Title Page

  • Conducted on (Date and Time)

  • Inspected by

Document No. JAX-QLT-112

  • Area

  • Auditor

SORT : Remove what is not necessary

  • Only the required tools and materials are in the work area

  • Outdated, damaged or unused items are identified for actions<br>Are light fixtures in working condition and sufficient to perform tasks?<br>Are doors in good condition and working properly? (no peeling paint (if painted), rust, holes, damaged weather strips or door sweeps, no gaps at door and frame junction, etc.)<br>Are fans, exhaust vents and air ducts in good condition? (no peeling paint (if painted), rust, etc.)? Are fans, exhaust vents and air ducts screened to prevent insect/rodent/bird entry?<br>Are the emergency lighting, exit lighting, fire extinguishers and eye washes in operable condition and functioning properly?

  • Posted procedures, visual aids and signage are applicable<br>Are the floors, walls and ceilings in good condition (free of peeling paint (if painted), no holes, no cracks, etc.)?<br>Are posted signage and work aids up to date?<br>Are chemicals color-coded according to the BBC Chemical Management Policy?<br>Are all exits or routes to exits marked by visible signs? Are all doors that may be mistaken for an exit marked "Not an Exit"?<br>Are the traffic aisle warning signs present where needed?

  • Red Tag area is clearly defined and maintained

  • Capture photo(s) of red tagged items.

STRAIGHTEN : In order and easy to find

  • Locations for tools, equipment and machinery is clearly marked and labeled<br>Are all hazardous materials (chemicals) stored to prevent unauthorized use?<br>Are all sensory testing and complaint sensory testing equipment properly marked for proper usage?<br>Are food and non-food refrigerators clearly marked for proper usage?

  • Floor demarcation standards are established and implemented<br>Are fire extinguishers, eye washes and electrical panels properly marked with floor demarcations?<br>Are the traffic aisles properly marked?

  • Necessary items to perform tasks are within easy reach of work area

  • Less frequently used items are stored properly and out of the way<br>Are all materials returned to the proper storage areas?<br>Are open flanges on manifolds and hose ends covered when not in use? Hoses are not stored on the floor.

SHINE : Keep work areas clean

  • Floors/walls/ceilings/visual aids are clean - free of dirt/mold/debris/build-up/peeling paint<br>Are the floors clean? (free of debris - glass, wood, plastic, standing water, chemical build up, product spills, etc.)<br>Are drains clean? (no extraneous materials, no off odors, no clogged drains, covers and screens/traps in place)<br>Are doors clean? (free of dust, oil, mold, product residue, dirt, etc.)<br>Are the walls, ceilings and pipes clean? (free of dirt, cobwebs, stains, etc.)<br>Are fans, exhaust vents and air ducts clean?

  • Work Stations are clean - free of dirt/mold/debris/build-up/peeling paint<br>Are light fixtures clean? (free of insects and cobwebs)<br>Are work stations and areas free from clutter? (Nothing on flat surfaces unless it is a table)

  • Equipment is clean

  • Cleaning tools are stored properly, readily available and in good working condition<br>Are tools at work stations properly stored? Are cleaning utensils stored on racks and not resting on the floors? Are they in good condition?

STANDARDIZE : Standards established, presented and supported

  • Sort standards are established

  • Straighten standards are established<br>Are the waste and recycling receptacles being used properly - containing the designated materials? (glass only in glass bins, recyclable materials in the single stream bins, waste in the waste bins)<br>Are product and non-product containers correctly labeled for contents?<br>Are the pedestrian walkways and stairways unblocked? Are all exits unlocked and unblocked?<br>Are fire extinguishers, eye washes and electrical panels easily accessible and unblocked?

  • Shine standards are established<br>Are doors closed?

  • Kanban standards are established

SUSTAIN : Maintain 5S Culture as a Way of Life

  • Previous week's audit completed

  • Sustain Board up-to-date with previous audit

  • Shine plan and diagram are posted

  • 50% of Opportunities from previous audit have been completed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.