Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Entry / Foyer / Reception

Entry Doors

  • Are entry doors closed?

  • Have the doors now been closed to avoid a breach notice?

  • Are entry doors clean of finger marks, dirt and oil?

  • Are the door tracks free of insects, dirt or other debris?

Cubby Holes

  • Are the Cubby holes neatly stacked?

  • Has the lost property been thrown into the bin?

  • Have you now disposed of it?

  • Are the Cubby holes free of dust and debris?

Entry Flooring

  • Is the entry turf and matting free of dirt and debris?

  • Is the flooring free of bags, clothing or clients gym items?

  • Does the entry flooring omit any bad odors?

Reception Desk

  • Is the Reception desk free of paperwork?

  • Is the Reception desk free of dirt and debris?

  • Is the Ipad mounted?

  • Are both monitors clean and switched on?

  • Are the cupboards clean and free of debris

  • Is all paperwork stacked away and presented neatly?

  • Are the chairs in line with the monitors?

  • is the flooring behind reception free of all bags and debris and completely clear?

  • Has the bin behind the reception been emptied?

Spandrel (Closet under the staircase) / Bar area / Bathroom one (1)


  • Is the Spandrel free of debris?

  • Are the items that are packed in the spandrel stacked neatly and to the working order?

  • Are the boxing gloves neatly stacks on the adjacent shelf?

Bar Area

  • Is the bar clean of all shake spillage and dirt marks?

  • Does the bar smell of a recent clean?

  • Are the chairs underneath the bar tucked in?

  • Are the chairs evenly separated apart?

  • Is the wall behind the bar free of scuff marks from the chairs or other markings?

Bathroom one (1)

  • Is the bathroom free from unpleasant odors?

  • Has the bathroom been fitted with a timed air freshener?

  • Are the tiles free from all drip marks?

  • Is the decor neatly arranged and free of dust and debris?

  • Is the toilet outer lid/inner lid/bowl clean and free of all bodily fluids and remenants?

  • Is there an adequate amount of toilet paper stocked in the bathroom?

  • Is the mirror clean with no splash marks?

  • is the washing basin clean from all dirt and scuff marks?

  • Is there a paper towel available for the clients to dry their hands?

Shake room/workout floor/ TV's

Shake room

  • Are the shake room doors closed?

  • Are all items in the Shake room placed behind the designated taped lines - (outlined on the floor)?

  • Is the shelving unit stacked neatly with no loose/overhanging items?

  • Are all items on the shelving unit labeled for easy access?

  • Are the chairs neatly/ evenly stacked?

  • Is the shake bench clear of all shake remnants and debris?

  • Are the blenders clean and odor-free?

  • Are the cupboards in the shake bench stacked neatly?

  • Are the cupboards of the shake bench labeled?

  • Are all wires neatly zip-tied and tucked behind the bench?

  • Is the Ice Machine Functioning to standard?

  • Is the room free from all water drippings, floor included?

Workout Floor

  • Is the workout floor clean from all debris?

  • Is the Workout floor setup for the upcoming workout?

  • Is the workout floor stationed neatly?

  • Is all equipment in the PT Studio put away including all plates?

  • Is the matting together with no gaps in between mats?

  • Are all the unused pieces of equipment showing the logo side first?

  • Are all wires neatly hidden from the clientele view?

  • Is all equipment free of rust, wear and tear?

  • Is all equipment available - nothing outstanding, broken or damaged?


  • Are all TV's in working condition?

  • Do the TV's all connect via the cabling?

  • Are the TV's free from all smudges, marks, and scratches?

Staircase/Kitchenette/Bathroom two (2)


  • Is the staircase clean and free from debris?

  • Are the walls of the staircase clean from all scuff marks?

  • Is there any turf that is folded upwards creating a trip hazard?


  • Is the floor free from all water/scuff marks/dirt marks & debris?

  • Are the walls free of all scuff marks?

  • Are the cupboards neatly stacked?

  • Are the cupboards labeled?

  • Does the dishwasher omit any unpleasant odors?

  • Is the dishwasher free from marks/dirt & debris?

  • Does the dishwasher operate to standard?

  • Is the countertop bench free from all unnecessary items?

  • Is the countertop bench free from water/scuff marks/dirt marks & debris?

  • Is the sink empty and clean?

  • Is the backboard clean from all water marks and debris?

  • Is the drying rack free from all items?

  • Is the drying rack dry with no water residue?

  • Are the upper cupboards free from all dirt and debris?

  • Are the upper cupboards labeled?

  • Are all items stacked neatly in the upper cupboards?

Bathroom two (2)

  • Is there a paper towel available for the clients to dry their hands?

  • Is the bathroom free from unpleasant odors?

  • Has the bathroom been fitted with a timed air freshener?

  • Are the tiles free from all drip marks?

  • Is the toilet outer lid/inner lid/bowl clean and free of all bodily fluids and remenants?

  • Is there an adequate amount of toilet paper stocked in the bathroom?

  • Is the mirror clean with no splash marks?

  • is the washing basin clean from all dirt and scuff marks?

Upstairs presentation area/Creche room

Upstairs presentation area

  • Is the water fountain in working order?

  • Is the piping for the fountain clean and visible?

  • Is there enough water in the fountain?

  • Are the plants green?

  • Are any plants dead and or dying?

  • Are the pillows on the lounge chairs presented neatly?

  • Are the lounge chairs free from all debris?

  • Are the cables neatly zip-tied and hidden from site?

  • Is the cubby hole free from dirt & debris?

  • Is the cubby hole neatly stacked and labeled?

  • Is the flooring free from debris, including the lining of the turf?

  • Is the Bio-Scan machine presented neatly with wires hidden?

  • Is the benchtop wiped clean of all debris?

  • Has the benchtop got any unnecessary paperwork or other loose items on top of it?

  • Are all items on the benchtop presented neatly?

  • Are the cupboards clean of all loose items?

  • Are the cupboards neatly labeled?

  • Is the whiteboard clean and presentable?

  • Is the outside glass of the creche room clean from all finger marks and other markings?

Creche room

  • Is the creche room clean from all toys and play items?

  • Are the TV cables zip-tied and hidden from site?

  • Are the cubby holes neatly stacked?

  • Does the room have a timed air freshener?

  • Is the turf/flooring clear from debris?

  • Is the inside of the Creche room wall free from all fingermarks and other markings?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.