Document No.
Qualification / Units
Conducted on
Auditor / s
Tell me a little about this qualification
How long has this qualification been running?
When was it last run?
Who is involved in the delivery and assessment
Who is the course targeted at?
How successful has the course been?
What are the intentions for the future of the course?
What are the key delivery and assessment issues that have been identified?
Success stories?
Where do you keep copies of the course and how do yoou know you are using the most up to date version?
TASO and comment on this
Industry involvement in the creation of the TASO?
Assessments to meet the requirements of the training package
Qualifications and experience of the trainers / assessors?
What resources are required and are they all in place?
Student Recruitment, Information and Induction
RPL should be offered to all students at enrolment. How do you go about doing this?
What information is offered to students at induction?
Training Delivery
What is the target group for this qualification?
How do you deal with students with specific learning needs beyond those of the typical target group?
How is training delivered? What methods are used?
Do you provide any training or assessment in the workplace? If so, how is this negotiated and how was the assessment process i tegrated into the workplace?
How do you schedule workplace monitoring?
Is this qualification part of a Traineeship or Apprenticeship? Has an individual training plan been developed, documented, implemented and monitored for each trainee or apprentice?
What support is available for students? What support is available for external students?
How are students assessed and how is this decided?
How do you ensure that assessments are valid, reliable, fair and flexible?
How do you ensure that you collect sufficient, authentic, and recent assessment evidence?
How are students informed of the context of their assessmments, their purpose and the overall process?
How are students informed of their right to appeals and reassessment?
How do assessments match the requirements of the workplace and cover all aspects of task performance?
What feedback is provided to students after assessment? And how is it provided?
Outcomes of Assessment
What were attendance, participation and completion rates for the last time the course was offered?
Feedback and Review
What feedback did students provide about the course?
What validation activities occurred (moderation too if appropriate)?
What did your own review tell you about the effectiveness of the training andassessment related to this qualification?
On the basis of student feedback, results of validation and results of self/peer review, what actions will be taken to improve the quality and consistency of training and assessment? Where has this been documented?
If a new version of the training package is to come online how will this be phased in?