Title Page

  • Branch being audited:

  • Address:

  • Date of Audit:

  • Auditee:

  • Auditor:

Section 1 - Scope

Scope, Purpose and format of the audit

  • Auditing is a key component of any successful health and safety management system and forms part of the ‘check’ element of GMP’s safety management system ( based on HSE’s HSG 65, Plan, Do, Check, Act approach). It allows the organisation to identify short falls in health and safety management, and therefore implement a targeted improvement action plan where shortfalls are noted. It also allows GMP to identify areas of good practice which can be shared across the organisation.

    The primary objective of this audit is to ensure that branches are broadly fulfilling their statutory obligations concerning health and safety. This audit is conducted at a foundational level, focusing on assessing basic compliance with relevant health and safety regulations and GMP policies. This evaluation encompasses seven key areas:

    Local Safety Policy
    Risk Assessments
    Local Health and Safety Committee Arrangements and Local Health and Safety Plan
    Health and Safety Noticeboards
    First Aid Arrangements
    Accident Reporting Arrangements
    Fire Safety Arrangements

    It is important to note that this audit does not delve deeply into the specifics of individual branch health and safety systems but rather provides an overview of branch-wide health and safety management.

    Each branch will receive an audit report which contains the score achieved in the audit and an action plan should any improvements be identified.

  • A nominated representative of the branch will be required to answer questions and provide documentary evidence on health and safety specific topics.

General Information

  • Name of Branch Chief Superintendent / Head of Branch

  • Total number of Officers / Staff within Branch

  • Locations of Branch Operations (GMP Sites)

General Notes

  • A general overview of Branch Function and role of units within Branch

  • undefined

Health and Safety Unit

  • The Force Health and Safety Unit provides competent advice on all aspects of health, safety or welfare relating to Greater Manchester Police. This includes:

    •Operational and general advice
    •Emergency support and advice
    •Project planning
    •Consultation with HSE & Fire Authority
    •Consulting with Staff Associations & Trade Unions
    •Accident Investigation
    •Stakeholder in key strategic meetings and boards
    •Communication of H&S information to workforce

    The Unit is managed by Carole Atherton who is the Force Health and Safety Manager. Each branch is allocated a dedicated Health and Safety Advisor who can be contacted for support on any aspect of health and safety

    H&S Unit Contact Details:
    Tel: (ex/ 60574):
    Email: HealthandSafetyTeam@gmp.pnn.police.uk

    Carole Atherton
    Health and Safety Manager
    Email: Carole.Atherton@gmp.police.uk
    Mob: 07584 224 969

    Dawn Redmond
    Senior Health and Safety Advisor
    Email: Dawn.Redmond@gmp.police.uk
    Mob: 07464 982 312

    Laura Smith
    Senior Health and Safety Advisor
    Email: Laura.Smith2@gmp.police.uk
    Mob: 07811 058 999

    Matthew Hill
    Senior Health and Safety Advisor
    Email: Matthew.Hill3@gmp.police.uk
    Mob: 07974 507 295

    Kelsie Dawson
    Health and Safety Assistant
    Email: Kelsie.Dawson@gmp.police.uk
    Mob: 07867 468 404

  • Your Health and Safety Advisor is

Section 2 - Audit

2.1 - Safety Policy

  • 2.1.1 - Is there an in-date local health and safety policy in place and available for all staff?

  • 2.1.2 - Is the policy brought to the attention of all staff, including Police Officers, Police Staff and Special Constables?

  • 2.1.3 - Are all staff aware of their responsibilities as outlined within the health and safety policy?

  • 2.1.4 - Has the policy been reviewed and dated within the last 12 months?

2.2 - Risk Assessments

  • 2.2.1 - Are there a number of identified Risk Assessors for the district/branch?

  • 2.2.2 - Have all identified Risk Assessors within the branch received training?

  • 2.2.3 - Is there an identified H&S lead within the branch to monitor Risk Assessments?

  • Name:

  • 2.2.4 - Are Risk Assessments in place for the range of activities in the branch?

  • 2.2.5 - List examples of risk assessments reviewed at the time of the audit

  • 2.2.6 - Are Risk Assessments reviewed at least annually (last review date)?

  • 2.2.7 - Are individual person specific Risk Assessments completed where required (I.e. Pregnant / Young workers, DSE Assessments)?

  • 2.2.8 - Are individual person specific Risk Assessments sent to the H&S Team and GMSS?

  • 2.2.9 - Have the appropriate people been involved in consultation regarding Risk Assessments? (Police Fed / Unison / GMB)

  • 2.2.10 - Are finalised Risk Assessments signed off by the Branch Commander / Head?

