Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Site Address.

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Signature

Section A: Hygienic Food Handling.

  • QA 001: Frequent, through and correct hand washing by colleagues.

  • QA002 - Colleagues observed are following personal hygiene requirements. <br>

  • QA003 - Clean uniforms or over-clothing, hats / hairnets and appropriate footwear is being worn by food handlers.

  • QA004 - Compliance with the reporting of illness / Fitness to work policy.

  • QA005 - Temperature checks undertaken of all chilled and frozen deliveries. Requirement: Chilled Foods 0 to 8°C and Frozen Foods -12°C or colder

  • QA006 - All chilled foods are stored / maintained under the correct chilled conditions<br>Requirement: Chilled Foods 0 to 8°C (CCP 2); High risk foods must not be out of the fridge for more than 30 minutes (CCP 3) Chilled foods to be maintained at 8°C or below throughout display. If not displayed below 8°C can only be displayed for one period up to 4 hours.

  • QA007 - All frozen foods are stored / maintained under the correct frozen conditions<br>Requirement: Frozen Foods -18°C or colder<br>

  • QA008 - All cooked products are being heated to a minimum of 75°C (82°C in Scotland) N.B: see permitted variations<br>Requirement: Core temperature 75°C or hotter (82°C in Scotland)

  • QA009 - The hot holding of foods policy is being followed correctly<br>Requirement: Hot held food is to be maintained at a minimum of 63°C; hot food that has not been held above 63°C to be discard after 2 hours.

  • QA010 - Bulk prepared foods are being safely cooled<br>Requirement: Food to be cooled enough to be refrigerated within 90 minutes.

  • QA011 - Frozen foods are being safely defrosted. <br>Requirement: Foods not to exceed 8°C during defrosting; Foods to be covered during defrost; Defrosting foods to have in-house date labelling; Defrosting foods to be stored in fridge according to correct layout as per SOP 4 to prevent cross-contamination.

  • QA012 - Probe thermometers being 'calibrated'. <br>Requirement: Probe thermometer to be working, is to be calibrated on a weekly basis and to be clean.

  • QA013 - All foods correctly packaged / covered to prevent cross-contamination<br>Requirement: All foods to be suitably covered, protected and packaging intact to prevent contamination.

  • QA014 - All stored foods are labelled with a date code (Use By, Best Before or in-house date label) and where an in-house date label is used, it has been correctly applied<br>Requirement: Stock is rotated in accordance with the 'First In - First Out' Rule. All foods must be labelled and dated with either a manufacturers' date (Use By or Best Before date) or with an in-house food storage label<br>

  • QA015 - No 'out of date' food has been found (Use By, Best before and in-house date code)<br>Requirement: No 'out of date' foods to be accepted on delivery; Out of date foods are to be discarded; Legal offence for foods past their respective Use By date to be in possession for sale<br>

  • QA016 - All raw meats and unwashed fruit and vegetable are suitably segregated from ready to eat foods<br><br>

  • QA017 - Correct use and storage of colour coded equipment<br>Requirement: Separate colour coded equipment must be used for raw / part-cooked and cooked food<br>

  • QA018 - Safe Storage and Handling of Ice <br>Requirement: All accessible parts of the ice machine to be clean; Scoops, tongs, ice buckets and containers used are to be clean and in good condition; Scoops to be stored in a dry, clean container; scoops, ice containers etc are to be washed in dishwasher on a daily basis; ice wells to be cleaned and sanitised at the end of every night; ice to be covered at all times to prevent contamination<br>

Section B: Structure / Equipment / Cleaning / Pest Control.

