Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
How many full portable oxygen tanks?
How many empty portable oxygen tanks?
Pressure of main tank?
Is blood pressure cuff operable?
Is pulse ox operable?
Adult, pediatrics, and infant blood pressure cuffs?
Is glucometer working? Stocked: lancets, alcohol wipes, gauze pads and bandaids?
Patient compartment
How many stretcher covers?
How many blankets?
How many pillows?
Safety equipment
How many biohazard bags?
Safety goggles?
How many face shields ?
How many N95s?
How many gowns?
How many surgical masks?
Paper towels and sanitizing spray?
Sanitizing wipes?
Action tray
Portable suction functional?
Protocol book present?
Small, medium and large gloves?
Is stretcher functional?
Portable oxygen tank pressure?
Stretcher batteries charged?
Oxygen cylinder wrench present?
Surgical masks?