Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by


Car Parks & Traffic Management

  • Conditions of entry signage in place and clearly visible (e.g. Park at Owners Risk, Closing times)

  • Car park surface free from potholes (if no, take photos of all potholes or surfaces that require repair)

  • Speed reduction measures in place and effective (speed limit signs in place & consistent, speed humps located in high traffic areas)

  • Speed limit signs and traffic flow signs displayed

  • Line markings clear and painted with anti-slip paint

  • Line marking - pedestrian crossings in place within centre entry/exits and placed within high pedestrian/traffic areas

  • Pedestrian walkways signposted, clearly defined and unobstructed

  • Protective bollards and guards in place where required (e.g. in pedestrian areas where a vehicle could enter) and in good condition

  • Boom gates and roller shutters in good working order, and all safety beams and devices operating

  • Wheel stops present in car spaces opposite wall structures

  • All curbs edges highlighted to avoid slip/trip hazards

  • All exclusion/exemption signs and disclaimers clear and visible

  • All lights within car park operational and all areas adequately lit

  • Large trees, if present in car park (or in other areas), inspected by a qualified arborist (record date of last inspection)

  • Maximum height measures and signage in place at undercover parking entrances

  • Shopping trolley collection points all signposted and highlighted

  • Exhaust fans operational in undercover car parks

Loading Dock Management

  • Loading dock signage in place and visible with dock rules clearly defined

  • Loading dock line markings in place and clearly visible delineating vehicle/pedestrian access and exclusion zones

  • Loading dock area clean and free from rubbish or other obstructions

  • Elevated platform docks (if present) have high visibility (e.g. bright yellow, 15cm wide) and slip resistant application

  • Elevated platform docks (if present) have fall prevention barriers installed (e.g. if forklift used on platform and at pedestrian walkways and stairs)

  • Adequate lighting in place and operational

Building Exterior

  • Visual inspection completed to identify any loose or damaged bricks, tile, cladding etc. that may present a safety risk

  • External windows and glazing in good condition

  • Exterior lighting functioning and signage in good condition and clearly legible

  • Perimeter boundary inspection completed and any potential risks identified

  • Gutters, drains and grates are clear of debris and rubbish

  • All grates to prevent shoe heel, trolley entrapment in good condition

Garden & Lawns

  • Plants and trees maintained to allow visibility at carpark entrances and corners

  • Gardens are clear of litter and any airborne debris hazards

  • Walkways clear of overhanging branches that present a potential safety hazard (e.g. lower than 2m)

  • Feature and general garden lighting in safe working order

  • Kerbing and garden bed borders in good conditions and clearly visible

  • Ponds, water features signposted e.g. NO SWIMMING

Footpaths & Walkways

  • Stairs and walkways in good condition

  • Non-slip treads on stairs provided and in good repair

  • Rooftop walkways - joining plates and walkway securely fixed, no missing sections

  • Roads and pavement - free from significant slip/trip/fall hazards

  • Painted surfaces that can be stepped on have been treated with anti-slip paint/material

External Access / Egress Public Liability

  • Pedestrian traffic areas (e.g. paths, walkway, stairs) outside of the centre in sound condition and absent from potential slip, trip or fall hazards

  • External steps and stairways have appropriate safety measures in place including hand rails, slip resistant edges in contrasting colour, warning signs for weather-exposed areas

Internal Access / Egress Public Liability

  • Internal floor surfaces in sound condition and do not present a potential slip, trip or fall hazard (e.g. no uneven surfaces > 5mm)

  • Wet weather management plan in place including wet weather matting and signage

  • Wet weather matting provides appropriate coverage

  • Slip-resistant surfaces in place in required areas

  • Glass entrances suitably visible and marked for easy identification (i.e. decals)

  • Smoking prohibited in the centre and NO SMOKING signs at entrances.