  • QB001 - Facilities are provided to food handlers for the storage of outdoor clothing e.g. lockers and the facilities are kept clean and tidy<br>Requirement: Outdoor clothing must be kept separate to your clean clothing and where stored in a locker, the locker must be kept clean and tidy <br>

  • QB002 - All walls, floors, ceilings and fixed structures in the Restaurant are clean<br>Requirement: All areas and surfaces are to be clean and a 'clean as you go' policy is adopted<br><br>Critical Failure - Most areas unclean demonstrating systematic failure in cleaning procedures<br>

  • QB003 - All walls, floors, ceilings and fixed structures are able to be thoroughly cleaned<br>Requirement: All structure surfaces within the Restaurant must be capable of being thoroughly cleaned.<br>

  • QB004 - All equipment throughout the Restaurant is clean<br>Requirement: All equipment is to be maintained in a clean condition.<br>

  • QB005 - All equipment throughout the Restaurant is able to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and presents no risk of contamination of foods i.e. rusty equipment, paint flaking from equipment<br>Requirement: All equipment and utensils are to be able to be thoroughly cleaned and maintained in good condition with no damage/flaking paint/rust. The use of wooden utensils is to be avoided<br>

  • QB006 - The dishwasher/glasswasher(s) are working effectively<br>Requirement: During the rinse cycle a temperature of 82°C or higher is to be achieved<br>

  • QB007 - Daily and Weekly Cleaning Schedules are fully completed<br>Requirement: Each area must have a cleaning schedule detailing all areas to be cleaned, the frequency, chemicals and persons responsible for the cleaning. Monthly, weekly and daily cleaning tasks must be clearly identified on the cleaning schedule.<br>

  • QB008 - Cleaning equipment clean, in good condition stored separate to food products<br>Requirement: Cleaning cloths and green scorers to be kept in sanitiser when not in use; metal scorers not permitted; cleaning chemicals and equipment to be stored separate to food area; Single use, disposable cloths to be used.<br>

  • QB009 - Suitable and sufficient hand washing facilities<br>Requirement: Sufficient wash hand basins dedicated for hand washing only provided in readily-accessible locations; Hot and cold running water supply present; water temperature satisfactory; plug provided in wash hand basins; bactericidal liquid hand soap available; hand drying facilities available (paper towels or hot air dryer); "Hand Wash Only" sign displayed.<br>

  • QB010 - Adequate lighting in all back of house areas<br>Requirement: All back of house areas to have adequate lighting in order to be able to work safely and to see what needs cleaning<br>

  • QB011 - All light fittings are protected with a diffuser or other suitable cover<br>Requirement: All light fittings in food areas to have diffusers or other suitable cover to protect the glass bulb / strip light from breakages<br>

  • QB012 - Adequate ventilation provided in kitchens and WCs<br>Requirement: All kitchens and WCs to have adequate ventilation (either natural or mechanical means) in order to be provide a comfortable environment to work and to extract steam and fumes<br>

  • QB013 - Adequate number of Staff WCs are provided which are clean and fully operational<br>Requirement: There must be an adequate number of flush WCs, which do not open directly into a food room; The WC facilities must be kept clean and in working order <br>

  • QB014 - There is an adequate supply of hot and cold (potable) running water<br>Requirement: There is an adequate supply of hot and cold potable water <br>

  • QB015 - There are separate designated sinks for both the washing of equipment and utensils/ cleaning and the washing of food/ Food prep sink<br>Requirement: There are to be separate, designated sinks for the cleaning and disinfection of utensils and equipment which are to be made of corrosion-resistant materials and be easy to clean. There are to be separate, designated sinks for the washing of food which are to be kept clean. <br>

  • QB016 - The drainage facilities are adequate and present no risk of contamination<br>Requirement: The drainage facilities are to be adequate with no blockages, broken and defective drains; A suitable grease -trap fitted where required which is to be well-maintained.<br>

  • QB017 - Compliance with procedures to prevent foreign object contamination<br>Requirement: No drawing pins/staples to be used in food preparation or storage areas; all containers inverted when not in use; chipped / cracked glassware and crockery to be discarded; adherence with glass breakage procedure.<br>

