Title Page

  • Date

  • Prepared by

  • Designation of the Lead Auditor

  • Other Participants

  • Location

Environment and Facilities/ Maintenance - Engineering

1. Ceiling

  • 1.1 No broken or open sections

  • 1.2 No paint peeling off

  • 1.3 No water leaks

  • 1.4 Other

2. Light/ Switch Fittings

  • 2.1 All bulbs are in working order

  • 2.2 No open light fittings/ switches

  • 2.3 Availability of an emergency light

  • 2.4 Monthly service of the emergency light

  • 2.5 Lights are bright enough above cooking areas

  • 2.6 Other

3. AC, Exhaust Grills and Air Curtains

  • 3.1 No condensation and water leak

  • 3.2 Properly fixed

  • 3.3 No paints peeling off

  • 3.4 No oil leaks

  • 3.5 Smoke from kitchen areas removed properly

  • 3.6 Other

4. Bar Wall and Floor

  • 4.1 Floor tiles are non-slip

  • 4.2 No broken/cracked tiles

  • 4.3 Other

5. Drains and Gullies

  • 5.1 Free flow of water

  • 5.3 Well covered

  • 5.4 Four part gully bucket in place

  • 5.5 Other

6. Bar Equipment and Tools

  • 6.1 No rusted parts

  • 6.2 All are in good working conditions

  • 6.3 Other

7. Chiller, Freezer and Hot Storage Temperature and Maintenance

  • 7.1 Actual temperature of chillers (undercounter, upright, walk-in) are maintained below 5 C (degrees celsius)

  • 7.2 Desired wine chiller temperatures are maintained.

  • 7.3 Actual temperature of freezers (undercounter, upright, walk-in) are maintained below -18 C (degrees celsius)

  • 7.4 Gaskets/ beadings are in good conditions/ the lids and doors of chillers, freezers and hot cupboards should be fitted with effective seals

  • 7.5 Internal linings and shelves of the equipment should be impervious and non-corroding

  • 7.6 Temperature is maintained above 64 C (Celsius) in hot cupboards/ hot holding facilities

  • 7.7 Other

8. Bar Structures

  • 8.2 Preventive maintenance is adequate

  • 8.3 Other

9. Sinks, Taps and Handwashing Amenities

  • 9.1 Sinks and taps are in proper working order

  • 9.2 Water draining well and not blocked

  • 9.3 Vegetable sanitizing bowls are available

  • 9.4 Availability of a hand washing sink with hot water

  • 9.5 Other

Food Service, Storage, Handling, Personal Hygiene and Knowledge - F&B

10. Dry Storage

  • 10.1 Well maintained

  • 10.2 Kept clean

  • 10.3 Free from pests

  • 10.6 Kept dry

  • 10.7 FIFO practiced and no expired items

  • 10.8 No chemicals stored

  • 10.9 Food removed from original packaging stored in tight-fitting containers with an open date tag

  • 10.10 Other

11. Cold Storage/ Holding

  • 11.1 Raw and Ready To Eat (RTE)/ cooked foods stored separately

  • 11.2 If separate chillers are not available RTE, Cooked items on top and raw vegetables, meat, egg, dairy, vegetables on bottom based on the risk level

  • 11.3 All frozen and refrigerated foods are stored in clean food-grade containers or bowls and properly covered

  • 11.4 Labels should be used for prepared foods with prepared date

  • 11.5 Food and beverages which are opened from their original container should have opened date

  • 11.6 Availability of temperature monitoring charts for the chillers and freezers

  • 11.7 White wine, champagne and beer stored at a temperature below 5 C (degrees Celsius)

  • 11.8 Red wine stored at a temperature between 18 - 22 C (degrees Celsius)

  • 11.9 Proper storage of ice cubes

  • 11.10 Ice scoop left out in sanitizer/hot water

  • 11.11 FIFO practiced and no expired items

  • 11.12 Other

12. Hot Storage/ Holding

  • 12.1 Foods are stored in clean, food-grade containers or bowls and properly covered

  • 12.2 Labels should be used for prepared foods with prepared date

  • 12.3 Internal surface is cleaned

  • 12.4 Availability of temperature charts for hot holding

  • 12.5 Other

13. Personal Habits and Grooming

  • 13.1 Good personal habits

  • 13.2 Hair covers/chef hats properly worn

  • 13.3 Disposable gloves are used when handling RTE and cooked foods

  • 13.4 Uniforms are cleaned

  • 13.5 Other

14. Work Station and Utensils

  • 14.1 Working table tops kept clean and tidy

  • 14.2 Beer/coffee machine nozzle kept clean

  • 14.3 Beer/coffee machine drain kept clean

  • 14.4 Blenders/juicers kept clean

  • 14.5 Garnish holder kept clean

  • 14.6 Garnish holder kept closed

  • 14.7 Glassware kept clean and properly stored

  • 14.8 Disposable towels in use

  • 14.9 Knife sanitizer holders in use

  • 14.10 Chopping board colour coded system in use

  • 14.11 Chopping boards kept clean and stored in rack

  • 14.12 Proper waste segregation is done

  • 14.13 Colour code system is used in food transportation

  • 14.14 Other

15. Documentation and Calibration

  • 15.1 Temperature checklists duly filled

  • 15.2 Green log book/ Training records

  • 15.3 Probe thermometer calibrated

  • 15.4 Other

16. Food Allergen Control

  • 16.1 Allergen control is adequate

  • 16.2 Awareness on food allergens

  • 16.3 Other

Bar Waste Handling and Sanitization - Stewarding

17. Bar Wall, Floor, Ceiling and Fittings

  • 17.1 Free from dust, dust webs and cob webs

  • 17.2 Free from stain and dirt

  • 17.3 Spills cleaned immediately and the floor is dry

  • 17.4 Light fittings are properly cleaned

  • 17.5 Other

18. Cold/ Hot Storage Cleaning

  • 18.1 Walk in chiller/ freezer floors are properly cleaned

  • 18.2 Gaskets/ beading are cleaned

  • 18.3 All shelves are cleaned

  • 18.4 Other

19. Drains and Gullies

  • 19.1 Well cleaned and no accumulated dirt

  • 19.2 Cleaning schedule is maintained

  • 19.3 Other

20. Work Surfaces and Kitchen Utensils

  • 20.1 All table tops kept clean and tidy

  • 20.2 All shelves kept clean and tidy

  • 20.3 All equipment kept clean and tidy

  • 20.4 Availability of sanitizer cans

  • 20.5 Ice machine and slicer are cleaned and sanitized

  • 20.6 Other

21. Hand Washing Facilities and Other Amenities

  • 21.1 Antibacterial detergent in dispenser for hand washing

  • 21.2 Adequate paper towels/ working dryer available for the hand drying

  • 21.3 Hand sanitizer provided

  • 21.4 Foot pedal bin available

  • 21.5 Hair nets and disposable gloves provided in dispensers

  • 21.6 Other

22. Garbage Bins

  • 22.1 Adequate number of garbage bins provided for each type of waste generated

  • 22.2 Garbage bins kept clean

  • 22.3 Pedals are in working order with tight fitting lids

  • 22.4 Garbage is removed once 2/3 of the bin is filled

  • 22.5 Other

Pest Management - Housekeeping

23. Pest Control

  • 23.1 No signs of pests

  • 23.2 Insect killer/ catcher units available and functioning

  • 23.3 Pest control schedule maintained

  • 23.4 Other

Suggestions for Improvement/ Comments

  • 1.

  • 2.

  • 3.

  • 4.

  • 5.

  • 6.

  • 7.

  • 8.

  • 9.

  • 10.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.