Title Page
Site conducted
Business name
Premises address
Type of facility
- Caravan park
- Camping ground
- Caravan park and camping ground
- Park home park
- Transit park
- Nature based park
Telephone number
Email address
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Management
Name of licence holder
Name of manager
Address of licence holder
Office hours displayed
Register of occupiers maintained (including name, address, site, number plates and dates)
2. Numbers and types of licenced sites
No. of long stay sites
No. of short stay sites
No. of camping sites
No. of overflow sites (if any)
3. Communications
One telephone available at all times
Postal service including lockable boxes for long stay sites
4. Electricity
All caravan sites supplied with electricity
Separate meter at long stay sites
5. Roads
Speed limit 8km/h
Facility entrance road minimum 6m wide
Facility 1 way road minimum 4m wide
Facility 2 way road minimum 6m wide
6. Lighting
Ablutions light intensity not less than 100 lumens per square meter
Laundry light intensity not less than 160 lumens per square meter
Park area lit so occupants have sufficient visibility to go to and from amenities safely
7. Parking
Visitors Parking - 1 space per 20 caravan sites (min. 4 spaces)
Parking on sites - 1 space per site for vehicle (hard stand required for long stay)
8. On-site caravans and park homes
Wheels attached
One per site
Safe condition
9. Annexes (attached to caravan or single park home only)
Less than 300mm higher than caravan
Less than 3.6m wide
Not longer than the caravan
Rigid annexe approved (e.g. prefab, modular panels)
10. Fences
Less than 1.2m high
Constructed of lightweight material or mesh
11. Storage shed (light construction)
Less than 6 square meters in area
Less than 2.1m high
12. Setbacks for caravans, annexes and camps
3m from caravan, camp, annexe
3m from buildings (excluding ensuite)
1m from open sided carport
2m from closed sided carport
1m from facility road
6m from outside road
1m from boundary
2m from storage shed
13. Recreational area
Communal activity building
10% of total park
Two thirds in the one area of the park
Protected child recreational area
14. Fire equipment
Adequate supply of water to fire hose reel
If water supply is not adequate, one fire extinguisher for every six sites within 30m of all sites
Equipment tested and tagged within last 6 months
Equipment easily accessible
Equipment clearly visible
15. Number of ablution facilities (within 90m of all sites)
Briefly describe male facilities (e.g. blocks 1, 2, 3/A, B, C/left and right etc)
Number of WCs
Length of urinal (mm)
Number of showers
Number of hand basins
Breifly describe female facilities (e.g. blocks 1, 2, 3/A, B, C/left and right etc)
Number of WCs
Number of showers
Number of hand basins
16. Showers
Area for dressing available
Lockable door that opens outwards or is removable
- Yes
- No
- N/A
Permanently affixed seat available
Clothes hook available
Soap holder available
Supplied with hot and cold water
Sufficiently ventilated
17. Hand basins
Drain plug provided at every hand basin
Supplied with hot and cold water
Towel rails or hooks provided near hand basins
Mirror provided near hand basins
Shelving provided near hand basins
At least one hand basin accessible to a male or female person in a wheelchair
One powerpoint for each group of four hand basins
At least one powerpoint accessible to a male or female person in a wheelchair
18. Babies bath
Capacity of at least 45L
Constructed of stainless steel or other suitable material
Drain plug provided
Water proof bench at least 0.45 meters square and 450mm wide
Hot and cold water supplied through a mixing device
At least one babies bath accessible to a male or female person in a wheelchair
19. Ablutions
Toilet roll dispenser available
Clothes hook available
Sufficiently ventilated
Lockable door that opens outwards or is removable
- Yes
- No
- N/A
Urinal attached to floor or wall of the building
20. Sanitary disposal units
One sanitary disposal unit for each group of ten toilets
Sanitary disposal unit in baby changing area
21. Laundry facilities
Briefly describe laundry facilities (e.g. blocks 1, 2, 3/A, B, C/left and right etc)
Number of washing machines
Number of laundry troughs
Drain plug provided
Supplied with hot and cold water
Bench at least 0.3 meters square with access to a powerpoint
One electric clothes drier or 60m of washing line
Slop hopper available
22. Washing up facilities (within 90m of all camp sites)
Number of washing up troughs (one for each 20 camp sites)
Trough constructed of stainless steel
Drain plug provided
Supplied with hot and cold water
Capacity of at least 45L
Waterproof bench at least 0.5 meters square
23. Waste water disposal
Caravan site no more than 10m from sullage point
Camp site no more than 30m from sullage point
Long stay site with ablution, toilet or laundry facilities connected to sewer/septic
Readily accessible communal chemical soil waste dump point
24. Potable water supply
Breifly describe source of potable water
Camp sites within 30m of tap
Short stay sites within 10m of a tap
Long stay sites provided with a tap
25. Animal management
Breifly describe animals permitted (if any)
Policy or rules for the control of animals available
Animals prohibited from on-site caravans
26. Rubbish
Breifly describe the rubbish collection service including contractor and frequency
At least one rubbish bin not less than 80L capacity within 90m of each site
Rubbish bins water and vermin proof
Rubbish bins in clean and hygienic condition
Please attend to any outstanding items by the due date. For enquiries contact the officer on the number below.
Reinspection date
Officer name and signature
Officer contact number