  • QB018 - All waste (food/paper and packaging/glass and ceramics/general waste) are being handled, stored and disposed of correctly<br>Requirement: Waste bins are not allowed to overflow; Regular emptying of bins; Regular cleaning of internal waste bins; External waste bins/skips to have a lid; Hand washing after handling refuse.<br>

  • QB019 - (CRITICAL) - No signs of pests within food areas of the Restaurant<br>Requirement: The Restaurant and the Pest Control Contractor must work together to achieve pest-free conditions within the Restaurant; The Restaurant to be well-proofed; Good management of doors and windows; All areas of the restaurant to be maintained in a clean condition; Checking of deliveries for signs of pest damage; Regular removal and secure storage of waste.<br><br>Critical Failure - Signs of Pest activity in food areas<br>

  • QB020 - No evidence of pests noted in external areas (including non-food areas within the Restaurant such as inside wall cavities and roof voids)<br>Requirement: Although, there will be pests in external areas, any external pest activity which potentially could lead to internal pest problems are to be effectively treated / managed; Tidy external refuse areas and regular removal waste so not to attract pests to the Restaurant;<br>

  • QB020 - Pest Control Records held in the Restaurant or easily accessible, up to date and action points proposed by the pest control contractor are being signed off<br>Requirement: Pest control records are available and kept up-to-date by the contractor (includes details of the service contract, details of the pesticides used; All recommendations made by the pest control contractor to be acted upon and signed off in a timely manner <br>

Section C: Confidence in Management

  • QC001 - All Restaurant colleagues are listed on the CDG Academy On-line Training Plan<br>Requirement: All Restaurant colleagues are listed on the on-line CDG Academy Training Plan; All Restaurant colleagues are to complete all training sections relevant to their job role<br>

  • QC002 - All Restaurant colleagues have completed the Day-1 Welcome Training on-line<br>Requirements: All Restaurant colleagues are to complete the on-line Day 1 Welcome training on their first day of work (except those colleagues working on a trial shift provided they are supervised at all times)<br>

  • QC003 - All Restaurant colleagues have received training on all of the SOPs relevant to their job role within 12 weeks of employment<br>Requirements: All Restaurant colleagues are required to receive training on all of the SOPs relevant to their job role <br>

  • QC004 - All Restaurant colleagues have received the E-Learning / Academy Foundation Level 2 Food Safety training within first week of their employment<br>Requirements: All Restaurant colleagues are to receive the E-Learning Foundation Level 2 Food Safety . Refresher training is required every 3 years.<br>

  • QC005 - All Restaurant colleagues have received training on the actions to be taken in the event of a fire and the evacuation procedures on induction and every 6 months thereafter<br>Requirements: All Restaurant colleagues are to receive basic fire training in what to do in the event of a fire on induction iIncluded in the Day 1 Welcome Training.<br>

  • QC006 - All Restaurant colleagues have received training on the health and Safety risk assessments relevant to their work within 12 weeks of employment?<br>Requirement: All Restaurant colleagues are to have received training on the risk assessments relevant to their work <br>

  • QC007 - All Restaurant colleagues have completed the on-line training module on Fire Awareness within 1 week of employment?<br>Requirement: All Restaurant colleagues are to complete the on-line training module on Fire Awareness <br>

  • QC008 - All Restaurant colleagues have completed the on-line training module on Manual Handling within 2 weeks of employment<br>Requirement: All Restaurant colleagues are to complete the on-line training module on Manual Handling within 2 weeks of employment. <br>

  • QC009 - All Restaurant colleagues have completed the on-line training module on Allergen Awareness within 1 week of employment<br>Requirement: All Restaurant colleagues are to complete the on-line training module on Allergen Awareness. <br>

  • QC010 - All Restaurant colleagues who are authorised to serve / sell alcohol have undertaken the ALPS (Award for Licensed Premises Staff) course on-line within 3 weeks of employment<br>Requirement: All Restaurant colleagues are to undertake the ALPS (Award for Licensed Premises Staff) course on-line. <br>

