Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
- Amit S.
- Jeremy P.
- David O.
- Steewart L.
- Avinash L.
- Grace H.
- Elizabeth T.
- Zachary F.
- Sabrina Noomen
- Eraldo L.
- Diana S.
- Dashana C.
- Bilal A.
Site Location
Pavement discrepancies?
Equipment stowed in appropriate areas when not in use?
Markings (all line striping is up to date, no discrepancies?)
Fire extinguisher is present, tagged & up to date
Spill kits available and secure
FOD buckets present and empty if full or overflowing?
Jetbridge locator light working?
Red hatch area is clear of obstructions/ Jetbridge is stowed to appropriate height?
Are cables retratched and safety cap attached?
Site location
Pavement discrepancies?
Equipment stowed in appropriate area when not in use?
Markings (all line striping is up to date with no discrepancies?
Fire extinguisher is present, tagged, and up to date?
Spill kits available and secure?
FOD bucket is present and empty if full/overflowing ?
Jetbridge locator light working?
Are cables retracted and safety cap is attached?
Site Location
Pavement discrepancies?
Equipment stowed in appropriate area when not in use?
Markings (all line striping is up to date with no discrepancies?)
Fire extinguisher is present, tagged, and up to date?
Spill kits available and secure?
FOD bucket is present and empty if full/overflowing ?
Jetbridge locator light working?
Are cables retracted and safety cap is attached?