Title Page

  • Site Name

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Weather

  • PTO Date

Site Details

  • Customer

  • Site Contact

  • Phone Number

  • O&M Portfolio Manager

  • Phone Number

  • Email Address

  • Site Access

  • Is there locks onsite?

  • combo number or key?

  • Location of lock

  • Describe hours of access

  • DC System Size (kW)

  • AC System Size (kW)

  • Total PV Modules

  • Module Manufacturer

  • Module Model

  • QTY of Inverters

  • Inverter Manufacturer

  • Inverter Model

  • Monitoring System

  • Type of Mounting system (i.e. roof, ground mount, carport, etc.)

  • Racking Manufacturer

  • Racking Model

General Inspection

  • General Site Conditions

  • Recommended Actions

Racking System

  • Photos of Racking being inspected

  • Visually inspect racking and connections

  • Are footings, support structure, and all penetrations sufficiently flashed and waterproofed?

  • Are fasteners torqued to manufacturer specifications?

  • Describe violations and array location


  • Photos of Modules being inspected

  • Visually inspect for damage, dirt or dust accumulations

  • Check for shading

  • Describe location of shading

  • Results of module hand lift test

  • Describe results

Module to Module Wiring

  • Visually inspect wiring and wire management

  • Violations Found?

  • Describe Violations

  • Visually Inspect Connectors

  • Describe Findings

  • Inverters
  • Photos of Equipment being inspected

  • Are all inverters currently energized?

  • Describe any issues preventing energization

  • Visually inspect for damage

  • Are inverters programmed per utility requirements?

  • Is interior clean of debris?

  • Check connections for proper torque

  • Describe issues

  • DC/AC Combiners and Disconnects
  • Photos of equipment being inspected

  • Does equipment being inspected have fuses?

  • Do all fuses pass continuity checks?

  • Visually Inspect for damage

  • Is interior clean of debris?

  • Check Connections

  • Are connections marked for torque?


  • Photos of Monitoring Equipment being inspected

  • Are there any socket style meters onsite?

  • Photos of meter and enlcosure

  • Visually inspect connections

  • Is interior clean and free of debris?

  • Does site have a weather station?

  • what types of devices are onsite?

  • Do all devices appear to be operating correctly?

  • Are all inverters communicating?

  • Describe issue

Point of Solar System Interconnection

  • Photos of gear and Interconnection

  • Electrical Concerns or Code Violations?

  • Inspect ground connection

  • Check for cable conditions

  • Check cable terminals for burnt marks, hot spots, or loose conditions

  • Does equipment overcurrent protection match design specs?

  • describe issue

  • provide photos

  • Check for physical damage

Conduit and Wiring

  • Photos of Conduit and Wiring being inspected

  • Visually inspect all conduit and connections

  • Are conduits sealed with duct seal in required areas?

  • All conduit penetrations and roof safety anchors properly sealed with exterior grade sealant?

  • All roof mounted junction boxes, combiners securely installed?

  • Are conduit supports rated for the installation and properly installed?

  • Are conductors loose, touching roof surface or in contact with sharp or abrasive surfaces?

  • Are all conductors that are exposed rated for UV?

Thermal Imaging

  • Point of Interconnection

  • Inverters
  • Thermal Photos

  • Inverters

  • AC/DC Combiner Boxes
  • Thermal Photos

  • Disconnects
  • Thermal Photos


  • Thermal Photos

Electrical Performance Test


  • Record time and ambient temperature

  • Perform and record Open Circuit Voltage Test (Voc) on all strings

  • Perform and record Maximum Power Current Test (Imp) on all strings

  • Record Irradiance on every string

  • Inverter
  • Perform and record anti islanding test

  • Document test (name and date) on back of inverter cover

  • Record inverter operating parameters:

  • DC input parameter

  • AC output parameter

  • Faults recorded?


  • Provide String Testing Results

General Comments

  • undefined

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.