Title Page
Company Name
Type of business
Company Representative (name and title)
Conducted on
Prepared by
Initial Client WHS Assessment
What date was the initial Client WHS Evaluation completed for this client?
How many years is it since the initial Client WHS Evaluation?
This review template can not be used. Complete a full Systems and Site Client WHS Evaluation.
Is this the first review since the initial Client WHS Evaluation?
Upload a copy of previous review(s)
Upload a copy of the initial Client WHS Evaluation
Are there any actions from the previous assessment that remain outstanding?
- No, there are no outstanding actions
- Yes, there are outstanding actions from the previous assessment
Identify the outstanding actions, and provide information about when these will be actioned by the host.
Have any injuries occurred in the 12 months?
What type of injuries have occurred?
Are our labour hire workers working in areas or performing tasks where these injuries have occurred?
Describe these areas and/or tasks
What risk controls are in place to prevent similar injuries?
Have there been incidents in the past year involving our labour hire worker?
Are the incident report/investigation documented?
WHS System Documentation
With reference to the initial Client WHS Assessment, and any previous reviews, are there any changes to the host's systems for managing health and safety that we should be aware of?
Describe the changes
Does the host understand its obligation to consult us before changing the workers’ duties or location?
- Yes, the host has confirmed it understands its obligation to consult with us before making any changes to the workers' duties or location.
- No, the representative of the host was unaware of this obligation. We have had a discussion with the representative to explain this requirement.
Safe Work Procedures
Do our labour hire workers continue to have access to WHS Policies and Procedures?
- Yes, labour hire workers continue to have access to WHS Policies and Procedures
- No, labour hire workers do not have access to WHS Policies and Procedures
Consultation (WHS discussions with workers)
Does the host continue to involve our labour hire workers in discussions related to WHS?
- Yes, the host continues to involve labour hire workers in discussions related to WHS
- No, there is no supporting information that demonstrates the host continues to involve labour hire workers in discussions related to WHS
Either photograph the record of worker consultation or describe your observations in the notes.
Task Observation + Worker Consultation
Examine the most recent Job Order for jobs associated with this client
Do the Job Orders still accurately reflect the work performed by our labour hire worker?
Consult with the host, and instruct our labour hire worker(s) to cease tasks not within the Job Order until we have completed a thorough WHS review of these activities.
Talk with our labour hire workers working at the workplace.
Are there any health and safety concerns raised by our labour hire workers during the discussion?
- Yes, health and safety concerns were raised by labour hire worker(s) during the discussion.
- No, labour hire worker(s) did not raise any health and safety concerns during the discussion.
List any health and safety concerns mentioned. Create a separate action for each concern.
Workplace Hazards
Are there any hazards at the workplace that are not adequately controlled?
- Yes, the host has confirmed it understands its obligation to consult with us before making any changes to the workers' duties or location.
- No, the representative of the host was unaware of this obligation. We have had a discussion with the representative to explain this requirement.
Describe the hazards that you believe are not adequately controlled
Next Review
Next review date Note: the review date is 12 months from the date the site assessment was completed.
Set a reminder for the review in JobAdder.
Will we proceed with placement?
Explain the reasons why we will not proceed with placement.