Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Health and Safety Risk Assessment
Health & Safety Management
Are there adequate controls on contractors?
Is there a current Health and Safety information poster visible with completed details?
Is a copy of the organisations Employers Liability insurance certificate displayed or available?
Is there a system to control access to the premises?
Is there a written Health and Safety policy for the organisation in control of the building?
Are there any roof areas with unrestricted access
Is there a current Asbestos Management Survey in place?
Risk Assessments
Are there site-specific risk assessments for COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous <br>to Health)?
Has an assessment been made regarding facilities provided for proper access and <br>provision for all persons as required under the Equality Act 2010?
Are there site specific risk assessments and maintenance programmes in place for <br>powered operated doors/gates?
Has a DSE (Display Screen Equipment) risk assessment been carried out?
Has a Manual Handling risk assessment been carried out?
Has a Lone Worker risk assessment been carried out?
Has a First Aid needs assessment been carried out?
Accidents and Incidents
Is there a accident book on site and is it readily available?
Are arrangements in place for statutory inspections of lifts and lifting equipment?
Internal Environment
Are pedestrian routes free from slip and/or trip hazards?
Are there any changes in levels or other areas that might require hand rails?
Are there changes in levels and/or surfaces in the building[s] that may require marking <br>or anti-slip material?
Do cleaners ensure they reduce the risk of slips by using adequate signs, barriers and <br>cleaning wet floors etc?
Do cleaners ensure all their work equipment and/or materials are locked away?
Are the premises being generally maintained in a clean and tidy condition?
Are unavoidable high level obstructions such as low beams or pipe work appropriately <br>marked?
Are there any internal fixtures and fittings that appear to be insecure?
Are there any areas of obvious issues with damp and/or mould?
Does the artificial lighting appear adequate in assessed internal areas?
Are there any obvious requirements for Health and Safety signage, other than those <br>required under the Fire Safety Order?
Other internal environment hazards or deficiencies observed
Welfare Facilities
Is there considered to be a sufficient number of sanitary conveniences provided?
Are suitable facilities provided for the safe disposal of sanitary waste?
General Structure
Do windows and/or doors open into walkways where significant collisions could take <br>place?
Are there any obvious areas where windows require devices to restrict opening?
Does the general building structure appear adequate?
Waste Management
Is all waste at the central collection or storage areas reasonably secured and in a clean <br>and tidy condition?
Other waste management hazards or deficiencies observed
External Environment
Are external walkways and steps in reasonable condition with no obvious slip or trip <br>hazards?
Other external environment hazards or deficiencies observed
Fire Risk Assessment in Accordance with Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRFSO)
Building Occupation and Fire Strategy
What is the main use for the building[s] including the fire strategy?
Type of occupier?
Approximate number of occupants?
Persons at risk?
Who is the person responsible for fire safety?
When was the property constructed?
Is the property purpose built or a conversion?
What is the general building construction?
What is the overall condition of the property?
Are electrical installations subject to periodic inspection?
Has Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) been carried out?
Are there measures in place to limit the use of and damage to trailing leads?
Are extension leads and adaptors being used safely?
Other hazards or deficiencies observed
Is smoking prohibited in relevant parts of the building and where required are suitable <br>designated areas provided?
Is a No Smoking Sign at the entrance?
Other hazards or deficiencies observed?
Are all Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) installations maintained to <br>manufacturers guidelines?
Are portable and/or fixed heaters clear of combustible materials?
Other hazards or deficiencies observed
Are kitchen equipment and appliances in good condition and clear of combustible <br>materials?
Are all reasonable measures in place to protect unauthorised entry to premises?
Are there combustible materials in close proximity to building?
Is there a risk from arson or accidental ignition in external waste bins which could affect <br>the building?
Is there a risk of arson by access to letterbox?
Fire Detection and Alarm
Is there adequate provision of a fire detection and/or fire alarm system?
Fire Fighting Equipment
Is there reasonable provision of fire extinguishers?
Is there reasonable provision of fire blankets?
Is there reasonable provision of fixed fire fighting installations? (Sprinkler etc)
Means of Escape
Are all escape routes clear of combustible materials and obstruction?
Are travel distances within guidelines for the type of premises?
Is the fire separation of floors and compartments considered to be satisfactory?
Are all fire exits easily and immediately openable?
Is there adequate provision of self closing fire resisting doors?
Are fire resisting doors to cupboards, stores and service ducts etc, kept locked where <br>required?
Are all fire resisting doors fitted with appropriate label signage?
Is there considered to be a reasonable standard of fire safety signs and notices?
Is there considered to be a reasonable standard of emergency lighting?
Testing and Maintenance
Is the fire detection and/or fire alarm system subject to routine tests and maintenance?
Is the emergency lighting system subject to routine tests and maintenance?
Are the fire extinguishers serviced annually?
Are external escape stairs and gang ways periodically examined by a competent <br>person?<br>
Are the fire exits and fire doors subject to periodic inspection and maintenance?
Are routine fire safety checks carried out?
Residential property - Are there adequate emergency action plans and procedures?
Commercial property - Are there adequate emergency action plans and procedures?
Are regular fire evacuation drills carried out?
Are fire procedures for visitors and outside contractors in place?
Has consideration been given to the evacuation of disabled persons?
Are persons expected to carry out the role of fire marshals given appropriate training?
Are all staff given fire awareness training?
Other hazards or deficiencies observed.
Is information provided for fire fighting operations?
Is there reasonable access for fire engines and fire fighters?
History Notices and Advice
Is there evidence of any recent fires and/or other fire loss experience?
Does the organisation have access to fire safety advice and assistance from competent <br>persons?
Is there a current fire safety prohibition, enforcement or deficiency notice issued by the <br>local fire authority?
Taking into account the fire prevention measures observed at the time of this risk <br>assessment, is it considered that the hazard from fire (likelihood of fire) at these <br>premises is:
Taking into account the nature of the premises and the occupants, as well as the fire <br>protection and procedural arrangements observed at the time of this fire risk <br>assessment, is it considered that the consequences for life safety in the event of fire be:<br>
Accordingly, BASED ON THE BELOW MATRIX t the risk to life from fire at these premises has been assesed
Taking into account the fire prevention measures observed at the time of this risk assessment, it is considered that the <br>hazard from fire (likelihood of fire) at these premises is:
Are there recommendations for risk improvement?
Item 1 - Priority
Are there further recommendations for risk improvement?
Item 2 - Priority
Are there further recommendations for risk improvement?
Item 3 - Priority
Are there further recommendations for risk improvement?
Item 4 - Priority
Are there further recommendations for risk improvement?
Item 5 - Priority
Are there further recommendations for risk improvement?
Item 6 - Priority
Are there further recommendations for risk improvement?
Item 7 - Priority
Are there further recommendations for risk improvement?
Item 8 - Priority
Are there further recommendations for risk improvement?
Item 9 - Priority
Are there further recommendations for risk improvement?
Item 10 - Priority