Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Commissioning Report

Array inspection

  • Does this system include solar PV modules?

Design and installation inspection

  • Have all strings been labelled at both points of termination (PV module and inverter side) and on the PV module itself? (PV module cable labelling suitable if they are easily visible, otherwise module frame label required.)

  • Have all DC string cables been specified to withstand DC voltages up to 1500V and are they double insulated? (Solarflex H1Z2Z2)

  • Are all DC components rated for continuous DC operation?

  • Are all DC components rated to handle the highest expected voltage at the lowest temperature and the highest short circuit current expected (Isc@STC x 1.25)?

  • Have all wiring systems been selected and erected to withstand the expected external influences such as wind, ice formation, temperature and solar radiation?

  • Systems without string over-current protective devices: String cables sized to accommodate the maximum combined fault current from parallel strings?

  • Systems with string over-current protective devices: over-current protective devices are correctly specified to local codes or to the PV module manufacturer's instructions?

  • Where the DC isolator on the inverter is not specified to comply with IEC 60947-3, has a separate DC switch disconnector been fitted to the DC side of the inverter?

  • Array frame equipotential bonding installed and confirmed to be less than 0.2 ohm between exposed conductive parts within arm's reach of each other? (This includes any electrically conductive structures within arm's reach)

  • Bonding conductors have been run parallel to DC cable arrangements?

  • All DC junction boxes (PV generator and PV array boxes) and wireways carry a warning label indicating that active parts inside these components are fed from a PV array and may still be live after isolation from the PV inverter and public supply.

  • Ventilation provided behind array to prevent overheating / fire risk?

  • Array frame and material corrosion proof?

  • Array frame correctly fixed and stable; roof fixings weatherproof.

  • Is the array mounting structure suitable for the given application?

  • Is the array mounting structure free from any damage and corrosion and have the correct fasteners been used for the structure?

  • Where cables/conductors have broken any weather proof barrier or entered into any underground conduit/piping arrangement, have these entries been made weatherproof to prevent water ingress?

Environmental conditions

  • Have suitable water access points been provided to allow for easy access to water for O&M purposes?

  • Have suitable means been provided to prevent unauthorized access to the array?

  • Have all modules been cleaned prior to commissioning?

  • Is this a ground mounted system?

  • Have fire barriers been created to prevent fire egress from the PV array to vegetation outside the boundaries of the PV array?

  • Has all vegetation been managed to prevent any negative impact on the performance of the PV array?

  • Is this a roof mounted system?

  • Have CAT ladders been installed to provide roof access?

  • Are these ladders structurally sound and has a competent person approved their design and installation?

  • Have the ladders and their fixings been protected against corrosion?

  • Are these ladders easily accessible to authorized personnel?

  • Are these ladders suitably protected from unauthorized access?

  • Have anchoring points been provided to allow safe access to sections of the roof without scaffolding and other means of fall protection?

  • Have these anchoring points been designed and their installation approved by a competent person?

AC Electrical Works Inspection

  • Have means been provided to safely isolate each individual inverter on site.

  • Are all isolation devices wired with utility supply on the "Line" side and the PV inverter on the "Load" side of the device?

  • Have labels been provided to indicate the contrary? And have all other labels/markings indicating otherwise been obscured.

  • Are all protective devices correctly specified for the continuous duty of the circuit and for the prospective fault levels that may be experienced?

  • Have SPDs of the correct type and rating been installed to the correct standard?

  • Are all terminations securely fastened and correctly terminated?

  • Is correct colour coding convention used for phase, neutral and protective conductors?

  • Are all exposed extraneous conductive parts within arm's reach bonded with an impedance less than 0.2 ohm between any two parts?

  • Are all electrical covers correctly installed, allowing no physical access to live parts without the use of a key or tool?

  • Are all circuits, protective devices, switches and terminals suitably labelled?

  • Main AC isolator clearly labelled?

  • Dual supply warning labels fitted at point of interconnection?

  • Single line wiring diagram displayed inside DB boards?

  • Emergency shutdown procedures displayed on site?

