Title Page
Site conducted
Project Name
Outline of Proposed Works
Work Commencement Date
Work Completion Date
Site Supervisor Name and Contact Details
Details of Subcontractors Involved in the Works Name(s) and Contact Details
Plan Prepared By
Date Plan Prepared
Are there specific site access arrangements ?
Site Access Arrangements
Are there specific arrangements for parking ?
Parking Details
Is there a specific site contact for reporting arrivals, departures, accidents and other site related issues ?
Reporting Arrangements Arrival/Departure/Accidents/Issues
Is there arrangements in place for a site induction ?
Details of Site Induction Requirements
Are there specific site security arrangements ?
Site Security Arrangements
Are there arrangements in place for staff welfare, including toilets, washing facilities, first aid etc.?
Welfare Arrangements Toilets/Washing Facilities/First Aid/Other
Minimum PPE Requirements
Safety Boots
Safety Goggles
Dust Masks
Details of any Other Required PPE
Key Risks
Has the site Asbestos log been viewed ?
Is the Asbestos log up to date ?
Working at Height
Will the project include a requirement to work at height ?
Details of Height Access equipment to be used.
Details of users/certification
Other Risks
Is there a risk from Electrocution ?
If 'Yes' to the above, provide details of controls.
Is there a risk from any type of gases ?
If 'Yes' to the above, provide details of controls.
Is there a risk from any type of dust ?
If 'Yes' to the above, provide details of controls.
Does the project include personnel going into an excavated area ?
If 'Yes' to the above, provide details of controls.
Are the public or other site users being kept safe and not at risk ?
If 'Yes' to the above, provide details of controls.
Are there any other significant risks not covered by the above ?
Please detail any other significant risk not covered by the above.