Title Page

  • Inspection date

  • Inspector's name

  • Block name and number

  • Estate name

  • Post code

  • Neighbourhood Office

  • GIS location

Location photo

  • Block photo


  • Disclaimer
    The assessors believe the information contained within this report to be correct at the time of issue. The assessors do not accept responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of the information herein. The report is based on matters which were observed or came to the attention of the assessors during the day of the inspection/audit and should not be relied upon as an exhaustive record of all possible risks or hazards that may exist or potential improvements that can be made.

    Confidentiality Statement
    In order to maintain the integrity and credibility of the inspection/audit processes and to protect the parties involved, it is understood that the assessors will not divulge to unauthorised persons any information obtained during this inspection/audit unless legally obligated to do so.

    Action owners
    Please note that the cost of any repairs or improvement works, equipment or facilities, recommended in this report, will be borne by the department relevant to the action assignee.

1.0 Means of Escape

  • 1.1 Are FB door override facilities free from damage and misuse?

  • 1.2 Do the dry/wet riser inlet/outlets appear free from obvious damage/misuse and clearly marked?

  • 1.3 Do Front/Rear entrance and exits doors function in a safe condition ?

  • 1.4 Are escape routes clear of waste/combustibles/storage/trip hazards? (E.g, bicycles, prams, plants, furniture,security gates etc.)

  • 1.5 Are the communal areas free of any mobility scooters and or E-mobility devices?

  • 1. 6 Are fire-resistant compartmentation and fire stopping measures intact in common areas?

  • 1.7 Are there any loose hanging cables or damage to cable trunking within the escape routes?

  • 1.8 Is there construction material on the means of escape that would contribute to the spread of fire?

  • 1.9 Is there any damage to fabric of the building: i.e cracks to masonry, exposed rebar, weeds protruding through concrete?

  • 1.9 Can all communal fire exit doors/gates on escape routes,be opened immediately without the use of a key?

  • 1.10 Are there any signs of water penetration or algae on walls or pathways?

2.0 Secure Information Box (SIB)

  • 2.1 Is the Secure Information Box (SIB) in a suitable location within the block?

  • 2.2: Is the box in good condition and securely fixed to the structure?

  • 2.3 Please identify the key type (e.g.FB4, H11 etc.)

  • 2.4. Are 2x A3 building plans and orientation plan present?

  • 2.5. Are 2x EAR list present and dated?

  • 2.6. Are flat layout present (Get Out blocks only)?

3.0 Ventilation

  • 3.1 Have any vents required for smoke control been blocked to prevent draughts?

  • 3.2 Are windows in good condition, functioning correctly and free from visible damage?

  • 3.3 Are window restrictors installed?

4.0 Service Areas

  • 4.1 Are riser cupboards free from accumulation of combustible materials?

  • 4.2 Are the service areas free of any mobility scooters and or E-mobility devices?

  • 4.3 Are doors to riser cupboards,electrical cupboards,plant rooms,refuse stores and other ancillary rooms in good condition and securely locked?

  • 4.4 Are fire-resistant compartmentation and fire stopping measures intact in service areas?

  • 4.5 Are refuse chute hoppers in working order, clear of blockage and close adequately?

5.0 Signage

  • 5.1 Has a floor menu been installed on the ground floor of the block?

  • 5.2 Are floor level indicators displayed in stairway and lift lobbies?

  • 5.3 Are there flat indicator signage displayed on each floor in stairway and lift lobbies areas?

  • 5.4 Where fitted are fire exit directional signs installed,logical,visible, properly illuminated, and functioning?

  • 5.5 Are “Do not use lift in the event of a fire” signs in place,where applicable?

  • 5.6 Are “No Smoking” signs in place in communal areas?

  • 5.7 Are “Fire doors keep locked” signs in place on all service riser doors?

  • 5.8 Is there any unnecessary duplication of signage that needs to be removed ?

6.0 External Areas

  • 6.1 From what can be seen are balconies clear of storage of combustible materials?

  • 6.2 From what can be seen are balconies free from obvious sources of ignition?(e.g.BBQs,electrical equipment)

  • 6.3 Is there any damage to fabric of the building: i.e cracks to masonry, exposed rebar, weeds protruding through concrete?

  • 6.4 Are the bins in a suitable location?

  • 6.5 Are the bins overflowing or is there evidence of fly tipping?

  • 6.6 Is there evidence of fly tipping within the external areas ?

  • 6.7 Are doors to refuse chambers in good condition and securely locked?

  • 6.8 Are any fuel driven vehicles (motorbikes, scooters) parked too close to the building?

7.0 Access, evacuation strategy and FRA actions

  • 7.1 Is Fire Brigade access to the block clear?

  • 7.2 Are fire action notices displaying correct evacuation advice present in the block entrance lobby?

8.0 Contractors

  • 8.1 Are council contractors working on site?

  • What is the Name of Contractor?

  • no further action

  • 8.2 Are there any obvious H&S hazards that require urgent attention?

9.0 Non residential use

  • 9.1 Are there any cleaners facilities within the block?

  • 9.1 a Are there sufficient Control Measures in place to manage the cleaning facilities?

10.0 Are there any other issues identified?

  • 10.1 Are there any other issues identified?

  • List issues identified:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.