operates in a publicly-accessible area, NZTA state "your forklift/s must be registered and have a warrent of fitness - and it may need an alternative fuel certificate". Please see for more information

Safety Focus

Health & Safety Meetings

  • Regular management meetings for reviewing and adapting H&S policies and procedures

  • Weekly team safety 'toolbox' meeting

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  • We recommend conducting weekly safety 'toolbox' meetings. This is an opportunity for management to discuss with staff changes to H&S policies, as well as reiterate important H&S messages and expectations for hazard identification. These meetings will also promote staff buy-in - an opportunity for them to raise any issues/concerns they may have and come up with ideas to further reduce damages and harm within the workplace.

Safety Focus

  • Health and safety representative on every shift

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  • It is recommended that a H&S representative is present on every shift to ensure consistency of H&S compliance and implementation. It also offers staff a 'go-to' person for identifying hazards and raising health & safety issues.

  • Common staff expectations for hazard identification/reporting and near-miss reporting

  • Signs & posters with safety focus messages

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.