Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Audit Scope
Provide a brief description of the department, procedure, element, program, or area being audited.
Is there a procedure in place for chemical control?
What documents contain that procedure?
Who gets trained on these procedures?
When was the last training?
Physical Site
Are the following chemical storage areas all locked upon inspection?
Why not?
QC Lab
Chemical Cage
Maintenance Cage
pH Cage
Custodial Closet
Are there any chemicals stored outside of designated storage areas?
What chemicals and where are they?
Where are chemical spill kits located?
Choose an area to observe.
Please use the "notes" feature to denote any non-compliance.
No cross contamination of stored chemicals observed?
Area well ventilated?
Appropriate signage denoting the area a hazardous chemical storage area?
Equipped with a detailed and up to date inventory of chemicals present in the area?
Stocked with PPE and first aid supplies?
Area designed to contain spills?
Area equipped with spill kits?
Who is responsible for ensuring chemical inventories are accurate and up to date?
Who is responsible for ensuring that all chemicals have been approved for use and are stored properly?
Are relevant staff trained in the proper use of PPE and chemical handling?
Are instructions on how to use hazardous chemicals readily available?
Food Safety
How is access to hazardous chemicals restricted?
Have any complaints or incidents occurred from chemical contamination of a product?
How are tools stored in the maintenance cage with hazardous chemicals prevented from becoming vectors for contamination should they be used in production areas?
Have all the chemical inventories been conducted this quarter?
Why not?
How and where is proof recorded that concentrated cleaning chemicals are diluted to the appropriate concentrations before use?
Is access to the QC Lab restricted?
Are instructions for the use of chemicals in the lab available to technicians?
Electronic Records
Are any form or records stored electronically?
What are they?
Are all electronic records stored in a secure location?
Record Retention
What documents about chemicals are stored physically and where are they stored?
Are SDS's and inventories easily accessible to personnel working in chemical storage areas?
Audit Details
Documents reviewed:
Evaluation Summary:
Minor Finding
Description of Finding
Major Finding
Description of Finding
Critical Finding
Description of Finding
Corrective actions from findings:
Short term corrective actions completed?
Date short term corrective actions completed
Long term corrective actions completed?
Date long term corrective actions completed
Verifier of corrective action completion:
Did the system being audited pass or fail?<br>Pass = <10 minor findings and no major or critical findings<br>Fail = >9 minor findings or any major or critical findings
Results communicated to auditee?
Auditee Signature
Auditee Title
Date of Signature
Auditor Signature
Auditor Title
Date of Signature
Management or SQF Practitioner
Management or SQF Practitioner Signature
Management or SQF Practitioner Title
Date of Signature