Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Time & Date
Area of observation
Describe exact area of work
Employees Name
Procedure. Does the employee understand the procedure?
- Is unaware that a procedure for the task exists
- Is aware of procedure, but has not been trained
- Has been trained, but has difficulty following the procedure
- Fully understands and follows procedure
- Fully understands and follows procedure, suggests improvements
Tidiness. Does the employee keep the area clean and tidy
- No attempt to tidy or clean area
- Attempts some cleaning but fails to complete clean
- Cleans area to a satisfactory level
- Cleans area to a more than satisfactory level
- Employee shows additional effort to keep site clean
Manual Handling Equipment. Correct and accurate use of MHE
- Employee not trained on MHE and working in-supervised
- Employee not trained on MHE and working supervised
- Employee trained on MHE, but not working safely/accurately
- Employee trained on MHE and working safely/accurately
- Employee proficient enough in MHE to supervise:train others
Correct use of PPE.
- Not wearing correct PPE for task or site
- Wearing correct PPE for site, but not for task
- Wearing correct PPE for site and task
- Wearing correct PPE for site and task, knows where the PPE is kept
- Wearing correct PPE for site and task, ensures others do the same
Safe System Of Work-Being followed
- Unaware of SSOW
- Aware of SSOW, major errors observed
- Aware of SSOW, minor errors observed
- Follows SSOW accurately, no errors observed
Observed task is deemed:-
- Competent
- Incompetent
Provide details of observed Good / Bad practice:-
Further comments:-
Recommended actions:-
- Colleague removed from task until corrective actions are taken
- Colleague continues task under supervision, re-training to be provided
- Additional training identified
- Fully able to undertake task. No further action at present
- Colleague fully able to complete task and supervise others