  • 2.2.11 - Are Risk Assessments distributed to Officers / Staff?

  • 2.2.12 - Are Risk Assessments stored and archived appropriately? Are they available on a shared drive or central repository?

2.3 - Local Health and Safety Committee Arrangements and Local Health and Safety Plan

  • 2.3.1 - Are quarterly H&S Committee meetings held?

  • 2.3.2 - When was the last committee meeting?

  • 2.3.4 - Are the committee meetings chaired by local Commanders and attended by a health and safety advisor, GMP Federation, Unison and GMB representative along with department representatives where applicable?

  • 2.3.5 - Are attempts made to reschedule meetings should the proposed date/time not be convenient for Fed/Unison/GMB or H&S Advisor?

  • 2.3.6 - Are the approved minutes distributed to all committee members within 2 weeks of the meeting?

  • 2.3.7 - Has a local health and safety plan been established for the branch/district, (based on the force health and safety plan) and is this discussed at each safety committee and progress tracked and actioned?

2.4 - Local Health and Safety Noticeboard

  • 2.4.1 - Is there a designated health and safety staff notice board within a prime location of the branch?

  • 2.4.2 - Where is the location?

  • 2.4.3 - Are all staff aware of the location of the designated health and safety notice board?

  • 2.4.4 - Is the following information completed for your branch and displayed?

  • Signed local health and safety policy statement

  • Employers’ liability Insurance Certificate

  • Local GMP health and safety structure

  • Accident/assault and near miss reporting information along with defective equipment reporting procedures

  • Health and safety committee information including location of minutes

  • Fire evacuation procedure / fire action notice.

  • First aider list

  • Fire marshal list

  • Branch risk assessors

  • Branch risk assessment’s location identifier

  • 2.4.5 - Is the ‘Health and Safety Law Poster’ is displayed, and details completed as required.

  • 2.4.6 - Where is the poster displayed?

2.5 - First Aid

  • 2.5.1 - Has a first aid needs assessment been carried out for the branch or are the branch considered in a building needs assessment?

  • 2.5.2 - Are there adequate numbers of first aiders on site at all times with ‘in date’ certification? Are these staff qualified through the approved course arranged through Sedgley training?

  • 2.5.3 - Is there an adequate amount of first aid kits available on site?

  • 2.5.4 - Is there evidence that their contents are being regularly checked?

2.6 - Accident Reporting

  • 2.6.1 - Is the 700B accident book available?

  • 2.6.2 - Where is this located?

  • 2.6.3 - Are all accidents/incidents and near misses reported on the 700b form to the health and safety team as close to the incident as possible, ideally within 48 hours?

  • 2.6.4 - Are investigations into any accidents/incidents and near misses undertaken and remedial action taken where appropriate?

2.7 - Fire Safety Arrangements

  • 2.7.1 - Is there a sufficient number of fire marshals for the branch /building ?

  • 2.7.2 - Have all fire marshals received training in their role?

  • 2.7.3 - Are regular fire evacuation drills carried out (at least every six months) and can this be evidenced?

  • 2.7.4 - What is the date of the last drill?

  • 2.7.5 - Do the branch have any staff who require a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP)?

  • Has a PEEP been put in place and communicated with relevant staff?

  • Is there an awareness for PEEPs to be completed when needed?

  • 2.7.5 - Are staff provided with information of fire evacuation procedures? How?

  • 2.7.6 - Where is the fire assembly point?

  • 2.7.7 - Is there evidence of regular housekeeping checks to check that fire doors and exit routes are unobstructed?

  • 2.7.8 - Are arrangements and controls in place relating to hazardous/flammable items

  • 2.7.9 - Are there systems in place to monitor and manage electrical items?

  • 2.7.10 - Any other fire safety observations noted that pose a risk (obstructions, lack of signage, issues with fire doors)

2.8 - Any other H&S Matters

  • Details of any other H&S issues identified at time of audit and not covered elsewhere:

  • Issue No.
  • Details of Health & Safety Issue identified:

  • Location (if required)

  • Photo (if required)

Section 5 - Closing Meeting

Summary findings of audit

  • This report outlines various actions requiring attention, each assigned a priority level. These are detailed at the start of the document. All actions should be raised for consideration and discussion at the local Health & Safety Committee


  • The information contained in this Health and Safety Audit Report was accurate and reflective of the conditions observed at the time of the audit. This report is based on the findings and assessments conducted during the audit period and may not account for subsequent changes or developments. As this is a foundation-level audit, it does not represent an in-depth review of all branch operations or specific functions. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information presented, the auditors cannot guarantee that all potential health and safety issues have been identified. The responsibility for ongoing health and safety compliance rests with the organization.


  • Auditors Signature

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