Cover Page

  • Unit Number - Lastname

  • Inspection Date:

  • Prepared by:

Pre-Inspection Data

Rental Unit Information

  • Rental Unit

  • Rental stay

  • Rental inventory and amenities set

  • Fridge and freezer emptied

  • Pantry emptied

  • Personal belongings safely stored

  • Owner's closet locked

  • Rental inventory and amenities removed

  • Owner's belongings set

Profile Settings

  • AC Temperature:

  • Pool Filtering Schedule:

  • Pool Temperature:

  • Spa Temperature:

  • Pool Lights Off at:

  • Fountain Flow Schedule:

  • Fountain Lights Off at:

  • Garden Lights Off at:

  • WiFi Password:

Main Area

HOA Common Areas

  • Landscape looks good and well maintained

  • Light fixtures in good conditions

  • Street in good condition

Main Area (Living, Dining, Kitchen and Pantry)

  • All lights working

  • Ceiling fans working

  • Chimney working

  • Sliding doors operate smoothly

  • Mosquito screens in good conditions

  • Curtains easy to operate and clean

  • Rugs and fabrics in good conditions and clean

  • Pool & spa settings according to profile

  • A/C Working, settings according to profile

  • TV system working

  • Channel line up available and in good condition

  • A/V equipment (Multi-Zones) working

  • Instructions available and in good conditions

  • Internet access and WiFi coverage good

  • Phone lines working

  • Dialing instructions available and in good conditions

  • Hot water available

  • Water pressure good

  • Recirculation pump working

  • Garbage disposal working

  • Ice maker working

  • Wine cooler working

  • Fridge working

  • Stove and Oven working

  • Kitchen hood working

  • Microwave working

  • Clock is accurate at all kitchen appliances

  • Walls and floors in good conditions and clean

  • Elevator working


  • Click to Add a Bedroom

  • Bedroom

Bedroom Information

  • All lights working

  • Ceiling fan working

  • Internet access and WiFi coverage good<br>

  • A/C working, settings according to profile

  • Alarm clocks / radios with accurate date and time

  • TV system working

  • Channel line up available and in good condition

  • Phone lines working

  • Dialing instructions available and in good conditions

  • Curtains easy to operate and clean

  • Sliding doors operate smoothly

  • Mosquito screens in good conditions

  • Rugs and fabrics in good conditions and clean

  • Walls and floors in good conditions and clean

Bathroom Information

  • All lights working

  • Hot water available

  • Water pressure good

  • Vanity sink stopper working

  • Jacuzzi working and draining

  • Toilet flushing correctly, no leaks

  • Shower head clean, without leaks and unobstructed. Shower drain functioning

  • Weight balance operational

  • Safe operational

  • Rugs and fabrics in good conditions and clean

  • Walls and floors in good conditions and clean

  • Click to Add a Bathroom

  • Bathroom

Bathroom Information

  • All lights working

  • Hot water available

  • Water pressure good

  • Vanity sink stopper working

  • Jacuzzi working and draining

  • Toilet flushing correctly, no leaks

  • Shower head clean, without leaks and unobstructed. Shower drain functioning

  • Rugs and fabrics in good conditions and clean

  • Walls and floors in good conditions and clean

Exterior Areas


  • All lights working

  • All light fixtures in good conditions

  • Ceiling fans working

  • A/V system working

  • TV system working

  • Channel line up available and in good condition

  • Pool & Jacuzzi clean and with proper water level

  • Spa side control working

  • Pool lights working

  • Jacuzzi jet pressure good

  • Pool heater operational

  • Pool equipment area in good order

  • Garden lamps clean and in good conditions

  • BBQ grill working correctly and clean

  • Fridge working

  • Ice maker working

  • Landscape and potted plants neat, clean and in good conditions

  • Chimney / Fire pit working correctly, remote controls and dante key on hand

  • Fountain clean and functioning. Lights working

  • Floors, walls and roofing in good conditions and clean

  • Iron railings, doors and exterior wood clean and in good conditions

  • Exterior shower head clean, without leaks and unobstructed. Shower drain functioning

  • Furniture and decoration in good conditions

  • Cushions, rugs, curtains and umbrellas in good conditions

  • Beach Access safe and clean

  • Beach storage clean and organized

  • Water filtering equipment operating

  • Street door keypad, intercom and doorbell working

  • Garage door system working

  • Garage clean and organized

  • Car in good order

  • Vehicle insurance stored in glove box

  • Golf cart/ATV in good order

  • Trash area in good condition

Final Comments / Additional Pictures.

Final Inspection Comments

Additional Inspection Pictures

  • Add media

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.