  • All signs and labels suitably affixed and durable?

  • All cable trays are suitably bonded where and as required.

  • All cable trays are securely fastened and their covers have been secured with the correct clips?

Revenue meter commissioning

  • Are there billing grade meters installed on site?

  • Have the CTs been configured correctly to ensure that the burden on the CT circuit maintains the CTs at their class 0.2 accuracy? (CT wiring not too small and not too long)

  • Have the CTs of the meters had their secondary terminals grounded?

  • Have means been provided to safely short out the terminals of the CTs to allow for removal/maintenance of the meters to avoid the need to shut down the power supply?

  • Have the CTs been positioned with the primary side (K) pointing towards the source of energy generation? (If PV meter then facing inverters and if grid meter facing utility)

  • Have the CT ratios been configured correctly for the CTs used on site?

  • Have the serial number of the meters been recorded? (Please repeat for number of meters on site)

  • Meter serial number and address
  • Please fill in the serial number of the meter.

  • Has this meter been added to the monitoring platform?

  • Is this the meter where the LTE modem is connected?

  • Please fill in the cellphone number of the SIM card used and disable the PIN on the SIM card.

  • Please fill in the physical SIM card number printed on it.

  • Please enter the serial number of the LTE modem. (MSK-000xxxx number)

  • Please enter the barcode serial number of the LTE modem.

  • Have you confirmed that the LTE antenna has been suitably placed and that there is adequate signal for the modem?

  • Is this meter connected by means of an RS485 module to the main LTE modem?

  • Please take note of the KMP address of the meter when configuring the CT ratio and provide it here. (If there are multiple meters connected via an RS485 module please ensure that they are sequential addresses and unique)

Inverter commissioning

  • Are the inverters rated to withstand the environmental conditions where they are installed?

  • Have the spacing limits of the inverters been adhered to? (Please refer to the installation manual as this can void warranty claims)

  • Inverter number

Inverter general information

  • What brand of inverter has been installed?

  • What model of inverter has been installed?

  • What is the label/name on this inverter on site?

  • What is the serial number of this inverter?

  • What firmware version was installed at the time of commissioning?

Installation conditions

  • Free from signs of physical damage both internal and external?

  • Fans functioning correctly and free from dirt?

  • Airways not obstructed?

  • Not exposed to direct sunlight for duration of the entire day?

  • Mounted correctly, securely and level?

  • Where applicable, doors are aligned, locking and functioning correctly?

  • Substructure/base mounted correctly?

  • All parts (base, side panels, lids, etc.) have been secured and fastened with the correct screws and no screws are missing?

  • All used cable glands are securely fitted and sealed around cables as much as reasonably possible?

  • Unused cable gland seals have been maintained?

  • Original fittings have been used?

  • Inside of inverter is clean and dry?


  • All cables have been correctly terminated and labeled?

  • Insulation of cables has been stripped to the correct length to prevent fastening terminations onto insulation material?

  • AC cables correctly labeled?

  • All cable terminations have been torqued to the correct specification?

  • DC cables correctly labeled indicating voltage of the circuit?

  • Is this a battery inverter?

Battery Wiring

  • What size cable has been used for the battery terminations? (If multiple runs please specify)

  • Has adequate protection against short circuit currents been provided?

Output wiring

  • What size AC cable has been used on the backup wiring of the inverter?

  • Has adequate protection against short circuit currents been provided? (Taking into account current limiting characteristics of the inverter?)

Input wiring

  • What size AC cable has been used on the input wiring of the inverter?

  • Has adequate protection against short circuit currents been provided?

Input wiring

  • What size AC cable has been used for the wiring of the inverter?

  • Has adequate protection against short circuit currents been provided?

Commissioning information

  • Is the inverter configured to use MODBUS TCP or MODBUS RTU?

  • Please enter the local domain name for the inverter. (If it is not applicable please type N/A)

  • Please enter the static IP address of the inverter if it is applicable, if it is dynamically assigned and makes use of a domain name type N/A.

  • Please enter the MAC Address of the inverter.

  • Please enter the MODBUS ID that was configured on the inverter.