Automatic Doors

  • All automatic doors operational with no visible damage and annual service completed

  • Internal exit button functional when doors are locked

Building Interior - Common Areas

  • Floor surfaces even and maintained free from water and other liquids

  • Floor mats secured with non-slip backing and edges in good condition

  • Carpeted areas in good order with no excessive wear or damaged seams

  • Hard floor surfaces in good condition with no gaps or loose tiles

  • Trip hazards identified and clearly marked (where present)

  • Hand rails installed for pedestrian ramps and stairs and in good repair

  • Directional signage and centre directories in prominent locations

  • All signage in good condition

  • Lighting levels adequate

  • Security cameras in place and reviewed for effectiveness

  • Child rides all "sit in 11 rides

  • Children's rides and freestanding displays safely installed and maintained

  • Vending machines, planters, ATMs, chairs/tables installed away from balustrades

Vertical Transportation - Travelators / Escalators

  • Escalator / Travelator Safety Signs in place, clear and visible

  • Travelators / Escalators have clearly displayed signage for access restrictions for applicable items (e.g. wheelchairs, prams, motor scooters etc.)

  • Travelators / Escalators have demarcation lines clearly defined

  • Non-slip entrance/exit plates in place and in good condition

  • Travelator / Escalator brushes/ combs in good working order

  • Spare combs for escalator or travelator are stored on site

  • Travelators have clearly labelled emergency stop at each end

  • Emergency stop button tested and operational

Vertical Transportation - Lifts

  • Lift motor room locked with appropriate signage in place (e.g. DANGER- Keep out, authorised personnel only).

  • Lift motor room clean and free from any items not specific to intended use

  • Lift motor room well ventilated with good lighting

  • Lift control cabinets locked and signed DANGER- Keep out, authorised personnel only

  • Emergency phones in Lifts tested and operational

Amenities (Toilets & Parents Room)

  • All access areas free from slip, trip and fall hazards

  • All amenities hygienic and well stocked with supplies

  • Lighting and ventilation suitable and operational

  • Parent room inspected with all change tables and equipment and signage in good condition

  • Amenities free from graffiti and offensive material

  • Suitable waste facilities and sanitary disposal units in place and frequently serviced

  • Sharps disposal units in place and serviced

Waste Management & Equipment (e.g. Compactors, Cardboard Balers etc.)

  • Rubbish bins cleared at regular intervals

  • Waste areas locked and signposted DANGER- Keep out, authorised personnel only & No smoking

  • Clear Safe Operational Procedures displayed and clearance zones identified on equipment

  • Access restricted to controls (e.g. locked with key) to ensure only trained operators can use equipment

  • Waste compactor fitted with Emergency Stop button and locking safety switch (isolation point)

  • All switches and control buttons clearly labelled and operating correctly

  • Waste collection areas clear and free from debris, rubbish and odours

First Aid

  • First Aid Kit available in CMO and Security Office

  • First aid kit in a prominent and accessible place and clearly identifiable

  • First Aid kit of sufficient size to hold the contents & appropriately sealed (e.g. closed but not locked)

  • First Aid kit and its contents kept clean and protected from damp and rust

  • First Aid kit fully stocked with no items out of date (refer to list in kit)?

  • List of emergency contacts and First Aiders present with the kit

Emergency Response & Fire Protection

  • All fire protection extinguishers and hose reels free from obstruction and easily accessible

  • Fire hose reels - clean, hoses correctly rolled

  • Fire extinguishers, hose reels, hydrants inspected on a six monthly basis with current inspection tags

  • Fire/smoke doors clearly signed, operational (open from the inside) and with internal/external access areas free from obstruction

  • Emergency evacuation plans clearly displayed in each area, include exit routes and correctly oriented

  • Illuminated exit signs in place at all locations of egress with emergency exist clearly marked

  • At least one exit sign visible from all locations

  • Paths of egress clear from obstruction

  • Emergency lighting in place and tested

  • Fire indicator panel free from faults

  • Isolation Register displayed

  • ASE / EWIS / Occupant Warning System in "Auto Mode"

  • Smoking prohibited in the center and NO SMOKING signs at entrances.

Contractor Management

  • 'Sign In' register including site rules available for Contractor sign in and out

  • Contractor key lock box system in place, secure and in good condition with a key register

  • Emergency contact details of key center personnel displayed and current

  • Center Risk Register in place and available at designated sign-in location

  • Copy of Hazardous Materials & Asbestos Register available at sign-in location

Confined Spaces

  • Confined spaces identified with suitable signage in place (e.g. DANGER - confined space, entry by permit only)

  • Confined space entry permit system in place

  • Confined space register and Risk Assessment completed for all applicable areas

Electrical Safety

  • Electrical switch room/switch board locked, signage in place (eg DANGER-electrical hazard, keep out)

  • Electrical switch room clean and free from any items not specific to intended use

  • Electrical switch room well ventilated with good lighting

  • Smoke detectors installed in electrical switch room

  • Fixed and portable electrical equipment in good condition and tested periodically.

