Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location





  • Are the counters faced by 08:00

  • Are the counters fully stocked by 12:00

  • Are the displays impactful and inviting? Uprights,Wrap arounds,Freezer,Gourmet,Biltong and Bins

  • Are the products properly blocked and is the colour contrasts good?

  • Is there sufficient promotional stock on display with ticketing?

  • Is price point of trays appealling to customers?

  • Are products spread to cover up sold out stock?

  • Is the quality of the meat good enough for you to buy?

  • Is the quality of the Frozen products good enough for you to buy?

  • Is the quality of the fresh chicken good enough for you to buy?

  • Is the variety adequate with seasonal lines?

  • Is rate of sale ordering been done?

  • Is there an adequate variety of quality value added lines?

  • Is there enough space allocated to best sellers and are DOG lines cut to reduce rewraps and reworks

  • Is the products rotated properly and inferior products removed from the displays?

  • Cold chain to be maintained at any given time? (10 Minutes)

  • Are the fixtures (scales; fridges) and floor clean?

  • Are the wet demo station neat and tidy and appealling to the customer?

  • Are all products identified and clearly price marked?(product description,price,sell by date,allergens and ingredients)

  • Are there any tamering with expiry dates or double labelling?

  • Is the butchery point of sale & being used effectively?

  • Is the lighting adequate?

  • Is the Gourmet and biltong counter ready for trade by 09:00

  • Is there a full time sales assistant readily available to assist customers at all times?

  • Are Personnel neat and tidy; wearing FLM uniforms with name Badge?


  • Are TV line and leaflet promotion available and correctly displayed?

  • Is relevant POS being used?

  • Are wet Demo's being done?

  • Are sms and Facebook ads posted on weekends?

  • Are instore promotions being run on weekends?


  • Are stocktakes being done weekly according to stocktake procedure?

  • Are GP persentage meeting forcast and budget?

  • Are Purchase orders being done?

  • Are they buying from the correct suppliers?

  • Are the manual GRV book implemented and up to date?

  • Are GRV's Being done on the correct supplier codes?

  • Are Waste, Mark Down and damage control sheets being done accurately?

  • Are IDT's being done Before 10 am each day,Accuratly captured and finalized?

  • Are all products taken from the shopfloor recorded and marked with a security stickers

  • Are Claims being submitted daily?

  • Are DC orders placed before 16:00 ?

Health & Safety

  • Sales Area

  • Are the display fridges cleaned on a weekly basis and checked daily?

  • Are the display freezers cleaned on a weekly basis and checked daily?

  • Is the floor around the butchery department clean?

  • Is there a clean dirt bin available at the front counter?

  • Is the scale clean and free of labels

  • Are there any boxes lying around?

  • Are the pricing kit tickets clean?

  • Is all cleaning equipment off the sales floor, including brooms, rags, detergents etc

  • Are suitable cleaning agents being used?

  • Are Front end fridge Temperature controls being recorded Daily?


  • Is the prep area adequately illuminated?

  • Is the floor and back up fridge in the back up area cleaned on a daily basis?

  • Is there an industrial plastic chopping boards available, which is cleaned on a daily Basis?

  • Are chopping boards colour coded according to NSF Spec? (Posters)

  • Are drip trays being used to Thaw frozen products?

  • Are the stainless steel tables cleaned daily? ( Including Legs and shelves)

  • Is the shrink wrap machine cleaned on a regular basis?

  • Are there enough sharp stainless steel knives available?

  • Is the storage area clean & tidy?

  • Are the production equipment cleaned daily?

  • Is product carefully stacked, to prevent heating and crushing lines?

  • Back fridges products carefully packed so that adequate air circulation to chill products ?

  • Is back fridge layouts clearly marked?

  • Are there any waste or reworks from the previous day still in the chiller?

  • Are they cutting according to a cutting plan (rate of sales)

  • Are they deboning reworks on a daily basis to reduce waste?

  • Are FIFO principles adhered to?

  • Are the 5 crate rule being followed?

  • Are they making processed product according to the recipe?

  • Are they over trimming carcasses and primals?

  • Is there a lined refuse bin in the back up area?

  • Are knife, mincer plates and knives and other equipment store in buckets with sanitizer?

  • Does each tables have a bucket with sanitizer on it with a clean cloth and spray bottle?

  • Are NSF poster for colour codes boards displayed?

  • Are NSF posters with allergens Displayed?

  • Are fridge temperatures recorded daily?


  • Are all Staff in the correct uniform?

  • Is the uniform neat and clean with name badges?

  • Are all staff trained on product knowledge?

  • Are staff schedules worked out according to the store busy times?

  • Is any staff wearing jewellery?

  • Are Manager Schedules in place and scheduled according to store Busy periods?

  • Have staff been taken through company Policy and Procedures, and a signed copy on file?


  • undefined

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.