Title Page
Bulla Dairy Foods on farm Dairy Food Safety Audit
Bulla Supplier Number:
Farm owner/farm name:
Dairy licence number:
Physical farm address:
Peak herd size:
Date of audit:
Date of previous audit (if known):
Name of Auditor:
Licensing and Food Safety Program
Is the current dairy licence available for sighting?
Does the supplier have the current Food Safety Plan?
Has the Food Safety Plan been completed?
Section Summary: Licencing and Food Safety Program
Dairy licence present
Food Safety Plan complete
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
1.0 Livestock Management
1.1 Are all animals in the herd accurately individually identified?
1.1 How are animals individually identified?
- Herd management tag
- NLIS tag
- Freeze brand
- Brass tag
- Electronic collars
- Cow manager tags
- Tattoo
1.1 Does this match what is recorded in the Food Safety Plan?
1.1 Were stock sighted at time of audit to verify identification method?
If no, why not?
1.1 How are replacement calves identified?
1.1 How do you ensure that no two animals have the same number?
1.2 Was the stock register sighted at time of audit?
1.2 Describe what is being used as the stock register.
1.2 Are all sold and dead animals removed from the stock register?
1.3 Does supplier have all National Vendor Declarations for purchased stock?
1.4 Does supplier have all National Vendor Declarations for sold stock including bobby calves?
1.4 Were individual animal identification numbers included on the National Vendor Declaration?
1.5 Stock Feed
1.5 Do you purchase stockfeeds or additives?
1.5 What types of stock feed do you buy in?
- Cereal hay
- Vetch/lucerne hay
- Pasture hay
- Whole grain
- Custom grain mix
- Dairy pellets
- Canola
- Almond hulls
- Mill run
- Other by-products
- Maize silage
- Grass silage/baleage
- No bought in stock feed
1.5 List the suppliers of the stock feed.
1.5 Is stock feed bought from a FeedSafe accredited supplier?
1.5 Are stock feed vendor declarations present for all bought in stock feeds and additives?
1.5 Are sample bags kept for bought in stock feed?
1.5 Were sample bags sighted at time of audit?
1.5 Are purchase records kept for bought in stock feeds?
1.6 Do you have any agistment for stock?
1.6 Are stock under your management while on agistment?
1.7 Livestock Health
1.7 Are animal treatments stored safely and securely?
1.7 Are treated cow markings displayed at the dairy?
1.7 Were all required key details of animal treatments recorded?
1.7 Were the previous year's animal treatment records sighted?
1.7 Are animal treatment drugs used off label ie in combination or extended treatment?
If yes, is written vet advice available?
1.7 Are temporary animal treatment records made permanent within 48 hours?
1.7 Are colostrum cows kept out of supply from the vat for at least 8 milkings?
1.7 Are colostrum cows marked and separated from the wholemilk herd?
1.7 Was dry cow treatment used at the end of the season?
1.7 Were records for dry cow treatments sighted at time of audit?
1.7 Was calving date checked against dry cow treatment withhold periods to ensure withhold period was adhered to?
1.7 Describe how treated cows are managed to ensure their milk is kept out of the raw milk supply?
1.7 Are all diseased animals segregated from milking herd and their milk excluded from the vat?
Section Summary: Livestock management
1.1 Permanent identification of livestock
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
1.2 Stock register
1.3 National Vendor Declarations sighted for purchases of stock
1.4 National Vendor Declarations sighted for sales of stock
1.5 Vendor declarations for all bought in stock feed
1.6 Agistment records and National Vendor Declarations for stock movements
1.7 Animal treatment records kept with adequate detail
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
1.7 Animal treatment records made permanent
1.7 Vet medicines approved and stored correctly
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
1.7 Treated cow markings displayed at dairy
1.7 Colostrum cow separation from wholemilk herd
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
1.7 Treated animal segregation satisfactory
1.7 Diseased animals segregated and withheld from vat
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
2.0 Farm Management
2.1 Is there a farm map of the farm available at the dairy?
2.2 Were completed records sighted for paddock treatments?
2.2 Were completed records sighted for crops sprayed?
2.2 How are treated paddocks in withhold identified?
2.2 Was the system verified at time of audit?
2.2 Were contractors used to apply paddock treatments?
Have contractor dockets been kept to show who applied chemicals, when, where and at what rates with withhold periods noted?
2.2 Are temporary paddock treatment records made into permanent records within 48 hours?
2.2 Are bait stations used at the dairy?
2.2 Is rat bait located in the milk storage area or above feed bins?
Was a map of locations of baits shown in the Food Safety Plan?
2.2 Have any pesticides been used since the last audit?
What pesticides were used and were records kept (including the previous year's records)?
2.2 Is the milking area and milk storage area free from undesirable pests?
2.3 Is the water source section completed in the Food Safety Plan?
2.3 Is any reclaimed water used?
2.3 Were water maintenance records completed?
2.4 Have effluent application records been kept for all effluent solids or liquids applied to paddocks?
2.4 What type of effluent system is present on farm?
2.4 Is your effluent contained on site?
2.4 Do your ponds ever overflow, become crusted or never need emptying?
2.4 Do you spread or rotate effluent over at least 10% of your farm to avoid build up of nutrients in areas?
Visual Verification: Is there an effluent containment area?
Visual Verification: Is there effluent outside of the containment area?
Visual Verification: Is there evidence of overflow?
Visual Verification: Is there capacity in the system or at least 50 cm of freeboard visible?
Visual Verification: Is the whole containment area encrusted?
Visual Verification: Is there evidence of irrigation infrastructure on the containment area?
Section Summary: Farm Management
2.2 Paddock treatment records kept with adequate detail
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
2.2 Paddock treatment records made permanent within 48 hours
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
2.2 Contractor dockets kept
2.2 Treated paddocks identified during withhold
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
2.2 Pest control program managed
2.2 Records of pesticide use
2.2 Undesirable animals not present at dairy
2.3 Water section completed in FSP
2.3 Reclaimed water
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
2.3 Water treatment records
2.4 Effluent application records kept
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
3.0 Dairy Shed Management
3.1 Dairy size and type
3.1 Are instructions for dairy start up, operation and shut down on displayed and visible?
3.1 Are the plant and vat wash programs displayed at the dairy?
3.1 Are the wash programs displayed current to reflect the cleaning chemicals in use?
3.1 Were the cleaning chemicals sighted at time of audit?
3.1 How many litres of hot water are available for the plant wash?
3.1 Were all chemicals and teat sprays in use approved by the APVMA?
3.1 What cleaning chemicals are in use for plant wash?
3.1 What cleaning chemicals are in use for vat wash?
3.1 What teat spray is in use?
3.1 Are all chemicals labelled correctly and stored in a manner which does not endanger food safety?
3.2 Are maintenance records kept (milking machine servicing, repairs, construction work)?
3.2 When was the milking machine serviced last, by who and were any faults identifed?
3.2 Have these faults been rectified?
3.2 Is the dairy and milk storage area constructed as to minimise possible milk contamination
3.2 Is the dairy and milk storage area kept in a clean and tidy manner free from rubbish and unnecessary clutter representative of a food producing unit?
3.2 List vat type, capacity and temperature.
3.2 How many litres of hot water are available for vat washing?
3.2 Has the vat and refrigeration been serviced annually as required?
3.2 Is milk agitated?
3.2 Have the twice yearly vat cooling capability checks been completed?
3.2 Has a vat thermometer check been conducted on all vats in the last 12 months?
3.2 Are the vat thermometer calibration checks within acceptable tolerances?
3.2 Was a food grade hand held thermometer sighted at time of audit?
3.2 Was the hand held thermometer calibrated?
3.2 Are records of milk storage temperature available (tanker dockets or monthly milk statement)?
3.2 Is milk being sold to any other dairy processor?
3.2 Is milk filtered before entering the vat?
3.3 Are the dairy surrounds kept in a well maintained state free of rubbish, redundant equipment or items, with vegetation around dairy controlled?
Section Summary: Dairy Shed Management
3.1 Plant and vat wash program displayed and visible
3.1 Plant and vat wash programs current
3.1 Dairy chemicals suitable (APVMA approved, suitable storage)
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
3.1 Milking machine operation instructions displayed and visible
3.2 Dairy maintenance records kept including annual milking machine service report
3.2 Dairy premises design and construction satisfactory
3.2 Dairy maintenance and presentation satisfactory
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
3.2 Vats and silos presented as clean and tidy
3.2 Vat and refrigeration annual service report and repairs records kept
3.2 Twice yearly vat cooling capability checks performed and recorded
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
3.2 Filter socks sighted at time of audit
3.2 Vat temperature check versus temp on tanker docket performed and recorded
3.2 Milk sold to other companies or non-licenced entities
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
3.2 Hand held thermometer sighted at time of audit and calibrated annually
3.3 Dairy surrounds kept clean, tidy and maintained with vegetation controlled
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
4.0 Staff Training
4.1 Was the staff training and competency register sighted and fully completed including relief staff members?
4.1 Were training records sighted for person/s using agri-chemicals?
4.1 Were training records sighted for person/s administering animal treatments?
Section Summary: Staff Training
4.1 Training records completed for all staff including relief staff members
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
5.0 Annual Review and Non-conformance Management
5.1 Was the annual review of the Food Safety Plan completed?
5.2 Were all CARs (corrective action requests) completed?
5.2 Have you reported any non-conformances since your previous audit?
If yes, did you record this non-conformance and where about was it recorded?
If yes, did you review your Food Safety Plan as a result of the non-conformance?
Section Summary: Annual Review and Non-conformance Management
5.1 Annual review of Food Safety Plan completed
5.2 All non-conformances recorded
5.2 All corrective actions completed
- Compliant
- Critical non-conformance
- Major non-conformance
- Minor non-conformance
- Observation/advisory
- Not applicable/not assessed
Audit Summary:
Comments summary:
Major non-conformances cleared out at time of audit
Major non-conformances
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Major non-conformances to be closed out by:
Minor non-conformances
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Next audit due by:
Signed by Supplier:
Signed by Auditor: