Title Page

  • Facility/Farm Name

  • Conducted on

  • Inspected by


General Hive Appearance

  • Are bee actively entering/exiting the hive?

  • Are the bees bringing in pollen?

  • Are there signs of robbing?

  • Are there signs an animal has been disturbing the hive? (Chew or scratch marks from skunks, racoons, etc.)

  • Are the bees calm when you open the hive? (An agitated or disorganized colony can indicate: queenslessness, poor weather/inspection timing, or a recent intruder)


  • Is the brood pattern good?

  • Are larvae healthy, white, and shiny?

  • Is royal jelly present in cells with larva?

  • Is there brood in capped and uncapped cells?

  • Is there one egg or larvae per cell?

Signs of Pests

  • Mites test result

  • Are ants present?

  • Are wax moths present?

  • Is there an unusual number of dead bees?

  • Is there an odor?


  • How many frames are "covered" in bees? (Look down into the box and see how many seams between frames are full of bees)

  • How many frames are being fully or almost fully used for brood?

  • If in a nectar flow, do the bees have space to store nectar?

  • Do the bees have an empty comb and/or new frames to build comb where they can store nectar?

Weather Conditions

  • Temperature/Precipitation

  • Has there been any substantial change in total popularity since last infection

General Notes and Observations

  • Name & Signature of Inspector

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