Tarefa a ser realizada durante auditoria
PPE and Safety Systems/Procedures
The worker are using the proper PPE's:<br>safety shoes/ lab coat or Tyvek suit/ safety glasses/ earplugs/ gloves/ mask
The worker knows the PPE/MSDS to use when handling chemical substances
The fume hood is used during the handling of chemical products
There are not blocked: <br>Emergency exits/ fire related equipments/eyewash/emergency shower
The spill kit is available in the lab and people know it's location and how to use
In QA activities performed at productive areas, the safety rules are being fulfilled
The workers know their meeting point
The workers know the medical emergency number and the general emergency number
Tools and Equipments
Stairs and harness are used safely
The worker only use safety cutting knives
In case of danger there are signposting in equipments
General Safety
The substances are stored according their typology/danger
The containers are labeled appropriately and the content is within validity
There is no food or drink in workplace
Whenever there's manual lifting, right postures are observed
Correct desk posture (adjust monitor position/chair/light)
Is the rubbish placed in appropriate containers, kept closed and labled?
Is the waste placed in appropriate containers, kept closed and labled?
Was identified any risk behaviour that it is not mentioned above?<br>What: