Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Critical Focus
There are no systematic failings with the weekly fire alarm tests, emergency lighting checks, daily fire checks and fire training records?
Were all fire exits unlocked and unobstructed?
Are guests paying for accommodation in full at check in for up to the first 7 days of their stay?
There is no evidence of any OOS or unsold rooms being used?
Are all PCI-DSS controls in place & being adhered to?
There are no outstanding corporate account payments over 30 Days?
Are registration cards kept in a secure place during the guest's stay?
Do all deposits relate the future bookings?
Are rate overrides being managed and have corresponding documentation in the Hotel DMLB?
Are deletions being managed and have corresponding documentation in the Hotel DMLB?
Is cash being banked daily and recorded in the DMLB?
Are there any outstanding room balances over 7 days?
Are the contents of the Fire Box correct and working as per the SOP e.g. emergency mobile phone, residents report, buddy hotel list, flash cards etc?
Are the correct details stored within the emergency mobile phone and is it working?
Is the emergency response plan up to date?
Are high level areas of bedrooms clean and dust free?
Is all bedroom furniture clean and dust free?
Are bedroom floors vacuumed and clean (including underneath the bed)?
Were all duvets, valances, pillow cases and other linen items clean and in good condition?
Are the rooms merchandised correctly including the tea tray and room folder?
Are bathroom walls, floors and ceilings clean?
Are bathroom fixtures and fittings clean?
Is reception area tidy and organised with all appropriate signage on display?
Are communal areas and corridors clean and tidy?
Are linen store rooms tidy with clean and dirty linen separated?
Is all appropriate PPE available and is it being used correctly?
Are the hotel SOPs available and are they being used in all areas of the business?
Are the team using the correct chemicals and cloths in the hotel and are these readily available?
Are housekeepers and receptionists dressed appropriately in a clean uniform?
Is the Room Log being used to record periodic cleaning tasks?
Have mattresses been rotated in line with their schedule?
Are all energy management practices in place?
Are all hotel communication messages up to date?
Are any pest issues being managed be the Hotel team?
Are all maintenance issues being managed by the Hotel and recorded in the room maintenance report?
Do all OOS rooms have adequate notes on the Rooms OOS report?
Were all areas of the Hotel secure?
Any add additional comments?
Rooms checked.