
  • Depot:

  • Location:
  • Operations Manager:

  • Auditor:

  • Conducted on:

QP.01 Document and Business Record Management

1.1 Document Control

  • Obsolete documents are not available within the Depot and not in general circulation?

  • QP forms, where relevant are used and up-to-date?

  • Authorised software is used and easily accessed?

  • Records are retained for specified times and filed in labelled boxes with the destruction date written on the outside?

  • Archived boxes are delivered and stored in ATG storage area?

  • Electronic files are easily identifiable, retrieval and obsolete files are archived as required?


  • Are there any Non-conformances?

  • What Action is required?

  • Non-conformances to be completed by:

  • Are there any Areas of Concern with Recommendations?

  • What Action is required?

  • Recommendation Actions are to be completed by:

QP.02 Performance Monitoring and Improvements

2.1 ATG Server

  • Are Depot working files set up as requested on the F Drive?

2.2 Banking

  • Does the petty cash register balance?

  • Are credit card facilities being used correctly?

  • Is cash left on the premises?

  • Is there a safe on the premises?

  • Are banking sheets being used correctly?

2.3 Staff suggestions

  • Does the Depot has an employee Suggestion Box?

  • Does the OM provide evidence that the employee Suggestions are adequately addressed?


  • Are there any Non-conformances?

  • What Action is required?

  • Non-conformances to be completed by:

  • Are there any Areas of Concern with Recommendations?

  • What Action is required?

  • Recommendations are to be completed by:

QP.03 Problem Identification and Resolution

3.1 Reporting

  • Is the Depot Bible being completed on time?

  • Is the correct detail being entered?

  • Is there evidence of Drivers reporting Incident/Accidents/Hazards on the required forms and that the OM investigates and closes them out in a timely manner?

  • Are Incidents/Accidents/Hazards recorded in the Depot Bible?

  • Are Client Impacts recorded in the authorised Company software and investigated by the OM?

  • Are Customer Concerns and Complaints recorded in the authorised Company software and investigated by the OM?

3.2 ATG Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

  • Is the evidence of Driver/Workshop toolboxes being conducted?

  • Is the evidence of Safety Walks being conducted?

  • Is there evidence that the OM has made adjustments or changes as a result of the previous audit?

  • Is the evidence of random Breathalysing being conducted?

  • Is the evidence of Fatigue Management training being conducted?

  • Is the evidence of employee personnel file being audited?

  • Is the evidence of audits of Safety Management Plan (SMP) for a Bus being conducted?

3.3 Payroll

  • Is the evidence of payroll reports being check and signed off by the OM?

  • Are Drivers completing Variations forms?


  • Are there any Non-conformances?

  • What Action is required?

  • Non-conformances to be completed by:

  • Are there any Areas of Concern with Recommendations?

  • What Action is required?

  • Recommendation Actions to be completed by:

QP.04 Human Resources and Training

4.1 Managers are able to locate the current Organisational Chart (OC)

  • Is the OM aware of where to locate current OC?

  • Is the OM aware of where to locate current Job Descriptions (JD)?

  • Is the evidence that updated JD have been re-issued to Employees as required?

  • Are employees selected based on a valid JD?

4.2 Potential employees are subject to appropriate qualification/reference checks according to the essential qualification listed on the JD

  • Is there evidence of reference checks, assessment of ability and authenticity of certificates?

  • Is there evidence that recruitment is carried out by approved personnel?

4.3 Letter of Offers

  • Is there evidence that the correct Letter of Offer is being used?

  • Is there evidence that Human Resources (HR) details are entered correctly into the Company's approved software and/or equivalent hard copies exist?

  • Is there evidence that HR qualifications expiry dates are entered into the Company's approved software and/or equivalent hard copies exist?

4.4 Employees indicate that they have been inducted when asked

  • Is there evidence that all induction forms are completed and signed?

  • Is there evidence that all employees have been provided with an Employee Manual or provided access to one?

4.5 Training records are maintained

  • Is there evidence that training needs are analysed using one of the suggested methods?

  • Is there evidence that employees are notified of requirements and expiry dates?

  • Are notes recorded the Company's software in regards to competency or staff training needs?

4.6 Evidence of planned training or training gap analysis

  • Is there evidence of systematic training via toolboxes?

4.7 Training records are provided, maintained and up-to-date

  • Is there evidence of planned training regimes?

4.8 Records are complete, confidential, accessible to relevant authorities when required

  • Are Employee records correctly archived within the appropriate Depot according to QP.01?


  • Are there any Non-conformances?

  • What Action is required?

  • Non-conformances to be completed by:

  • Are there any Areas of Concern with Recommendations?

  • What Action is required?

  • Recommendation Actions to be completed by:

QP.05 Tendering and Contract Review

5.1 Quotation and booking communications are received by email or website

  • Does the Depot process bookings? i.e. quote and enter in Coach Manager (CM)

  • Has all information confirmed with the Client prior to generating a quote?

  • Is the OM or Control Centre (CC) aware of large request or events?

  • Are pricing mechanism reviewed periodically by the OM and Senior Management?

  • Are all requests for quotations submitted in writing? i.e. email or via relevant Company websites

  • Are all quotations are formalised and sent to Client via email?

5.2 Confirmed bookings and accepted quotes are printed out and filed in CM input file

  • Confirmed bookings are entered into CM recording the appropriate Company details?

  • Are bookings and confirmation documents are filed in the month and chronological order?

  • Entered bookings are filed in the appropriate files?

  • Clients are sent confirmation via CM?

5.3 Major variations to jobs are reported to the OM and re-quoted

  • Minor variations are changed in CM immediately if not scheduled and correspondence of the change in filed with the original booking?

  • Where necessary CC is immediately advised of changes affecting already scheduled services?

5.4 Unsuccessful quotations are disregarded after 2 months

  • Are records correctly stored and archived according to QP.01?


  • Are there any Non-conformances?

  • What Action is required?

  • Non-conformances to be completed by:

  • Are there any Areas of Concern with Recommendations?

  • What Action is required?

  • Recommendation Actions to be completed by:

QP. 06 Vehicle Scheduling

6.1 Coach Manager (CM)

  • Is CM representing exactly what is happening at the Location?

  • Are vehicle details in CM current?

  • Is there a photos of all vehicles in CM?

  • Is the Vehicle and Driver log in CM being used correctly?

6.2 Vehicle and Drivers nominated to the service ontracts are used

  • Are the nominated Vehicles to the Contract being used?

  • Is the OM aware of the Contract specifications and these are indicated in CM?

6.3 Job numbers match with bookings number as allocated by the AA

  • Is there sufficient information is on the Job Sheet for the Driver to provide the service?

  • Are Drivers provided with the resources and/or additional documentation to perform the service?

  • Are Drivers given adequate notice of their jobs (i.e. the working day prior to the service)?

6.4 Bookings and daily vehicle schedules are colour-coded as appropriate

  • Does the OM review the daily schedule prior to printing Job Sheets with particular regards to “tight” schedules and to identify any additional efficiency?

  • Daily vehicle schedules (hard copy) “Driver Order” are printed out to refer to in the event of power failure or server issues?

  • Are Client Impacts minimal in reference to booking and/or scheduling errors?

  • Are bookings and confirmation documents are filed in the month and chronological order?


  • Are there any Non-conformances?

  • What Action is required?

  • Non-conformances to be completed by:

  • Are there any Areas of Concern with Recommendations?

  • What Action is required?

  • Recommendation Actions to be completed by:

QP.07 Vehicle Operations

7.1 Safety Management Plan (SMP) for a Bus is provided to the Driver at the commencement employment

  • Are all SMP for a Bus current?

  • Are the route maps and narrative current in the SMP for a Bus?

  • Are passenger lists current and adjustments are made according to the requirement of the Contract?

  • Are new routes and narratives prepared by the OM and provided to the Client as required by the Contract?

  • Are Integrated Care Plans are well organised and current?

7.2 Drivers are observed performing pre and post checks

  • Does OM randomly and frequently observe Drivers and Bus Aides perform their duties in the yard or other work area?

  • Are Driver wages are consistent with a paid pre and post check?

  • Do Drivers and Bus Aides declare themselves fit for work via Daily Vehicle Safety Checks or Student Attendance Register ?

  • Do Drivers perform pre and post checks including fuelling and cleaning via Daily Vehicle Safety Checks?

  • When tours and long day trips are in place is there evidence that Drivers use the Pre-Tour checks?

7.5 Dry Hire

  • Are all Dry Hires approved by the Senior Operations Manager (SOM) only?

  • Are all Dry Hire vehicles are nominated by the SOM only?

  • Are Dry Hire forms completed adequately by the hirer?

  • Is the evidence of original license being sighted and copy kept with Dry Hire form?

  • Is payment for Dry Hire processed prior to hire day?

  • Is there evidence of Workshop preparing Dry Hire vehicles appropriately with fuel and safety inspection records?

  • Is there evidence of Workshop inspecting vehicles on return and completes the post hire damage form?

  • Is there evidence of Workshop scheduling vehicles for inspection before re-entering the vehicles into service after Dry Hires?

7.6 Fuel management

  • Is there a fuel tank on site?

  • Is the fuel system being used correctly?

  • Is there fuel cards at the Location?

