Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Audit Scope
Provide a brief description of the department, procedure, element, program, or area being audited.
Is there an official procedure for cleaning and sanitizing food contact surfaces?
What document contains the procdure?
Is there a procedure for verifying the cleaning of food contact surfaces?
How is cleaning verified?
With what frequency?
Physical Site
Is the MSS up to date?
What information is missing?
Where and how are small utensils and vessels cleaned?
Who is responsible for cleaning production equipment and food contact surfaces?
Who titrates the the cleaning chemicals and sanitizer stations?
How are empty containers of cleaning chemicals disposed of?
Does production clean equipment in a timely manner after use?
How is equipment cleaning documented?
Food Safety
What happens if a piece of equipment fails cleaning verification?
How is the cleaning procedure validated?
How is it determined that the correct concentration of chemicals is used in the cleaning process?
Review a random titration record - are the concentrations compliant?
Is there an inspection procedure for production equipment outside of cleaning verification?
What is QC's role in the sanitation process?
Electronic Records
Are all electronic records stored in a secure location?
What records regarding sanitation are stored electronically?
Record Retention
What records pertaining to cleaning and the verification thereof are stored physically and for how long?
Audit Details
Minor Finding
Description of Finding
Major Finding
Description of Finding
Critical Finding
Description of Finding
Corrective actions from findings:
Short term corrective actions completed?
Date short term corrective actions completed
Long term corrective actions completed?
Date long term corrective actions completed
Verifier of corrective action completion:
Did the system being audited pass or fail?<br>Pass = <10 minor findings and no major or critical findings<br>Fail = >9 minor findings or any major or critical findings
Results communicated to auditee?
Additional Comments
Auditee Signature
Auditee Title
Date of Signature
Auditor Signature
Auditor Title
Date of Signature
Management or SQF Practitioner
Management or SQF Practitioner Signature
Management or SQF Practitioner Title
Date of Signature