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Section 16: Substations

  • 16.1 Substations are adequately secured with walls or fences, door or gates, and suitable locking mechanisms. <br>Criteria<br>* Nothing on these sites would facilitate breaching these barriers.<br>* Fences and barbed wire strands are in very good condition.<br>* Fence gaps and/or washouts are four inches or less.<br>* Gate fastening mechanisms and hardware provide substantial barrier to unauthorized entry.<br>* Nearby facilities, structures, and stored materials are clear of substation. <br><br>ref: NESSC Rule Section 110A

  • 10.2 Substation fences, structures, and equipment are interconnected to a grounding grid for safe access and operation. <br>Criteria:<br>* Fence fabric and barbed wires are connected to the grid as required.<br>* All gates are connected in an effective manner to the grounding grid.<br>* All equipment cases are connected to the grid as recommended by the manufacturers.<br>* All structure components are grounded to the grid.<br>* All switching devices are grounded as recommended and required.<br><br>ref: NESSC Rule Section 110A<br><br><br>

  • 16.3 Substation hazard identification signs meet the following specifications and industry standards. <br>Criteria:<br>* "Warning" signs of the proper design, wording, and color are conspicuously displayed on all sides and entrances of the substations.<br>* "Danger" signs of the proper design, wording, and color are displayed on the inside of substations. (RUS and OSHA Standards)<br>* Visibility and condition of the signs are good.<br><br>ref: NESC Rule 110A1/Section 411 D/ANSI Z535

  • 16.4 Clearances exceed the minimum requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code in all areas for the voltages involved. <br><br>ref: NESC Rule 124A1 Table 124-1/124-2

  • 16.5 Substation areas and equipment show signs of regular maintenance and inspections. <br>Criteria:<br>* Structures and devices are in very good condition (no evidence of oil leaks) and properly grounded. <br>* Switching devices are properly secured. <br>* Circuit and equipment identification is very good.<br>* Gravel areas are level and free of weeds, debris, and stored materials.<br><br>ref: RUS Bulletin 1724E-300 Design Guide for Rural Substations

  • 16.6 Substation batteries are maintained in a safe manner and hazard precautions are evident in the following areas.<br>Criteria:<br>* Battery banks include proper ventilation systems.<br>* Battery banks have pertinent hazard identification signs (including "No Smoking" and "Eye and Face Protection Required") <br>* Banks have the appropriate electrical and light wiring. <br>* PPE equipment for battery banks includes: splash googles, face shield, eye wash, splash apron and protective barrier gloves available. <br>* Adequate fire protection is available in banked battery locations and area is relatively free of combustible materials. <br><br>ref: IEEE-450. "Recommended Practice for Maintenance, Testing and Replacement of Large Lead Storage Batteries for Generating Stations and Substations" <br> OSHA 1925.403 / OSHA 1910.178 subparagraph (g)<br> NFPA 70E "320.8 Personnel Protective Equipment"<br> OSHA 29 CFR 1910.151(c) NFPA 70E, Section 320.9 1910.137

  • 16.7 Interviewed employees can explain the substation switching protocols that are used for accomplishing routine procedures. <br><br>ref: 1910.269(a)(2)

  • 16.8 If a mobile substation is on location for connection to power lines, procedures are available for setup, energizing de-energizing and travel. <br>Criteria:<br>* Check that Mobile Substation Setup Checklist is available and understood.<br>* Applicable employees an explain procedures (e.g., setup, energizing and de-energizing) for placing a mobile substation(s) in service. * Containment plans are in place for when the mobile substation is to be utilized (may be addressed in the SPCC plan)<br><br>ref: 1910.269(a)(2)<br>

  • 16.9 Operation of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisitions (SCADA) controlled equipment is performed by a designated qualified operator. <br>Criteria: <br>* SCADA operating procedures should be clearly defined and responsibility for operation delegated to qualified operators. Interviewed employees can explain SCADA switching procedures to verify that no personnel are working on the facilities affected by switching of SCADA controlled equipment.

  • 16.10 A SCADA tag is installed on SCADA controlled equipment.<br>Criteria:<br>* SCADA controlled equipment shall be tagged at the point of control if equipment or line is to be worked as de-energized and:<br> - Could cause the opened disconnecting means to close;<br> - When a recloser is put in one shot to protect employees; or,<br> - Requested by personnel in the field to open/close SCADA controlled equipment so repairs can be made.<br><br>ref: NESC 442E; Section 15<br>

Section 16: Summary

  • 16.11 The overall evaluation of the onsite field observation team for this section of the assessment is as follows:<br>Criteria: <br>* Strong performance - Questions evaluated as exceeds or satisfies all requirements.<br>* Satisfactory performance - Questions evaluated as satisfies all requirements, could be a small number evaluated as exceeds.<br>* Generally satisfactory with minor areas for improvement - Questions evaluated as satisfies all or most requirements, improvement areas are minor<br>* Key attention areas for improvement - Questions evaluated as partially satisfies or fails to satisfy requirements in important improvement areas<br>

AIEC Safety Personnel Signature

  • Stephen Davis

  • Daren Deverman

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