Title Page
Development Image
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Development Appearance
Are the grounds in a good condition?
Is the external decoration of the block in a good condition?
Are the windows clean?
Is the bin store in a good condition?
Roofs & Gutters
What type of roof is present?
Is the roof is good visual condition?
Are there any obvious defects? (Slipped Tiles, Leaks, Failed Flashings etc)
Are there chimneys?
Are the chimneys free from obstruction?
Is there any sign of damage to high level brickwork/chimney/roof?
Is there signs of moss build on the roofs?
Are the rainwater pipes & gutters in good condition?
Are all hoppers, downpipes and valleys clear of debris?
When were the gutters last cleaned?
External Walls, Windows & Doors
What materials are present on the external walls?
Are the external walls in good condition?
Is the pointing, render or decoration in good condition?
Are there are overflow leaks?
Are there any individual satellite dishes?
What are the windows made from?
What are the sills and lintels made from?
Are the window frames in good condition?
Is the glazing in good condition?
Are the entrance doors secure?
Is there a door entry system in place?
External Common Parts
Are there maintained grounds?
Are the grounds in good condition?
Are there any trees, hedges or bushes in the maintained area?
Are there any fences or handrails?
Is there car parking Spaces/Garages/Driveway?
Is there any External Lighting?
Is there are porch/canopy around the entrance?
What is this made from?
Are there any out buildings?
General H&S Risk Assessment
The report contains information and guidance on the management of risks and hazards found at the site in relation to general health and safety. The intention is to help the organisation manage the location with the appropriate regard to safety and legislative requirements. The Responsible Person (RP) should read the report in full to understand what was witnessed on the day of assessment
Are slips, trips and falls appropriately managed<br>(e.g. steps, slopes, ramps, etc)?
Are hand rails in good condition?
Is the standard communal lighting free from defects? (clean, bulbs present and operational, free from blind spots, etc)
Is Control of Contractors well managed?<br>(vetting, competency, insurances, risk<br>assessments, method statements, etc)
Are gardens well maintained? (walk ways<br>clear, free from tools, gardening equipment,<br>waste or other site specific hazards)?
Are refuse areas well managed? (not<br>overloaded, free from Is COSHH items,<br>suitably secure and segregated)
Are there any Risk Improvements required?
Please detail Risk Improvements