  • Is there evidence that fuel cards being audited regularly?

  • Does the Depot have a local fuel account?

7.7 Personnel

  • Has there been any new employees this year?

  • How many new employees have been employed?

  • Has there any staff leave the Depot this year?

  • How many staff members have left?

  • Is there relief Drivers at the Depot?

  • How many relief Drivers are there?

  • Is there relief Bus Aides at the Depot?

  • How many relief Bus Aides are there?

  • Has there been any workers compensation claims this year?

  • How many workers compensation claims?

7.8 Vehicles

  • Is there enough resources to carry out the work requested?

  • How many vehicles in the fleet at the Depot?

  • How many spare vehicles are there?

  • Is there charter vehicle in the fleet?

  • How many charter vehicles is there?

  • Have there been accidents this year where the Company is at fault?

  • How many accidents have there been?

  • Have there been accidents this year where the Company is not at fault?

  • How many accidents have there been?


  • Are there any Non-conformances?

  • What Action is required?

  • Non-conformances to be completed by:

  • Are there any Areas of Concern with Recommendations?

  • What Action is required?

  • Recommendation Actions to be completed by:

QP.09 Procurement

9.1 Major suppliers, on-going capital purchases and supply contracts are only approved by the Managing Director (MD)

  • Does the OM understand and does not exceed their prescribed dollar limit?

  • Does the workshop staff understand and does not exceed their prescribed dollar limit?

  • Is Fleetmex being used?

  • Is there evidence of Purchase Order (PO) being raised?

  • Is there evidence that PO provides detailed information as prescribe by the procedure of the item requested from the supplier?

  • Is there evidence of employee expenses being approved by the OM and all necessary receipts are supplied to recoup expenses?

  • Are all deliveries inspected upon arrival to ensure the content matches the delivery docket and by the receiving/inspecting officer?

  • Is there evidence that goods received for the Workshop are entered into Fleetmex against the appropriate vehicle?

  • Are purchase records retained for a period of 7 years in accordance to QP.01?


  • Are there any Non-conformances?

  • What Action is required?

  • Non-conformances to be completed by:

  • Are there any Areas of Concern with Recommendations?

  • What Action is required?

  • Recommendation Actions to be completed by:

QP.10 Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs

10.1 Fleetmex

  • Is there evidence that all vehicles are serviced at the appropriate intervals?

  • Is trailing equipment is uniquely identified with the registration number?

  • Is there evidence that trailing equipment has a 6 monthly Preventive Maintenance (PM) schedule?

  • Are repairs to a vehicle added to the current PM Work Order (WO)?

  • Is there evidence that worksheets are distributed to suitably qualified staff?

  • Is there evidence that Mechanics complete the information required on the worksheet as required?

  • Is there evidence that the information provided by the worksheet, including resources used are enter into Fleetmex in a timely manner?

10.2 General

  • Is there evidence that Drivers report Defect and Damage using QP.03 Form 3 in the Bus file?

  • Is there evidence of Daily Vehicle Safety Checks are filed within the bus file?

  • Is there evidence that the tag-out procedures are used by workshop when a vehicle proposes a safety risks and all employees understand the tag–out procedure?

  • Is there evidence that service records are complete within each bus file?

  • Is there evidence that the Government inspection records are available with the bus file?

10.3 Workshop

  • Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available to workshop and all staff know how to access them?

  • Is there Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is available for staff and easily accessible?

  • Are there safety stations set up with the appropriate PPE and first aid requirements?

  • Are all flammables stored in a flammable cupboards which are locked when not actively in use?

  • Is the workshop is tidy and in an orderly state?

  • Are all parts & consumables stored in an orderly fashion and are well labelled?

  • Is waste disposal completed in a timely and appropriate manner?

  • Are oil bunds supplied and used?

  • Are batteries stations supplied and used?

  • Are tyres stored and used appropriately?

  • Is waste water drained into separator tanks?


  • Are there any Non-conformances?

  • What Action is required?

  • Non-conformances to be completed by:

  • Are there any Areas of Concern with Recommendations?

  • What Action is required?

  • Recommendation Actions to be completed by:

QP.11 Workshop Equipment

11.1 Calibration

  • Is the Calibration Schedule current and up to date?

  • Is the workshop equipment list current and complete showing each item uniquely identified?

  • Is the OM able to readily determine the last date of calibration of randomly selected equipment?

  • Is the OM able to readily determine the next scheduled calibration date of randomly selected equipment?


  • Are there any Non-conformances?

  • What Action is required?

  • Non-conformances to be completed by:

  • Are there any Areas of Concern with Recommendations?

  • What Action is required?

  • Recommendation Actions to be completed by:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.