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Service Audit

Full brand standards audit The Milestone Group

  • Select date

  • 1.Was the duty manager visible within the restaurant during service ?.

  • 2. Did all team members and management adhere to correct standards of uniform and jewellery ?.

  • 3. Did duty manager have their personal licence on them?.

  • 7. We're allergy data sheets produced on request?

  • 8. Did every drink match brand spec, unless guest requested otherwise ?.

  • 9. Was the back yard clean and free of litter ?.

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  • 10. Was the entrance , including the doors and glass , clean and free if litter , cigarette butts and leaves ?.

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  • 11. We're all exterior and interior light bulbs in working order ?.

  • 12. Was music playing within the restaurant ?

  • 13. Were toilet checks completed?

  • 14. Was the Foh comms board set up in accordance with brand standard

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  • 15. We're targets + incentives displayed?

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  • 16 . We're tables clean and dry ?.

  • 17. Were tables set correctly ?

  • 18. Was the cutlery clean and polished , with no smears ?.

  • 19. Was outside dining set for trade ?.

  • 20. Was the telephone answered within 4 rings ?.

  • 21. Were guests acknowledged within 30 seconds of arrival ?.

  • 22. Was there a cookery school display shelf in the entrance with brochures and cookbooks on display for sale?

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  • 23. Were all guest spoken to, upon being seated or during their meals ,about upcoming events, offers or cookery school?

  • 24. Was a second till opened where a third guest joined the queue for the till ?.

  • 25. Were all tables set with a full clean salt & pepper, promo A5 clean, flower vase clean water, cookery school brochure facing the entrance?

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  • 26. Was the service station , including cutlery shelves and condiments , set up and maintained?

  • 27. Did every dish match the spec recipe , including crockery and garnishes ?

  • 28. Were children's meals served before the adult meals at the same table ?

  • 29 . Were all starters delivered to guests within 10 minutes of orders being placed ?.

  • 30. Were all main courses delivered to guests within 20 minutes of orders being placed or within 10 minutes of starters being cleared ?.

  • 31. Once main meals were delivered , were guests asked whether they would like any sauces ?

  • 32. Did check backs happen within 5 minutes of main meals being delivered ? 'How is everything?'

  • 33. Were all guests offered an extra drink at any point when their glasses were less than a half full ?.

  • 34. Were plates cleared within 5 minutes of everyone finishing their meal ? Without leaning over the guest?

  • 35. Was dessert cutlery & napkin delivered to the tables along side the dessert orders placed neatly ?

  • 36. Were desserts delivered to guests within 10 minutes of order being placed ( or called away if they had been pre - ordered ) ?.

  • 37 . Was the tea/coffee delivered within 5 minutes of order being placed or desserts being cleared at brand standard serve?

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  • 38. Were all tables cleared within 5 minutes of guests leaving ?.

  • 39. Did all guests receive a goodbye with a thank you for their visit ?.

  • Are all blackboards up to date with relevant information and clear selling of upcoming events?

  • Can team members tell you what is on draught currently - all lines? Choose 2 at random

  • 41. Action plan required? Must be produced in the body of the email attached to this document

Back Office Audit

Safe Checks

  • Has a morning cash rec being completed?

  • Do monies recorded on cash rec match monies in the safe? If not note the variance and resolve with site manager whilst on site

  • Select date

  • Do all PDQ receipts match recorded figures on cash analysis and cash rec?

  • Do daily sales figures match main till read receipts?

  • Are all receipts accounted for on purchase costs as well as cash rec & cash analysis and are there any items which shouldn't be paid from petty cash?

  • All E-Vouchers have been redeemed on milestone online?

  • All Invoices are on Purchase costs wet & food and filed

  • Are there any incorrect or irregular prices showing on invoices? If yes note and action for credit note with a record noted on Purchase costs page

  • Check all tab receipts attached to comms (living social, 241 nus brunch, deliveroo)? Are there any odd transactions?

  • Is the till float at £150?

  • Select date

  • Are nightly cash takings in a sealed banking bag, signed, dated & monetary values recorded?

  • Select date

  • Photographs of Cash Bags sealed, signed & monetary values recorded

Computer Desktop & Emails

  • Log in to site emails and check all responded? Any outstanding?

  • Check sent items on email for any incorrect responses/tones and address if found

  • Check last 7 days history on the web browser - are there any personal accounts being used? Are there any odd sites being accessed?

  • Are all living social / wowcher vouchers redeemed?

  • Are there any mailing list email addresses outstanding that need adding to the system? Loyalty cards/Resident card forms

  • Have all social account messages been answered? Facebook/Twitter?

  • Check the bookings diary - are all bookings being entered correctly? Have large bookings been confirmed?

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