
  • State

  • Client Name / Site Address

  • Name of Technician who services this site

  • Date this site was last serviced

  • Audit completed by

  • Audit conducted on

ASK THE CUSTOMER (Site Contact or Receptionist etc). Please select N/A if nobody is available to answer the questions in this category.

  • Is the customer satisfied with the health & condition of the plants installed?

  • Is the customer satisfied with the quality of our containers & top dressing installed?

  • Is the customer satisfied with the overall installation process?


  • Are the plants healthy? (The plants should have no signs of physiological damage)

  • Are the plants clean? (The foliage should be free of dust & grime)

  • Have the plants been trimmed & pruned correctly? (Leaf shape must be maintained around the margin when trimmed, or leaves must be removed at the stem)

  • Are the plants free of pest & disease? (Honeydew must also be removed from the foliage if any is present)

  • Have the plants been watered in correctly? (Check the soil for moisture with a probe, check the water levels in the sub-irrigation reservoir with a pipette)

  • Have the plants been wicked? (Only if sub-irrigated)

  • Have the correct species of plants been installed? (Are the species suitable for the area)

  • Are the containers clean and in optimal condition? (Free from scratches, damage, hand marks, dirt & grime)

  • Have the containers been positioned correctly? (Sub-irrigation holes easy to reach without moving the container)

  • Is the container topping in good condition? (Free from Staines and water marks)

  • Are the containers topped up sufficiently? (The grow pots should not be visible)

SHE (Safety Health & Environment)

  • Was a SSRA (Site Specific Risk Assessment) completed?

  • Is the site safe to service? (What hazards, if any, have been identified)


  • Is there any potential sales opportunities? (If no, enter N/A. If yes, please specify)


  • What training recommendations are required for the Service Technician?

  • Technician Name & Signature


  • Comments

  • Auditor Name & Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.