Area Inspected
Inspecting Personal/s
Conducted on
Document No.
Housekeeping, Layout and Storage
Trip & slip hazards, floor covering, no heavy items above shoulder height, waste disposal, sharp edges, hazardous substances, ergonomics, clutter
Observation & Corrective Actions
Fire & Emergency
Access/egress, fire extinguishers in test, signage (wardens/evacuation routes), clutter, drills conducted, staff awareness?
Observation & Corrective Actions
First Aid
SDS, First Aid Kit maintained, safety station, staff awareness after hours?
Observation & Corrective Actions
Adequate for task, lighting diffusers clean and secure, control of natural light
Observation & Corrective Actions
Indoor Air Quality, Noise and Vibration
Task controlled (soldering, chemical reactions), vent free of dust, signage where required (noise), passers-by protected
Observation & Corrective Actions
Food/water restricted from labs etc., wheelchair accessible, clean, slip/trip hazards
Observation & Corrective Actions
Office/Other Equipment & PPE
Clutter, staff trained in PPE use, machine guards in place, SOPs available, PPE stored correctly and available, SDS
Observation & Corrective Actions
Ergonomics and Manual Handling
Staff ergonomic awareness, adequate workspace, repetitive/pulling/pushing/reaching/awkward, mechanical aids in good condition, breaks - eyes/muscles
Observation & Corrective Actions
Permanent items with own outlet, minimal power boards/leads, test & tag current, cords protected (floor/chair), trip hazards, staff awareness of AIMS procedure (wet)
Observation & Corrective Actions
Health and Safety Management
Staff awareness of change management, TRA, SOPS, area specific induction, HERS, audit conducted
Observation & Corrective Actions
Responsible Person
Due date
Inspecting Personal signature
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Inspecting Personal signature
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