Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Restaurant Atmosphere

Updated In Store Marketing

  • Current approved, correct POP properly displayed, in correct position & location, and in good condition. All brand images must be up to date. Only Pancheros approved material within the restaurant.

  • No plants or other unapproved items in the dining room.

  • If applicable, Aside from the "Open" sign, no other lit signage or neon is allowed<br>in the windows or in the restaurant. "OPEN" signs, when in use, must be static<br>(not blinking or flashing).


  • All lighting must be clean, in working order, with approved and correct bulbs both<br>in quantity and type.

  • Menu-board lights must be aimed properly.

  • All artwork must have a halo-effect. No dark spots on the floor.


  • Music must be on and at a level loud enough to clearly hear the lyrics as this<br>contributes to the energy level in the restaurant.

  • Music must be managed so that the volume is increased and decreased<br>appropriately depending on overall volume of business in the restaurant.

  • PlayNetwork utilized - no radio, iPods, cd players, etc.

  • Television must be on ESPN or Major Sporting Event with subtitles, no volume.


  • HVAC must be in working order and the fan for the Dining Room must be in the<br>"on" position, not “auto”.

  • Temperature must be comfortable for guests.


  • Overall smell of the restaurant must be pleasant and inviting (examples:<br>scorched prepped items, bleach, musty mop water, etc.)

  • No air fresheners in use.

Restaurant Cleanliness

  • The entire restaurant must be clean, free of clutter, and in great condition. This includes, but is
    not limited to, floors, walls, railing, artwork, line area and equipment, drink station, cabinets,
    doors, countertops, etc..


  • Floors must be free of debris. Floors should not show buildup of dirt, salt, etc..

  • Wet Floors signs should only be visible when floors are wet. Mop bucket should<br>not be left in dining room when not in use.

  • Floor mats may only be used with 1 at each entryway and 1 at the drink fountain.

Dining Room

  • Tables and chairs must be balanced. Table bases need to be properly positioned.

  • Artwork, menu-boards, and ductwork must be free of dust. Menu-boards must be<br>clean and in good repair.

  • Front counters must be clear including both press counter and register counter (Only items allowed on the register counter are the register system, menus displayed correctly, small drink cups, large drink cups, and approved coin dispensers. Nothing can be taller than the register.)

  • Plates, bowls, lids, foils, etc must be stored below the counter out of sight of the customers.

Coke Machine

  • Coke machine should be free of any smudges and residue.

  • Nozzles and diffusers must be clean and free of any mold.


  • Sneezeguard must be clean and free of any smudges, residue, chips or cracks.

Windows and Doors

  • Glass windows must be immaculate and free of dirt/smudges/tape.

  • Doors must be immaculate and free of dirt/smudges/tape/stickers.

  • No unapproved signage.


  • All entrances are free of buildup and debris.

Women's Restroom

  • Vent, ceiling, and walls free of dust.

  • No soap residue on walls and floor

  • No mirror splatter

  • Floor free of debris and buildup

  • Toilets and sinks cleaned

  • Stainless steel appearance of covered trash can

  • equipment in working order

  • stocked properly

  • Free of cleaning supplies and plungers.

  • Clutter free

Men's restroom

  • Vent, ceiling, and walls free of dust

  • no soap residue on walls and floor

  • No mirror splatter

  • Floors free of debris and buildup

  • Toilets and sinks cleaned

  • Stainless steel appearance of covered trash can

  • equipment in working order

  • stocked properly

  • free of cleaning supplies and plungers

  • Clutter Free


  • Exhaust Hood and stainless steel must be clean and free of smudges or dust

  • Exhaust vents clean

Front Line Equipment

  • Equipment must be immaculate and in working order.

  • White cutting boards must be white, can have reasonable wear and tear.

Front Line Visual

  • Front line/guest line of sight must be clean, managed, set up properly, and<br>presentable to the guest. This includes, but is not limited to, floor and shelving<br>under the back line, back room/ kitchen visible through the door, equipment, lids<br>on the line, etc.

  • Pots and pans must be clean and be presentable.

Exterior Surrounding

  • Sidewalk around the restaurant must be clean and maintained (snow/ice should<br>be removed, there should be no trash, gum, cigarettes, etc.).

  • Parking lot must be clean and maintained (trash removed, professional image<br>projected).

  • Landscaping free of debris.

Exterior of Building

  • If applicable, patio area/furniture must be clean, organized, and in good<br>condition.

  • Outdoor trash containers must be clean, maintained, and emptied regularly.

  • Exterior lighting and signage must be in good condition, working completely, and<br>on at appropriate times.

Brand Standards

Beverage Station

  • Reference Beverage Station page in BEG.

Beverage Cooler

  • Drink cooler must follow specific configuration with approved drinks only (see<br>picture in BEG)

  • Nothing else may be in the cooler aside from approved drinks.

Branded Packaging Material

  • Branded paper materials only – cups, napkins, bags, etc. (only approved<br>substitutes if unbranded)

Opening/Closing Times

  • Location must have all items prepared to serve to guests a minimum of ten<br>minutes prior to posted opening time.

  • All items must be available to guests throughout the entire posted hours of<br>operation.

  • Location stays open 10 minutes past posted closing time.

  • Does the store hours need changed?


  • Does everyone have a hat, hairnet, bonnet, or visor on?

  • Does everyone wearing the approved Pancheros shirt?

  • Does everyone wear blue jeans or black pants? No athletic pants.

  • Does everyone have nonslip shoes on?

  • No jewelry, headphones or earbuds.

Guest Engagement

Press Greeting

  • Press position must quickly initiate greeting the guest with a smile and eyecontact. Greeting must be genuine, welcoming, friendly, and spoken clearly.

  • Guests must be asked for “Here or To-go”.

  • Items must be staged properly for Here or To-go. No lids or foils for dine in.

Prompts to guest

  • Each Team Member down the line must positively engage the guest and clearly<br>demonstrate that they are initiating engagement with the guest at each position.

  • Proper guest prompts are utilized throughout the entire ordering experience.<br>Food descriptions are properly given to the guest and extra charges are properly<br>explained.

Line Communication to team

  • Communication must be demonstrated between team members throughout the<br>entire building process.

  • Roller must communicate the order accurately and correctly to the cashier.<br>Guests may not be asked by the cashier to repeat their order.

Completing Transition

  • Cashier must thank the guest and communicate the survey on receipt.

  • Guests are invited to scan for rewards or join rewards program.

  • Order is properly rang into the register - For here or to go, correct protein, extras, etc.

  • Trays used correctly. (2 or more items)

  • To-go orders must be properly marked so the guest has an overall knowledge of<br>the product inside. Online orders are evaluated in different section.

Overall Demeanor

  • All Team Members must have friendly, genuine interaction with the guest<br>including a smile and eye contact.

  • Team Members must be able to recognize a new guest and guide them through<br>the initial process of an order.


  • The evaluator will have a team member portion and count three spoodles. In order to earn points the spoodle count average must be between 22-26 pieces for two of the three counts. Each protein must have a minimum of four servings on the line 4 at any given time. If this is not the case then that protein will receive the minimum count of 0. If a protein is shredded then that protein will receive the maximum count of forty for all three counts.


  • Chicken should be cut into ½” by ½” cubes - enough for a well-rounded spoodle<br>with 24 pieces.

  • Spoodle 1

  • Spoodle 2

  • Spoodle 3

  • Average of 3 spoodles


  • Steak should be cut into ½” by ½” cubes - enough for a well-rounded spoodle<br>with 24 pieces.

  • Spoodle 1

  • Spoodle 2

  • Spoodle 3

  • Average of 3 spoodles


  • Tofusada should be cut into ½” by ½” cubes - enough for a well-rounded spoodle<br>with 24 pieces.

  • Spoodle 1

  • Spoodle 2

  • Spoodle 3

  • Average of 3 spoodles

Hold times

  • Chicken, Steak, and Tofusada should be held no longer than 45 minutes on the line with the goal of holding it for no more than 20 minutes.

  • Steak and Chicken must be cooked and held properly.

Grilling Behaviors

  • Meat should be grilled properly with an absolute minimum amount of turning.

  • Knowledge of the correct utensils needs to be demonstrated. Blue tongs - cooked, Red tongs - raw.

  • Chicken must be cooked to proper internal temp, 165°F - 170°F.

  • Steak should be slightly pink in the middle when pulled from the grill (medium rare- 145°F).

  • Tofusada must be cut and cooked properly.

  • Tong or metal cut glove in use when cutting

  • Replacing tongs, knife, cutting board, and pans everytime

Line Setup

  • Correct hot serving utensils (see Setup Pictures in BEG or Recipe Guide)

  • Correct cold serving utensils (see Setup Pictures in BEG or Recipe Guide)

  • Correct press station setup (see Setup Pictures in BEG)

  • Correct line setup of hot foods (see Setup Pictures in BEG or Recipe Guide)

  • Correct line setup of cold foods (see Setup Pictures in BEG or Recipe Guide)

  • Correct roll table setup with Cilantro Lime Vinaigrette available (see Setup Pictures in BEG or Recipe Guide)

  • Correct utility station setup (see Setup Pictures in BEG)

  • Correct register station setup (see Setup Pictures in BEG)


  • Recipes must be followed according to current standards.