Section D: Licensing

  • QD001 - The Premises Licence Summary is clearly displayed within the Restaurant<br>Requirement: A copy of the Premises Licence Summary is to be displayed on the premises where it can be easily seen<br>

  • QD002 - A full copy of the Premises Licence is kept in the Restaurant<br>Requirement: A full copy of the Premises Licence is kept in the office at the premises and is available for inspection<br>

  • QD003 - The site specific conditions within the Premises Licence are being complied with<br>Procedure: The specific conditions will be laid down in the full copy of the Premises Licence <br>

  • QD004 - The Restaurant is actively operating an age verification policy (i.e. Challenge 21)<br>Requirement: A mandatory condition attached to all Premises Licence is to operate an age verification policy<br><br>

  • QD005 - The specified alcoholic drinks are available in the prescribed small measures<br>Procedure: The Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) Order 2010 <br>

Section E: Health and Safety

  • QE001 - The Health and Safety Law Poster is displayed<br>

  • QE002 - A copy of the current Employers' Liability Insurance certificate is displayed?<br>

  • QE003 - A list of current first aiders / appointed persons is displayed on the Staff noticeboard<br>

  • QE004 - The Gas Leak Emergency Procedure is displayed which includes the Emergency Gas telephone number?<br>

  • QE005 - The Restaurant has the latest version of the CDG Health and Food Safety Compliance Manual<br>Requirement: The Restaurant to have and to be working to the latest version of the CDG Health and Food Safety Compliance Manual; To have inserted the subsequent updates and to have removed the document it has replaced; In the case of updates to record logs / forms to be using the updated versions<br>

  • QE006- The Worksafe Action Log is available, the required weekly Worksafe Questions are being answered and identified deficiencies are being effectively managed<br>Requirement: The appropriate week's Worksafe Questions are answered and a review of the risk assessments given for that week are reviewed. Any deficiencies noted are entered in the Worksafe Action Log with the remedial actions to be taken. The remedial actions are to be completed in a timely manner and the GM signs the Log to confirm the remedial action(s) has been completed<br><br>Critical Failure - Evidence of falsification of records, or not completing action log<br>

  • QE007 - The Worksafe Poster is displayed and is being signed by the GM on a weekly basis and quarterly by the AM<br>

  • QE008 - All accidents, incidents, near misses and enforcement officer visits are reported using the SAI Global On-line Reporting System, the GM is investigating all incidents and uploading relevant documents to the on-line System<br>Requirement: All accidents, incidents, near misses and enforcement officer visits are to be reported using the SAI Global On-line Reporting System without undue delay in accordance with RIDDOR requirements; GM's response for ensuring that all accidents are robustly investigated and relevant document uploaded to the On-line System

  • QE009 - Monitoring of hot water temperatures and flushing of infrequently used outlets being undertaken<br>Requirement: The hot and cold water temperatures are to be checked at a different outlet each week; Infrequently used outlets are to be flushed on a weekly basis<br>

  • QE010 - Walkways and stairways are free from debris, grease, low level items, defect/damage or feature which present a risk of slips, trips or falls<br>Requirement: Floor surfaces to be free of contamination, damage, uneven surfaces. Staff to wear suitable footwear.

  • QE011 - Safe lifting techniques observed<br>Requirement: Colleagues to use correct manual handling techniques - Manual handling - Worksafe; Items stored as to facilitate safe manual handling<br>

  • QE012 - Work at Height - Work at height carried out in a safe manner<br>Requirement: Only an approved safety step ladders to be used for work at height; Pre-operational visual check of ladders to be undertaken; Defective ladders not to be used; Ladders to be stored safely when not in use; Ladders to be used in accordance with Stepladder WorkSafe procedure.<br>

  • QE013 - Only approved chemicals being used and COSHH Product Assessments / Material Safety Data Sheets are available<br>Requirement: Only approved chemicals from the approved supplier are to be used; COSHH Assessments / Material Safety Data Sheets to be kept in the Chemical Register

  • QE014 - Chemicals are being used and stored safely<br>Requirement: Chemicals to be diluted and used in accordance with instruction / product label; Correct PPE to be worn; All chemical labels clearly labelled; Chemicals to be stored in a separate area and chemical labels clearly labelled<br>

  • QE015 - All PPE required by COSHH assessments and for handling hot items / utensils is in good use / good condition/ stored correctly<br>Requirement: PPE to be worn in accordance with the Chemical Register, RA 15 and when handling hot items / utensils; The required PPE to be available, be in good condition and stored safely<br>

  • QE016 - First Aid boxes fully stocked, easily accessible and clearly located<br>Requirement: An appropriate number of fully stocked first aid boxes to be easily accessible<br>

  • QE017 - Work equipment has the required safety controls in place which are working and are being operated correctly<br>Requirement: Equipment include blenders, dough rollers, mandolins, waste compactors, gravity food slicers, food mixing machines to have correct guard and/or other safety device<br>

  • QE018 - All electrical equipment including flexes, plugs, sockets, extension leads to electrical equipment are in good condition<br>Requirement: All electrical equipment to be in good condition and flexes, lugs, sockets and extension leads in good condition and all conductors suitably enclosed and insulated<br>

  • QE019 - All racking and shelving throughout the restaurant are safe and secure<br>Requirement: Racking and shelving throughout the restaurant to be secure and in good condition, not damaged, rusty, unstable, overloaded, distorted or dangerous<br>

  • QE020 - A weekly visual check of all gas appliances is being undertaken<br>Requirement: GMs are responsible for ensuring that a weekly visual inspection of the kitchen gas appliances takes place and a record kept<br>

  • QE021 - All knives are stored and are used safely<br>Requirement: Correct knife used for the task; Knives carried with the point towards the floor, cutting edge facing; A chopping board to be used when cutting; Knives stored safely in a knife rack, magnetic board, block or roll. <br><br><br>

  • QE022 - All emergency door release to walk-in chillers and freezers are working correctly<br>Requirement: Working emergency door release system provided

  • QE023 - All high chairs and baby changing units are in good condition<br>Requirement: All high chairs and baby change units to be in good condition<br>

  • QE024 - All gas bottles are stored safely<br>Requirement: CO2/Helium cylinders to be stored in a cool, dry ventilated area of the Restaurant away from heat sources kept upright and chained so that they do not fall over; Preferably LPG cylinders are to be stored outside and secured / caged. Where they are stored inside to be in a well ventilated room away from ignition / heat sources, kept upright and chained; minimal gas bottles to be stored at the Restaurant<br>

  • QE025 - Procedures for the cleaning of fryers and the filtering and topping up of oil are being adhered to<br>Requirement: Isolation of the fryer before commencing cleaning; The oil needs to cool for at least 6 hours and be below 40°C; A metal container of appropriate size to be used in which to drain the oil; the fryer not to be overfilled when topping up the oil; Clean as you go any spillages of oil; Waste oil is being handled and stored safely whilst awaiting collection <br>

  • QE026 - All external seating areas, external equipment, canopies and signage are maintained in good condition and are being used correctly<br>Requirement: A-Boards to be in good condition and positioned not to obstruct walkways / pavements; Outdoor canopy to be in good condition and to be closed at night and when bad weather; Outdoor heaters to be in good condition, positioned on a stable, firm, level surface away from any flammable materials i.e. canopies, parasols; For external areas under the responsibility of the Restaurant, the floor area to be free from slip, trips and fall hazards including uneven, damaged floors / steps, pot-holes, uncovered gully channels<br>

  • QE027 - Other hazards (i.e. store specific) are being adequately managed<br>Report as necessary any other hazard or issue noted which is not being effectively managed<br>

