Title Page

  • Inspection date

  • Inspector's name

  • Site name and number

  • Post code

  • Neighbourhood Office

  • GIS location

Location photo

  • Travellers Site photo


  • Disclaimer
    The assessors believe the information contained within this report to be correct at the time of issue. The assessors do not accept responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of the information herein. The report is based on matters which were observed or came to the attention of the assessors during the day of the inspection/audit and should not be relied upon as an exhaustive record of all possible risks or hazards that may exist or potential improvements that can be made.

    Confidentiality Statement
    In order to maintain the integrity and credibility of the inspection/audit processes and to protect the parties involved, it is understood that the assessors will not divulge to unauthorised persons any information obtained during this inspection/audit unless legally obligated to do so.

    Action owners
    Please note that the cost of any repairs or improvement works, equipment or facilities, recommended in this report, will be borne by the department relevant to the action assignee.

    1. Health, Safety and Fire Risk (per floor)
  • 1.1 Are escape routes clear of waste/combustibles/storage/trip hazards? (E.g. mobility scooters, bicycles, prams, plants, furniture, security gates etc.)

  • 1.2 Is the Communal area free from any obstructions i.e. rubbish?

  • 1.3 Are pitches clean and free from rubbish?

  • 1.4 Are there blockages in any part of the drainage system on the site?

  • 1.5 Is there any evidence of fly-tipping or potentially hazardous waste?

  • 1.6 Are all LPG gas bottles stored safely on pitches?

  • 1.7 Are ‘residents’ or ‘non-residents’ vehicles being parked on unauthorised areas/communal areas ?<br>(log vehicle details)<br>

  • 1.8 Are there any unauthorised caravan(s) on any pitches or communal areas?

  • 1.9 Is there any misuse of electrical leads on pitches?

  • 1.10 Is the communal lighting working correctly?

  • 1.11 Are the communal areas kept clear and accessible for emergency vehicles, if not log vehicle and owners details?

  • 1.12 Have smoke alarms in amenity huts and caravans/bungalows been tested by the site officer?

  • 1.13 Have smoke alarms in amenity huts and caravans/bungalows been tested by the resident in the presence of the site officer?

  • 1.14 Are there any trip hazards on the communal areas or pitches?

  • 1.15 Have residents reported any repairs?

  • 1.16 Have residents reported any fire safety concerns?

  • 1.17 Any other health and safety concerns?

  • 1.18 Have residents reported any repairs?

  • 1.19 Are there any concerns regarding Elderly and vulnerable residents?

  • 1.20 Are there any trip hazards on the communal areas or pitches?

  • 1.21 Where fitted,are smoke seals in good condition(not painted over or damaged)?

  • 1.22 Are pitches free from combustible items such as petrol/diesel?

2. Contractors

  • 2.1 Are council contractors working on site?

  • 4.1.1 Is a recent H&S site audit report of council’s contractors available on SAFe?

  • no further action

  • 2.2 Are there any obvious H&S hazards that require urgent attention?

3. Are there any other issues identified?

  • 3.1 Are there any other issues identified?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.