
  • Document No.

  • Aircraft Type

  • Sector Flown

  • Flight Number

  • Seat Number

  • Flight Category

  • Date

  • Prepared by

Flight Information

  • Purser Name

  • SFS Name in Business Class

  • Aircraft Configuaration

  • Aircraft Load


  • Was your name used when you boarded the aircraft?

  • What time did you board the aircraft?

  • We're the crew consistent in all having their jackets on or off for boarding?

  • Once seated, and prior to departure, dId the crew member introduce themselves to you?

  • Did the crew member offer to explain the seat functionality?

  • Did the crew member advise you of the menu in the seat pocket?

  • Did the crew member advise you of the headsets, blankets, socks and eyeshades?

  • Did the crew member take your jacket?

Welcome Drinks

  • What time did you receive a welcome drink?

  • Were you presented with the full selection of welcome drinks?

  • Were you offered a wine list?

  • Was the Champagne introduced first?

  • Was your glass and coaster cleared with a tray

  • What time did you depart. (Push-back)

Hot/Cold Towels

  • Was your towel opened gently?

  • Was you towel cleared immediately onto a silver tray using tongs?

On Ground Drink Order

  • Was your after take off drink order taken on the ground?

  • Did the crew member use your name when taking the drink order?

  • We're you advised of the wide selection of alcoholic including brands, and non alcoholic beverages including hot beverages?

  • We're you offered ice and garnish when you drink order was taken?

Drink Delivery

  • What time was your drink delivered?

  • Was your drink served with warm mixed nuts?

  • Were you offered a replenishment of your drink?

Meal Service - Meal Order

  • Was your meal order taken while you were enjoying your drink?

  • Was you name used when your meal order was taken?

  • Was the full menu selection verbally offered to you? I.e starters and main courses.

  • Did the crew member ask if you will be having wine or Champagne with your meal?

Meal Service - Lay-up

  • Was you tray linen delivered by two crew members?

  • Did the crew member confirm your meal choice before placing the tray down?

  • What time was your meal tray delivered?

  • Please take a photo of tray once placed on your table and insert in to this report.

  • Was a wine or Champagne glass placed on your meal tray according to your order?

  • Was your water glass filled when your tray was placed on your table?

  • Was your bread warm unless you had Arabic bread?

Meal Service - Wine

  • Were you offered the full selection of wines in a timely manner? I.e. at the time of your starter.

  • Were you provided information on the wine selection? I.e name, country of origin, vintage and grape variety.

  • Did the crew member offer you an alternative drink if wine or Champagne was not taken?

  • Was the bottle elegantly presented? I.e label facing the customer,

  • Was your wine appropriately changed or replenished between courses?

  • Was your wine or Champagne served at the right temperature?

Meal Service - Bread

  • Were you offered bread at the correct temperature throughout the service?

Meal Service - Hot Meal

  • Was your main course delivered immediately after your starter plate had been cleared?

  • Please take a photo of tray once placed on your table and insert in to this report.

  • Did the crew member confirm your main meal choice?

  • Was your main dish served at an appropriate temperature?

Meal Service - Meal Tray Clearance, Dessert Cheese and Fruit Order

  • Did the crew member clear your tray whilst advising you they will return to take your dessert, cheese and fruit order?

  • Did the crew member return to take your order?

  • Did the crew member use a note pad when taking your order?

  • Were you offered wine or Champagne with your dessert, cheese or fruit order?

  • Did the crew member place the appropriate cutlery?

Meal Service - Dessert, Cheese and Fruit Order

  • Was your order served from a service tray?

  • Was your order re-confirmed prior to being placed on your table?

  • If you ordered wine or Champagne, was the glass delivered at the same time as your order?

  • Were you offered a second round of Dessert, Cheese or Fruit?

Meal Service - Clearance of Dessert, Cheese and Fruit and Hot Beverage Order

  • Did the crew return to take your hot beverage order with the service tray and order pad?

  • Were you offered the full selection of coffee and tea available?

  • We're you offered appropriate accompaniments for your hot beverage? I.e milk, or lemon slice.

  • Was a chocolate box delivered with you hot beverage?

  • We're you offered the full selection of liqueurs available?

Meal Service - Final Clearance

  • We're you offered a hot beverage replenishment?

  • Were you offered a hot towel?

  • What time was your hot towel collected?

Between the Meal Service - 'We Care' (Cat 3, 4, 5 only)

  • Cleanliness - Did you observe the crew using the cabin tidy bags to collect rubbish from the cabin / seat areas?

  • Customer Care - Did the crew anticipate your needs?

  • Refreshments - Did you observe the crew offering snacks/refreshments every 30 mins?

  • Were the lavatories clean and tidy during the flight?

  • Were the lavatories replenished with amenites?

Overall Cabin Crew Service

  • Were you able to identify the Purser on this flight? For example did you see them in Business Class checking on the service or talking to customers?

  • How would you rate the courtesy and helpfulness of the crew. For example, did they anticipate your needs, refresh your seat when you went to the toilet, or did they chat to you during the flight? (Rate from 1 to 10 scale)

  • How would you rate the responsiveness of crew? For example, did they respond to your call bell immediately. (Rate from 1 to 10 scale)

  • How would you rate the availability of the crew throughout the flight. For example were they passing though the cabin regularly checking if you needed anything? (Rate from 1 to 10 scale)

  • How would you rate the overall crew's performance on this flight?

  • Do you have any other comments about your experience on this flight, or would like to recognize the performance of any of the crew?

  • Based on your experience of the Cabin Crew Service on this flight, would you recommend us to your friends and family?

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