  • Residual current devices (safety switches) tested regularly

  • Electrical switchboard cupboards have clear access and signage (DANGER-electrical hazard, authorised personnel only)

Cooling Towers

  • Cooling Tower Registration Certificates current and prominently displayed in the Plant Room

  • Cooling Tower Plant Room locked with signage place (e.g. DANGER- Keep out, authorised personnel only)

  • Cooling Tower basin and surrounds clean and free from any items not specific to intended use

  • Cooling Tower testing regime in place and monitored

  • Contractors' chemicals are stored off site

Plant Rooms

  • Plant rooms locked with signage in place (e.g. DANGER- Keep out, authorised personnel only).

  • Hearing protection signage if plant room is noisy

  • Plant room clean and free from rubbish or debris

  • Trip hazards identified and highlighted (e.g. bunds)

  • Workshop/Plant safety guards are in place and in good condition

  • All dangerous machine parts guarded with solid guards (e.g. cannot be removed without tool)

  • Hot parts are guarded or have warning signage

  • Machine isolation (LOTO) points lockable and signposted

  • Plant room well ventilated with good lighting

  • Low overhead hazards highlighted and cushioned, with warning signage in place

  • Only non-conducting ladders available for use

  • Gas cylinders appropriately secured, protected from physical damage and located away from potential ignition sources. Spare cylinders stored outdoors, in cage.

  • Pressure vessels are operating within safe working limits and service schedule

  • Electricals - earth leakage protection/RCD's installed

Working from Heights

  • Access to roof areas locked with signage in place (e.g. DANGER - No entry without permit).

  • Roof access controls in place and in good condition (e.g. ladders securely fixed, anchor points, fall

  • Roof areas free from any potential slip. trip or fall hazards

  • Skylights or brittle surfaces have barriers around or safety mesh and brittle roof warning signs

  • 'Working from Heights' permit system in place


  • Cleaners' room locked when unattended with clear identification and signage in place (e.g. Cleaners' Room, and NO ENTRY, authorised personnel only).

  • Cleaner's room well organised, clean and tidy

  • Cleaners' room well ventilated with good lighting

  • All cleaning chemicals stored in designated, bunded areas. Flammables cabinet if more than 100L of flammable liquids.

  • Chemical storage rooms locked with clear warning and restricted access signage

  • Cleaning chemicals clearly labelled within fit for purpose dispensers

  • Current Safety Data Sheets (dated within 5 years) and located in cleaners' room.

  • Register of cleaning chemicals available and up to date

  • Spill kits and eye wash facilities available, signposted and in easily accessible location

  • First Aid Kits available and well stocked

Tenant Issues

  • Tenant fixtures - check for protruding stability, overhead strike risks

  • Tenant potato chip and grapes are contained within spill proof containers

  • Florist has wet floor controls in place

  • Tenant HAZCHEM signage displayed and Centre Manager aware of the storage of any flammable materials on site

  • Tenant call alert systems are in place for duress and common areas cleaning

  • Tenant signs, stands and displays confined within tenant designated lease areas, Tenant materials are unlikely to spill/overspill into common areas (50 cm maximum)

  • Tenant fat fryers free of build up of grease and fat and maintenance records up to date


  • Pest control - Baits located in safe locations

  • Clear access to meters (gas, water etc)

  • Rules and prohibited items displayed at entrances (e.g. no skateboards, bikes, animals, alcohol etc)

  • Security cameras (where installed) are operational, with clear and visible signage (where appropriate)

  • Scheduled maintenance plan in place including: essential services, lifts, travellators, automatic doors, first aid kits, fire equipment, cooling towers

  • WorkSafe "If you are injured at work" poster displayed e.g. on staff noticeboard.

  • Section B: Follow Up Action


  • Completed by

  • Approved by

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.