Section F: Fire Safety

  • QF001 - No smoking signs are displayed in a prominent position at every entrance to the restaurant<br>Requirement: No Smoking signs are to be displayed in a prominent position at every entrance to the restaurant.<br><br>Minor: A No Smoking not displayed at the minority of entrances<br>Major: A No Smoking sign is not displayed at the majority of entrances<br>

  • QF002 - A Fire Plan of the Restaurant is displayed on the Noticeboard, detailing fire exits, firefighting equipment, emergency lighting and call points<br>Requirement: A Fire Plan of the Restaurant is to be displayed on the Noticeboard, detailing fire exits, firefighting equipment, emergency lighting and call points<br>

  • QF003 - All fire exits and fire routes are clear, free from obstruction and unlocked<br>Requirement: All fire routes and fire exits must be clear to exit at all times. They must be unlocked and free from obstructions<br>Critical Failure - One or more fire route / exit is obstructed / locked<br>

  • QF004 - All fire extinguishers are located as per the fire plan, easily accessible, fitted on suitable fixings off the floor with appropriate signage and in good condition.<br>Requirement: Fire extinguishers and fire blankets located as per the site plan, easily accessible, fixed on suitable fixings with appropriate signage <br>

  • QF005 - The firefighting equipment (ansul systems, fire suppression system and sprinkler systems) appears to be in good operational condition including the ansul hoses pointing directly over cooking equipment.<br>Requirement: The firefighting equipment (ansul systems, fire suppression system and sprinkler systems) appears to be in good operational condition including the ansul hoses pointing directly over cooking equipment.<br>

  • QF007 - Flammable materials and items are stored safely<br>Audit Instruction: Check all areas of the Restaurant particularly in plant rooms/boiler rooms/electrical cupboards and under stairwells for the safe storage of flammable materials<br>

  • QF008 - All gas and electric shut off valves / switches clear and easily accessible<br>Requirement: Keep access to gas shut off valves and electrical isolation switches clear<br>

  • QF009 - Fire doors are closed when not in use, they have appropriate signage, there are no obvious signs of damage to the door or door seal and the self-closing device is fully operational<br>Requirement: All fire doors are to kept closed when not in use; They must not be wedged open; They must have appropriate signage ' Fire Door - Keep Closed'; The self-closing device must be in a good, operational condition; The door itself, door frame and door seals to be undamaged with no obvious gaps.<br>

  • QF010 - There are no overloaded electrical sockets, electrical block adapters used or extension leads linked together<br>Requirement: Electrical sockets are not to be overloaded; Electrical block adapters are not to be used; Electrical extension cables are not to be linked together<br>

  • QF011 - The fire alarm control panel is clear of faults<br>Requirement: The fire alarm control panel is clear of faults.<br>

  • QF012 - Other fire hazards are being adequately managed<br>Report as necessary any other hazard or issue noted which is not being effectively managed<br>

  • QF013 - A fire evacuation drill has taken place in the last 6 months<br>Requirement: A fire drill / practice evacuation is to be undertaken at least every 6 months; The Fire Evacuation Record is to be completed as a record of the drill and is to list the full names of all the Restaurant colleagues taking part.<br>

  • QF014 - There is a record confirming that the fire alarm is being tested on a weekly basis<br>Requirement: The GM is responsible for a weekly test of the fire alarm / call points, choosing a different call point on a rotational basis to ensure all call points are checked over a specified period. Records are to be maintained of the test detailing the call point checked and any defects noted<br>

  • QF015 - There is a record confirming that the Emergency Lighting system is being tested on a weekly basis (a fish key test)<br>Requirement: The GM is responsible for a weekly test of the emergency lighting system (a fish key test). Records are to be maintained of the test detailing any defects noted<br>

  • QF016 - All colleagues questioned a fully aware of what to do in the event of a fire within the Restaurant<br>Requirement: All Restaurant colleagues are to be aware of the procedures to be followed if they discover a fire and on hearing the fire alarm; All Restaurant colleagues are to be aware of the location of the fire assembly point; Front of house colleagues are to be aware of the procedures on evacuating customers from the Restaurant <br>Critical Failure - The majority of colleagues are unaware of the evacuation procedures<br>

