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    Name of site inspected
  • Conducted on

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  • Location

Solar Site Inspection

General site inspection

Fencing and access control

  • Are all fences and gates intact and without any visible damage?

  • Are all locks functional and not corroded?

  • Are all walkways and paths clear of debris and vegetation where applicable?

Working at heights equipment

  • Is the system ground mounted or roof mounted?

  • Are all anchoring points securely fastened and free from damage?

  • Are all CAT ladders free from damage and corrosion?

  • Are all CAT ladder access hatches suitably locked and are the locks in good condition?

Water Supply

  • Are all water supply points accessible and operating correctly?

General safety equipment

  • Is there a central fire detection and suppression system in place?

  • To the best of your knowledge, does the system appear to be functioning correctly?

  • Was the last external inspection date for the fire suppression system less than a year ago?

  • Are there free standing ABC fire extinguishers installed on site?

  • Was the last external inspection date less than a year ago?

Climate control systems

  • Is there an HVAC system installed to regulate temperatures of the equipment?

  • Is the aircon unit set to the correct temperature of 23-25 degrees Celsius?

  • Does the temperature in the room correspond to the setting on the aircon unit? (within a margin of 2 degrees)

  • Does the unit appear to be functional without any visible damage, leaking, etc?

  • Was the last external inspection date of the aircon less than 1 year ago?

  • Are there extraction vents / baffles installed to extract heated air from the equipment?

  • Are all the baffles and vents free from obstruction and debris?

  • Where applicable, are the extraction fans fully functional and not making noise inconsistent with typical operation?

Lightning protection system

  • Is there an external lightning protection system installed?

  • Does the LPS appear to be intact and functional? Check specifically for corrosion at joints, damage to conductors, etc.

Vegetation control

  • Is all vegetation well maintained underneath and around the solar modules?

Drainage systems

  • Are all drainage systems clear of obstructions and debris?

Module, Structure and Sensor Inspection

  • Is there an irradiance sensor on site?

  • Is it free from soiling?

  • Is it free from any damage and are all the cables and terminations still intact?

  • Does the reading align with the irradiance testing equipment that you have on hand? (Within 2% of each other)

  • Do any modules have any visible damage? (If yes, please add module details and images.)

  • Were there any possible concerns noted during the thermographic inspection? (If yes, please add module details and images.)

  • Were all the clamps fastened correctly when inspecting a random subset of modules?

  • After checking another subset of modules were those clamps found to be tightened adequately?

  • Are modules free from heavy soiling and bird droppings?

  • Does the mounting structure appear to be structurally sound and free from any damage or corrosion specifically at joints and fastener positions?

Cabling inspection

  • Where applicable, are all bonding cables intact and free from damage or corrosion at their termination points?

  • Where applicable, are all cable trays, wireways, etc. free from any damage and corrosion?

  • Are all cables free from visible damage to their insulation?

  • Are all joints and terminations adequately fastened, free from damage and mechanically sound?

  • Where applicable are all cables and terminations correctly labeled and still legible?

  • Inverter inspection
  • Please provide inverter number and serial number.

  • Are all parameters still configured as originally intended? For example NRS 097-2-1.

  • Is the active cooling system fully functional and free from excessive noise?

  • Are all air vents free from dust and debris?

  • Did the thermographic inspection raise any concerns?

  • Are all connectors and terminations still mechanically sound?

  • Are the DC isolators fully functional? (Confirm with string current testing)

Electrical Cabinets and Switchboards Inspection

  • Is all required documentation present in the respective electrical boards?

  • Are all forms of labelling and identification still present and legible?

  • Are all boards free from debris and dust that may cause flashover?

  • Are all terminations mechanically sound and free from damage or corrosion?

  • Where applicable, are all surge protectors still suitable for operation? (Green indicator still showing)

  • Are all isolating devices still functional? (Where possible press "Trip" button to test and confirm that voltage is fully isolated from the load side of the breaker.)

  • Are all fuse holders and fuses still intact and fully functional?

  • Did the thermographic inspection reveal any possible points of concern?

  • Are there systems that make use of 24VDC installed on site?

  • Are all 24VDC supply voltages within the accepted limits?

  • Is there a UPS device installed in any electrical board?

  • Is the UPS sill fully functional? Confirm that it can supply the load when isolated from the main supply and that it is charging the battery as expected.

  • Is the battery still within acceptable voltage limits during charging and discharging?

  • Are all energy meters reporting the correct values and functioning as intended? (Confirm with current clamps and multimeters.)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.