Client Name
Student ID or DOB
Assessor Name
Commencement Date
Methods used to gather evidence
Observation: The student will be observed by the assessor within the workplace to satisfy that the student is competent in the required area. A check list will be used to document this evidence
Verbal questioning: The student will be questioned by the assessor to obtain a guide of the student knowledge
Third party evidence: Third party report will be supplied by workplace manager or supervisor using the provided third party report. -
The following Questions should be asked of the student before assessment occurs:
- Are you ready for assessment?
-Has the assessment process been explained to you?
-Do you understand which evidence is to be collected and how?
-Have your rights and the appeal system been fully explained to you?
-Do you have and special needs to be considered during the assessment? -
I agree to undertake assessment in the knowledge that the information gathered will only be used for professional purpose and can be accessed by my manger and the RTO
Students signature:
Assessor signature:
Time and Date
Apply basic Safety procedures
The student understands worksite safety policies and applies to work tasks.
The student can identify unsafe work hazards and report these to the appropriate person.<br>
the student understands what to do if machine is to break down in relation to reporting and procedures.<br>
The student understands what a fire hazard is and who to and how to report this.
The student understand where and how dangerous goods are contained and stored.
The student knows how to handle heavy materials as per work place policy
The student contribute to any WHS meetings and participates where required.
Location of assessment
Time and Date
Apply emergency procedures
The student understand the workplace emergency procedures
the student can identify an alarm and explain what they are for<br>
The student can locate fire fighting appliances and explain what the different appliances are for.<br>
The student understand who to report/contacts in the event of an emergency <br>
The student can locate and fill in a incident report.
The student understands what to do in a evacuation procedure.
Location of assessment
Time and Date
Third party evidence
Students name:
Supervisors name:
Copy of report to be inserted here:
Other Evidence
Third part report is completed and photo attached of completed third party report.
Add media
Sign off
Candidate Name:
Candidate Signature
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature