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1.0 Are staff aware of health and safety information on the intranet?
1.1 Is health and safety poster up to date displayed prominently?
1.2 Is health and safety added onto team meetings agenda regularly?
1.3 How do staff access council's health and safety documents (policies, frameworks, guidance)?
1.4 Are staff training records up to date?
1.5 Is there evidence that staff have ability to attend various training offered internally (including e-training)?
1.6 Is there evidence that staff are consulted on health and safety matters?
2.0 Is the fire evacuation startegy correct for the type of building and its use?
2.1 Are staff aware of the policy and what actions are required in case of emergency?
2.2 Are fire action notices displayed correctly?
2.3 Is a copy of the most recent fire risk assessment available on site?
2.4 Have all the FRA outstanding actions been closed off ?
2.5 Are fire drills undertaken regularly?
2.6 Have all staff completed fire safety e-course?
2.7 Have PEEPs been developed and implemented where required?
2.8 Is fire alarm maintained accordingly?
2.9 Is fire alarm tested weekly?
2.10 Are emergnecy lights maintained?
2.11 Are emergency lights tested?
2.12 Is there sufficent number of fire fighting equipment sited correctly?
2.13 Is fire fighting equipment maintained accordingly?
2.14 Are all fire doors sound, closing properly and correctly signed?
2.15 Are all fire exit doors unobstructed and open easily?
2.16 Are fire escape routes unobstructed?
2.17 Is signage sited correctly?
3.0 Is there evidence that all staff have had their risk assessments carried out recently?
3.1 Are specific risk assessments in place where required?
3.1a Has generic risk assessment on violence and aggression been completed?
3.1b Has generic risk assessment on lone working been completed?
3.1c Has generic risk assessment on manual handling been completed?
3.1d Are workplace risk assessments for staff with medical conditions in use?
3.1e Is there evidence of use of Occupational Health service?
3.1f Are stress risk assessment utilised?
3.1g Are display screen equipment self assessment forms used?
3.1e Is administartion of medicines risk assessment in place and comtrol measures followed?
3.2 Are all control measures in place?
3.3 Is there evidence that risk assessments are reviewed following incidents?
3.4 Are all service users risk assessments carried out as appropriate?
4.0 Is there member of team with premises management responsibilities assigned?
4.1 Is premises management folder available and up to date?
4.2 Is asbestos management folder available?
4.3 Is asbestos survey review up to date?
4.4 Is water safety folder available and up to date?
4.4a Are water safety checks completed?
4.4b Are hot and cold water supplies tested?
4.4c Are shower heads cleaned regularly?
4.4d Are infrequently used outlets flashed on a weekly basis?
4.5 Are building inspection carried out regularly?
4.6 Is Contractors Authorisation Form utilised?
4.7 A copy of up to date CP 12 on site?
4.8 Is electrical installation test certificate available on site?
4.9 Are sufficent power points provided to prevent overloading?
4.10 Are RCDs used where 240v equipment is used?
4.11 Is there an up to date register of portable appliances in place?
4.12 Is PAT testing evident?
4.9 Is local exhaust ventilation inspected regularly?
4.10 Is there sufficient provision of welfare facilities?
4.11 Are the risks of slips trips and falls adequately controlled?
4.11a Risk to staff
4.11b Risk to service users?
5.0 Have COSHH assessments been completed for all substances used?
5.1 Have first aiders access to COSHH assessments as required?
5.2 Are COSHH assessments available in the chemicals storage?
5.3 Is there appropriate storage available?
5.4 Is there access to suitable and sufficent PPE and RPE as required by COSHH assessments?
5.5 Have measures been taken to reduce the risk of infectious diseases?
5.6 Is hazardous waste handled correctly?
6.0 Are all staff trained / instructed in safe use and operation of work equipment?
6.1 Are safe systems of work developed and implemented for the use of work equipment e.g lifting service users?
6.2 Is work equipment subject to planned preventative maintenance?
6.3 Is lifting equipment subject to correct inspection regime?
6.3a Is lifting equipment labeled with safe working load?
6.4 Is ladder maintenance and inspection regime in place?
6.5 Do staff have access to appropriate PPE as identified by risk assessments?
7.0 Is there sufficient number of first aiders available at all times?
7.0a Are all first aid certificates up to date?
7.1 Is there sufficient supply of adequate first aid facilities?
7.2 Are the first aid facilities replenished as and when required?
8.0 Is there evidence that staff report all incident via IRIS?
8.1 Is there evidence that managers undertake a review following incidents?
8.2 Are risk assessments reviewed following incidents?
9.0 Are young workers on site?
9.1 Are young workers supervised at all times?
9.2 Is young workers risk assessment in place?
10.0 bed rails, slips trips,administration of medicines, slings and hoists, falls from height - windows, balconies, starisrs, scalding, visits out in community
10.0 Has the risk of falling from bed been assessed?
10.1 Has the risk of becoming trapped between the rail been considered?
10.2 Has the risk of falls from height been assessed and is there evidence of adequate controls?
- Windows - Balconies - Stairs
- Yes
- No
- N/A
10.3 Are medicines stored correctly?
10.4 Are individual care plans followed?