Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Auditee's signature: I agree with the findings of this audit
Auditee's name
Auditee's Job title
SOI: The company’s processes and procedures to meet the requirements of this Standard shall be documented to allow effective, consistent application, facilitate training, and support due diligence in the production of a safe product.
3.1.1<br>The site’s procedures, working methods and practices shall be collated in the form of a printed or electronic quality manual.
3.1.2<br>The food safety and quality manual shall be fully implemented and the manual or relevant components shall be readily available to relevant staff.
3.1.3<br>All procedures and work instructions shall be clearly legible, unambiguous, in appropriate languages and sufficiently detailed to enable their correct application by appropriate staff. This should include the use of photographs, diagrams or other pictorial instructions where written communication alone is not sufficient (e.g. there are issues of literacy or foreign language).
3.2 Document control
SOI<br>The company shall operate an effective document control system to ensure that only the correct versions of documents, including recording forms, are available and in use.
3.2.1 Document Control Procedure
The company shall have a procedure to manage documents which form part of the food safety and quality system. This shall include:
a list of all controlled documents indicating the latest version number
the method for the identification and authorisation of controlled documents
a record of the reason for any changes or amendments to documents
the system for the replacement of existing documents when these are updated.
Where documents are stored in electronic form these shall also be:
stored securely (e.g. with authorised access, control of amendments, or password protection)
backed up to prevent loss.
3.3 Record completion and maintenance
SOI<br>The site shall maintain genuine records to demonstrate the effective control of product safety, legality and quality.
3.3.1 Record quality
Records shall be legible, maintained in good condition and retrievable. Any alterations to records shall be authorised and justification for the alteration shall be recorded. Where records are in electronic form these shall also be:
stored securely (e.g. with authorised access, control of amendments, or password protection)
suitably backed up to prevent loss.
3.3.2 Record retention
Records shall be retained for a defined period with consideration given to:
any legal or customer requirements
the shelf life of the product.
This shall take into account, where it is specified on the label, the possibility that shelf life may be extended by the consumer (e.g. by freezing).
At a minimum, records shall be retained for the shelf life of the product plus 12 months.