
  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • BCH Account #'s:

  • Client Contact Info:

  • Conducted on:

  • Prepared by:

  • Location:

Facility Information

Facility Information:

  • Business Sector

  • Explain:

  • Tenancy Structure:

  • Facility Size:

  • Square Footage:

  • Floors:

  • Age:

  • Operating Hours: (hrs/yr)

  • Add media


  • Electricity: (KWh/yr)

  • Gas (GJ) *if applicable

  • Previous Program Participation

  • Explain:

  • Notes:

BC Hydro Programs

Power Smart Programs:

  • BC Hydro Program Eligibility:

  • Explain:

  • Add media

Lighting Systems:

  • Are there energy efficient retrofit opportunities for existing lighting systems OR controls?

  • Existing Technology:
  • Location

  • Description: Type of lighting

  • Approx.#

  • Wattage per fixture (W)

  • Operating hours/yr

  • Notes:

  • Add media

Air Compressor Systems:

  • Are there opportunities for energy savings in the customer air compressors system(s)?

  • Opportunity to reduce overall system pressure? (Better design/filters/dryers?)

  • Opportunity to reduce system demand? (Eliminating poor CA applications - blowing, cooling, cleaning ect.)

  • Opportunity for VSD compressors? (Better load efficiency)

  • Opportunity for an ongoing systems maintenance program? (reduce leaks ect)

  • Notes:

  • Add media

Pump Systems:

  • Are there opportunities for energy savings in the customers pump systems?

  • Opportunity to eliminate bypass loop and other unnecessary flows?

  • Does an opportunity to "right-size" the pump for the to match load exist?

  • Opportunity to replace throttling valves with speed controls to meet variable loads?

  • Is the total system horsepower 75 or greater? * May be eligible for custom incentive

  • Notes

  • Add media

Fan Systems:

  • Are there opportunities for energy savings in the customers fan systems?

  • Is system horsepower 75 or greater? * May be eligible for custom incentive

  • Is fan oversized for the load?

  • Opportunity to reduce system demand by eliminating or reducing end-use applications?

  • Opportunity to replace outlet or inlet dampers and variable inet vane with electronic speed controls to meet variable loads?

  • Notes:

  • Add media

Motor Systems:

  • Are there opportunities for energy savings in the customer motor systems?

  • Opportunity to upgrade from standard efficiency to premium efficiency motor? (4%savings)

  • Opportunity to upgrade from high efficiency to premium efficiency? (2% savings)

  • Opportunity to service the existing motor to improve efficiency?

  • Opportunity to install efficient gear reducers? (20% savings)

  • Notes:

  • Add media

Cooling & Refrigeration Systems:

  • Are there opportunities for energy savings in the customer cooling and refrigeration systems?

  • Notes:

  • Add media

Fortis BC Programs (if applicable)

Fortis BC Programs:

  • Fortis BC Program Eligibility:

  • Explain:

Boiler Systems:

  • Are there opportunity for boiler energy savings?

  • Are the existing space heater boilers more then 15 years old?

  • Are the existing boilers the primary source of thermal input for the space and/or pool heating?

  • If the answer is “Yes” to any of the above, consider upgrading to an energy efficient boiler and apply to the Efficient Boiler Program to qualify for a rebate up to $45,000 per boiler.

    Fortis BC Commercial Boiler Program Information:

  • Notes:

  • Add media

Commercial Water Heating Systems:

  • Are there opportunities for commercial water heating energy savings? (NG)

  • Are the existing water heaters more than 10 years old?

  • Are the existing water heaters solely for domestic hot water serving equipment such as lavatories, sinks, showers, dishwashers and laundry equipment?

  • If the answer is “Yes” to any of the above, consider upgrading to an energy efficient water heater and apply to the Efficient Commercial Water Heater Program to qualify for a rebate up $15,000 per water heater.

    Fortis BC Efficient Commercial Hot Water Heater Program Information:

  • Notes:

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Food Service Incentives: (Efficiency a la Carte)

  • Are there opportunities for food service appliance energy savings? (NG)

  • Client may be considering replacing one OR more existing food service appliances with new (unused) ones.

  • Griddle

  • Convection Oven

  • Rack Oven

  • Conveyor Oven

  • Combi-Oven

  • Steam Cooker

  • Fryer

  • Are any of the existing natural gas foodservice appliances more then 10 years old?

  • If the answer is “Yes” to any of the above, consider purchasing a new (unused) energy efficient foodservice appliance and apply to the Efficiency a la Carte: Foodservice Incentive Program to qualify for a rebate up to $3,500 per appliance.

    Fortis BC a la Carte Information:

  • Notes:

  • Add media

Client Action Requests

Power Factor and Demand:

  • Opportunity for demand control and load management?

  • Opportunities for power factor correction?

  • Describe: (if applicable)

Client Action Items: * FOR OFFICE USE ONLY *

  • Does the client express an interest in Energy Efficiency?

  • Client has requested Power Smart Alliance Referral.

  • Customer has a Power Smart Alliance vendor.

  • Client has preferred vendor who is NOT a PSA Member.

  • Client has either a pump OR fan systems greater then 75 horse power and would like to participate in PID.

  • Client would like to be contacted by a Fortis BC Energy Solutions Manager.

  • Barriers:

  • Explain:

  • Add media

  • Final Notes:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.