  • Pancheros Approved Ingredients only

  • All food product labeled and dated properly

  • Food items must be within Pancheros current shelf life standards.

Taste and Appearance of each Item

  • Complete Food Tasting of each individual recipe item. Use QRG in BEG for
    guidance. Presentation of completed items must be correct and match the pictures on the QRG's.

  • Tortilla Taste

  • Tortilla Appearance

  • Cilantro Lime Rice Taste

  • Cilantro Lime Rice Appearance

  • Black Bean Taste

  • Black bean Appearance

  • Pinto Bean Taste

  • Pinto Beans Appearance

  • Chicken Taste

  • Chicken Appearance

  • Steak Taste

  • Steak Appearance

  • Carnitas Taste

  • Carnitas Appearance

  • Tofusada Taste

  • Tofusada Appearance

  • Queso Taste

  • Queso Appearance

  • Veggie Taste

  • Veggie Appearance

  • Roasted Corn Salsa Taste

  • Roasted Corn Salsa Appearance

  • Pico de Gallo Taste

  • Pico de Gallo Appearance

  • Mild Ancho Salsa Taste

  • Mild Ancho Salsa Appearance

  • Medium Salsa Verde Taste

  • Medium Salsa Verde Appearance

  • Hot Tomatillo Salsa Taste

  • Hot Tomatillo Salsa Appearance

  • Jalapeños Taste

  • Jalapeños Appearance

  • Guacamole Taste

  • Guacamole Appearance

  • Cilantro Lime Vinaigrette Taste

  • Cilantro Lime Vinaigrette Apearance

  • Chips Taste

  • Chips Appearance

Perfect Press / Tortilla

Press Behaviors

  • The Dough Press must be used correctly - pressing the tortilla; this should be a single motion (a second press may be allowed to make a final correction to size, but never “pumping” the press).

  • When dough is pressed between the platens dough should make a brief “Swooshing" sound that indicates proper timing.

  • Press must be returned to an upright closed position when not actively being<br>used.

  • Food release spray should never be directly sprayed onto press.

Perfect Tortilla

  • The tortilla must be pressed to the correct size - 5′′ for tacos, 10" for<br>quesadillas/side tortillas, and 13" for burritos.

  • Cooked with perfect golden brown spots

  • Tortillas must be finished on both sides properly on the flattop.

  • Tortillas cannot be tattered. Tortillas cannot be torn.


  • For this section the evaluator will time multiple guests from the moment the team<br>member reaches for the dough ball to the moment the tortilla is put on the plate.

  • The average overall time must be at or below 25 seconds. Minimum number of<br>five guests are timed for an overall average.

Appearance of Press

  • Top and bottom platens must be properly working, leveled, and set at the correct<br>temperature of 426 °F.

  • Top and bottom platens must be properly working, leveled, and set at the correct<br>temperature of 426 °F.

Bob & Roll

Proper Bob-ing

  • Top and bottom platens must be properly working, leveled, and set at the correct<br>temperature of 426 °F.

  • Bob should be used while holding the back of the tortilla up, with 4-5 folding motions, mixing all ingredients. Bobs should be wiped off onto tortilla.

  • Bob should be used while holding the back of the tortilla up, with 4-5 folding motions, mixing all ingredients. Bobs should be wiped off onto tortilla.

Rolling Behaviors

  • Burritos must be rolled without "wings".

  • The burrito must end up seam-down to ensure it seals properly.

  • Burrito should measure between 7 1/2" - 8" in length.

  • Bob should be used while holding the back of the tortilla up, with 4-5 folding motions, mixing all ingredients. Bobs should be wiped off onto tortilla.

  • Rolling should be one fluid motion.

Correcting tortillas

  • Could be evaluated as question to team

  • Burritos with tears or holes are automatically rewrapped. Guests are never asked<br>if they want burrito rewrapped or double wrapped.