  • QF017 - Restaurant colleagues are to be aware of what type of fire extinguisher is to be used for fighting the different types of fires<br>Requirement: All colleagues are to have knowledge of the correct fire extinguisher for the type of fire<br>

Section G: Food Allergens

  • QG001 - Restaurant colleagues are aware of the allergen menus and are able to access them should they receive a request from an allergy sufferer<br>Requirement: Clear and accurate allergen information for each menu item is available for customers in the Restaurants<br>

  • QG002 - All foods particularly those containing allergens are suitably enclosed to prevent cross contamination during storage<br>Requirement: Opened packets of foods containing allergens are to be stored in sealed containers in separate areas / cupboards; Nuts to be stored below any other ingredient; If foods are decanted into other containers, the container is to be clearly labelled with the contents in order for allergens to be identified.

  • QG003 - All front of house colleagues are aware of the procedure for dealing with customer allergen requests<br>Requirement: The Duty Manager is to be informed and the Duty Manager is to take charge of the order; The customer to be shown the allergen menu documents and informed of the steps to be taken when preparing the meal; Communication with kitchen personnel / food handlers of the order being for an allergy sufferer<br>

  • QG004 - All food handlers are aware of the procedure for the preparation of an allergy sufferer's meal from preparation to service<br>Requirement: Thorough washing of hands; Hand-washing of all equipment and utensils, including crockery, glassware and cutlery to be used by the allergy sufferer, using a pre-cleaned/sanitised sink, new cloths and paper towels to dry; To use ingredients from freshly opened containers; Prepare meal in isolation, the area having been thoroughly cleaned and sanitised using new cloths and paper towels to dry; Meal to be served immediately; If there is any doubt that the meal has not been prepared in accordance with SOP 13, the meal is to be discarded and preparation started again<br>

Optional Section: Specialist Foods

  • QH001 - All required checks are being undertaken on delivery of live mussels, clams and lobsters<br>Requirement: On delivery the mussels / clams are to be accompanied by a dated health / ID mark which is to be kept for at least 60 days. The label is to be affixed to form FS1A. If there is no health / ID mark the consignment is to be rejected. The ID number and Batch ref number are to be recorded on FS1a. The following are to be checked and recorded on FS1a: The hygiene of the delivery vehicle, vehicle temperature and probed mussel temperature.<br>

  • QH002 - Live mussels, clams and lobsters are being stored and handled safely<br>Requirement: All mussels and clams must remain live until cooked; Mussels, clams and lobsters must be stored in clean, sanitised equipment, the time out of refrigeration must not exceed 10 minutes; To be stored in a separate refrigerator or segregated from other foods; the mussels and clams are to be labelled throughout to maintain traceability; Mussels and clams must not be submerged in water; regular checks to be undertaken to ensure dead or damaged mussels or clams are discarded; A clean knife is to be used for removing barnacles / beards<br>

  • QH003 - Food handlers are aware of the humane methods of despatching lobsters<br>Requirement: Prior to despatch the lobster is to be chilled; CDG adopt 2 methods of despatching lobsters I. By slicing the lobster in half with a sharp knife from the head to the tail ii. By placing the lobster in a pan of water and bringing it to the boil.

  • QH004 - Dry-cured hams i.e. Iberico, Serrano, are being stored, handled and served safely<br>Requirement: As the product is dry-cured, the risk of microbiological growth on the product is low, therefore, can be stored at ambient temperatures. The area where the ham is stored, the holder, knives used to slice the ham and scales to weigh the ham portions are to be maintained in a clean condition and thoroughly cleaned before use; The ham joint is to be covered in Clingfilm when not being sliced which is to be changed regularly; On opening the ham and placing in the ham holder, a date code is to be applied to the holder and once opened is to be used within 3 months. Any cut ham is to be served immediately<br>

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.