Instructions: Employees driving on company business and greater than 120 miles (200km) are required to complete this form and have the appropriate level of approval before making the trip.
Journey Management
- Appalachia
- Grande Prairie
- Leduc
- Midland
- North Dakota
- Rio Vista
Journey Management
Vehicle Unit #
Employee Position
- Assets
- Director
- District Admin
- District Manager
- Engineering
- Executive
- Field Supervisor
- Field Technician
- Finance
- HR and Benefit
- Integrated Services
- Informational Technology
- Ops Coordinator
- Regional Manager
- Repair Facility
- Sales and Marketing
- Service Quality
- Shop Foreman
- Shop Tech
- Training Center
Starting Location
Ending Location
Departure Date and Time
Arrival Date and Estimated Arrival Time
Road Trip Directions
Estimated Trip Mileage or Kilometers
I will use my seatbelt at all times and ensure all passengers will do the same.
While driving, I will be hands-free from any hand-held electronic device such as a cell phone, GPS, etc.
If I have had less than 8 hours of quality rest in the last 24 hours I will notify my supervisor.
If I get drowsey I will pullover and STOP driving so that I can nap/get adequate rest.
As a driver, I am "Fit for Duty" which means that I am free of alcohol, medications that cause drowsiness, fatigue, etc.
I have check that I have a spare tire available and it is fully pressurized.
I have checked that all loads in my vehicle, including the bed of the truck, are secure.
I have checked that all potential projectiles in vehice, including the bed of the truck, are secured.
I will not tailgate by keeping a minimum following distance of 4 seconds. I will also increase the 4 seconds of following distance when additional hazards exist such as weather.
I have ensured that my headlights/daytime running lights are working and will be used at all times while driving.
I have removed all in vehicle distractions.
I will obey all posted speed limits.
I will stop and take rest/break every 2-3 hours.
I will park in such a manner so that my first move will be forward when I leave.
I am aware that my company vehicle has a tracking device that monitors driving behavior such as speed, harsh braking/acceleration/turns, etc. I will also notify my supervisor if there is any known problem with my vehicle's tracking device.
If conditions or plans change, I will stop and reassess my trip.
Journey Distance
Journey Drive Time
Any additional Drive Time?
- 1 = 60 additional min
- 2 = 120 additonal min
- 3 = 180 additional min
- 4 = 240 additional min
- 5 = 300 additional min
- 6 = 360 additional min
- 7 = 420 additional min
Journey Drive Hours (Time of Day)
Road Conditions
Emergency Communications
Emergency Equipment Available
Driver Hours Awake by End of Trip
Duration of Driver's Last Sleep
Weather Conditions
Animal Activity
Journey Risk Assessment Score (total your score from your "Driving Hazard Assessment" selections
Journey Risk Assessment Score Risk Level (select risk based on score)
SUPERVISOR APPROVAL: By checking this box I am stating that I have created an "Action Item" by checking the paper clip to the right of this area, filling out the information, as well as assigning this to my supervisor for approval.
SUPERVISOR APPROVAL: By checking this box I am stating that I have created an "Action Item", filling out the information, as well as assigning this to my supervisor for approval.