  • For this section the evaluator will time multiple guests from the moment the team member greats the guest until the tortilla hits the plate or wrapper. The average overall time must be at or below 15 seconds. Minimum number of five guests are timed for an overall average

  • Guest 1

  • Guest 2

  • Guest 3

  • Guest 4

  • Guest 5

  • Average of 5 guest

  • For this section the evaluator will time multiple guests from the moment the team member initiates the BOB'ing process until the moment the burrito rolling process is complete. The average overall time must be at or below 15 seconds. Minimum
    number of five guests are timed for an overall average.

  • Guest 1

  • Guest 2

  • Guest 3

  • Guest 4

  • Guest 5

  • Average of 5 guest

Aces in their Places

  • No "leapfrogging" or "dancing" on the line in which Team Members move around with no<br>sense of teamwork. Locked in during Peak Period

  • Team Members should not have to return to the back of the house during the rush.

  • One Team Member on the line at all times, two when guests are in line. Press position and register remain on the line always.

Dining room Actively Managed

  • With a clean sanitized towel all dirty tables, seats, grommets, counter tops, and trash cans need to be wiped down and free of any residue or debris.

  • When team members are maintaining the dining room this must be done not wearing gloves.

  • Plates and Trays needs removed from the dining room and placed in the kitchen as often as possible.Trays need to be wiped down with a sanitized towel and allowed to air dry.

  • Coke Station

  • Restrooms

  • Floor

  • Trash

Online Orders

  • Reference Online Ordering Execution and Second Make Line Execution Guides in BEG.


  • Make tickets are always attached to entrees using online ordering stickers. Make<br>tickets are never “rolled” into packaging.

  • Guest facing receipt is attached to the bag using the My Order sticker. Guest<br>name is written large on the receipt.

  • 1 fork and 2 napkins are included with each entree in every order.

Second Line Execution (if applicable)

  • Locations with second line, open when having 5 or more team members on a<br>peak period. Line can be broken down in off-peak times.

  • Locations with second line, setup when having less than 5 team members on a<br>shift Utility position rotates food to ensure fresh product is always available.

  • Tickets are re-routed to Second Line Printer.

Locations without a second line

  • balance online orders following Online Order Execution<br>Guide

  • For table ticket is sent down the line with first make ticket, in-restaurant guest,<br>second make ticket, in-restaurant guest, third make ticket, etc.

  • Register position checks off items on For Table ticket as items are sent down the<br>line to ensure full order is completed and bagged.


Peak Timing

  • For this section the evaluator will time multiple guests from the moment the guest
    initiates their order to the moment they receive their food/receipt and the transaction is complete.The average overall time must be at or below 120 seconds in order for the restaurant to earn the points. Minimum of ten guests will be timed to gather an average. Throughput should be timed with a line during a peak period.

  • Guest 1

  • Guest 2

  • Guest 3

  • Guest 4

  • Guest 5

  • Guest 6

  • Guest 7

  • Guest 8

  • Guest 9

  • Guest 10

  • Adverage of 10 guest

Non-peak Timing

  • For this section the evaluator will time multiple guests from the moment the guest
    is greeted to the moment they receive their food/receipt and the transaction is
    complete. The average overall time must be at or below 120 seconds in order for the
    restaurant to earn the points. Minimum of three guests will be timed to gather an average. Throughput should be timed outside a peak period.

  • Guest 1

  • Guest 2

  • Guest 3

  • Adverage of 3 guest

Work Logs

  • Pancheros work logs only. Work Logs must be completed accurately and with integrity. Work Logs, when not in use, should be stored out of guest sightCompleted items must be marked with initials, not simply a checkmark.

  • Manager Routine

  • Crew Log

  • Opening Log

  • Deployment Log

  • Closing Log

  • Weekly Cleaning Log

Food Safety

  • Restaurant needs to demonstrate and execute proper food safety measures and meet or
    exceed general health code practices.

Handwashing practices

  • Washing hands when changing tasks, returning to work, changing gloves

  • Using paper towel to shut off water

Hierarchy in Coolers

  • Walk-in diagram available in intro of Food Safety / Temperature Book

  • Food in Roll Table follows Hierarchy

  • Food in Walk-in follows Hierarchy

Employee Drinks

  • Drinks must be stored in drink caddy

  • Drinks must have a lid, straw, and initials

Dumpster Area:

  • Dumpster lid is shut.

  • Corral is clean and does not have trash bags, cardboard, or any other debris on ground.

  • Gate is shut

Temperature Log

  • Temperature log ideally should be posted near the front line for easy access.<br>Temperature log must also be accompanied by a calibrated thermometer.

  • Log should be completed for last 30 days.

  • Delivery Temperatures recorded.

  • Cooling Logs completed.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.