  • Inverter configured to correct NRS 097 grid code?

  • Measured L1-L2 voltage at inverter breaker with breaker in OPEN position (V)

  • Measured L1-L3 voltage at inverter breaker with breaker in OPEN position (V)

  • Measured L2-L3 voltage at inverter breaker with breaker in OPEN position (V)

  • Measured L1-L2 voltage at inverter breaker with breaker in CLOSED position with inverter feeding power at least at 20% of inverter rating (V)

  • Measured L1-L3 voltage at inverter breaker with breaker in CLOSED position with inverter feeding power at least at 20% of inverter rating (V)

  • Measured L2-L3 voltage at inverter breaker with breaker in CLOSED position with inverter feeding power at least at 20% of inverter rating (V)

  • Confirmed that there is no voltage at the inverter terminals when the breaker has been opened? (Loss of mains / islanding test)

  • Reconnection time after grid recovery greater or equal to 60 seconds? (Confirm with current clamp after closing the breaker)

  • MPPT number
  • Does the current rating of the MPPT exceed the total combined MPP current (IMPP) of the strings that are connected to this MPPT?

  • Do the expected minimum and maximum string voltages of the connected strings adhere to the inverter's voltage limits?

  • String number
  • Number of modules in string?

  • Expected open circuit voltage for string (V) (STC conditions)

  • Expected short circuit current of string? (A) (STC conditions)

String Tests

  • Polarity of string correct?

  • Module temperature at time of measurement? (deg C)

  • Irradiance at time of measurement? (W/m2)

  • Measured open circuit voltage (V)

  • Measured voltage positive to ground (V) (Red lead of meter to red string conductor and black lead to ground)

  • Measured voltage negative to ground (V) (Black lead of meter to black string conductor and red lead to ground)

  • Insulation resistance positive string to ground (Megohm) (Test at 1000V)

  • Insulation resistance negative string to ground (Megohm) (Test at 1000V)

  • Measured MPP voltage during operation (V)

  • Measure MPP current during operation (A)

  • String test passed?

Network and Plant Controller Commissioning

  • Is there a UPS system in place to supply backup power to all monitoring devices?

  • Has the system been tested by tripping the input supply and is it functional?

  • Is the battery able to be charged? (Power supply voltage higher than 27V)

  • Is the battery size suitable for the selected loads (Consider all equipment nominal power consumption)

Router Commissioning

  • Has a SIM card been used to provide internet access to this router?

  • Please provide the SIM card number.

  • Please provide the cellphone number of the SIM card.

  • Please provide the PUK number of the SIM card.

  • Please provide the PIN code number of the SIM card.

  • Please enter the IP address or local domain name for the main router used for the system.

  • Please provide the admin username for the router.

  • Please provide the admin password for the router.

  • Please provide the WiFi SSID of the router.

  • Please provide the WiFi password of the router.

  • Has the LAN been configured correctly to ensure that all LAN devices are within the same subnet?

Plant controller

  • Please enter the IP address or local domain name for the plant controller. (Specify any prefixes or suffixes necessary, e.g. HTTPS:// or /webvisu.html)

  • Please enter the admin username to access the device.

  • Please enter the admin password to access the device.

  • Have all power measurement devices been added and are their values reporting correctly? (Confirm with current clamps and multimeters where required)

  • Are all power measurements reporting correctly?

  • Where applicable, have all external environmental sensors been added and are their values reporting correctly? (Confirm with test equipment if possible)

  • Where applicable, has export control functionality been tested as fully functional?

  • Where applicable, has generator integration functionality been tested as fully functional?

  • Does the device have access to the internet?

  • Has the device been connected to the respective monitoring platform using the company credentials?

Vendor logger / data manager commissioning

  • Please enter the IP address or local domain name for the plant data logger. (Specify any prefixes or suffixes necessary, e.g. HTTPS:// or /webvisu.html)

  • Please enter the admin username to access the device.

  • Please enter the admin password to access the device.

  • Does the device have access to the internet?

  • Has the device been connected to the respective monitoring platform using the company credentials?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.