Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Inspection of works in relation to Brickwork, Clockwork, and associated sundries
A. Brickwork and Blockwork
1. Is the Brick / Blockwork correct to specification bond etc
2. Are reveals and corners plumb?
3. Are perps to standard specifications?
4. Are all joint and beds fully filled?
5. Are bricks mixed to manufacturers instructions prior to laying?
B. Fire stopping
1. Has the fire breaks been located and installed as per the fire stratedgy design? Please attached design ref
2. Have the CB and FB been inspected and signed off by main contractors agreed inspection team?
3. Are Cavity fire barriers and closures fitted and per specification and manufacturers recommended instruction? Please attach manufacturer instructions and evidence photos
C. Mortar
1. Have the correct reader and plasticisers been used?
2. Have the suppliers material test been taken and results confirmed?
3. Correct batch, colour, gauge?
4. Correct colour and strength to specification?
1. Correct to specification?
2. Correctly lapped as per details?
3. Correctly fitted to Reveals, Cills, Lintels and Cavity trays and as per manufacturer instructions. Please provide instructions and proof photos
E. Ties
1. Are the ties and fixing spacings correct to specification? Please add spec and evidence photos
2. Are the ties correct to Centres, coursing, fall and levels?
3. Are the correct Insulation clips supplied and installed if required?
4. 3. Are the win post ties and clips supplied and installed if required to locations, specification and manufacture instructions?
F. Insulation
1. Is the insulation correctly fitted as per specification and manufacturer instructions?
G. Cavities
1. Clean out debris and close inspection holes?
2. Clean ties / Lintels / trays and cavity barriers?
3. Clean around windpost?
H. Lintels
1.Correct to specification schedule?
2. Line, level, bedding and bearing correct?
3. DPC installed correctly with returns?
4. Wholes installed as specification
I. Frames
1. Correct to specification schedule
2. Correct fixings
3. DPC
4. Protection
J. Stone cills
1. Correct to specification schedule
2. Correctly leveled and lined
3. Correctly fitted dpc
4. Protection
K. Airvents
1. Correct to specification schedule
2. Correct location
3. Epdm / waterproofed, stepped dpc
4. Water tested
L. Masonry support systems
1. Correct to specification and location schedule
2. Pull test on post fixing if required
3. Correct fixings used as per specification
4. Correct torque setting used
5. Secondary check done on torque by client .
M. Bed joint reinforcement
1. Correctly cut and lapped
2. Installed as per specification
N. General completion
1. Work areas cleared, clean and materials removed
2. Tie holes and final snag complete
3. Final washdown
4. Protection removed
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