Title Page
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
This Inspection is an assessment of the conditions and activities on the project worksite at the time of the visit. The conditions & activities are assessed against agreed expectations between PCBU’s, legislative and regulatory requirements and/or industry best practice.
Assessment Criteria:
Meets Expectations (ME) = The assessed condition or activity meets current expectations.
Opportunity For Improvement (OFI) = The assessed condition or activity does not fully meet current expectations.
At Risk (AR) = The assessed condition or activity does not fully meet current expectations and as a result there is an intolerable level of risk of harm to people, the environment and/or the business.
Not Checked (NC) = The condition or activity was not checked.
Not Applicable (NA) = The condition or activity was not present.
1. Pre-Inspection Planning
What is the Focus for the period:
Pre-planning Notes:
2. Inspection Criteria
Select the criteria that is applicable to your site inspection:
- Asbestos
- Confined Space
- Power Tools, RCD's & Leads
- Emergency Preparedness & Response
- Environmental
- Hazardous Substances
- Hotwork
- Housekeeping
- PAT's
- Safety Signage
- Silica and Inhalable Dust
- Site Fencing & Security
- Subcontractor SSSP
- Supervision
- Traffic Management
- Worker Facilities
QR code in place?
Signed in using CASE App?
Self-induction completed?
Current hazard list relevant?
Activity Pre-Start completed?
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Emergency response plan and site layout plan in place and displayed?
Emergency assembly point identified and sign posted?
Emergency contact details displayed?
Is a trained First Aider on site?
Are adequate First Aid kits available (including eyewash)?
Are adequate Fire Extinguishers available?
Spill kit available?
Are subcontractor workers adequately supervised?
Are PCBU 3 subcontractors adequately supervised?
Safety Signage
Is warning signage in place at all access points?
Is a site safety board displayed near the site entry?
Are the hazards and controls listed on the site safety board relevant?
Are worksite 'key contact' details displayed at the site entrance?
Are minimum PPE requirements displayed?
Are minimum PPE requirements complied with?
Is the correct PPE being worn relevant to the exposure risks?
Is the PPE in good condition?
Is the work area and lay down area clean and free of excess trash or debris?
Are materials and equipment properly stored or stacked?
Are scrap materials free of protruding nails or other puncture hazards?
Are waste bins available and maintained?
Are waratah end caps installed and maintained?
Are there any trip hazards i.e., hoses, electrical leads etc.
Hazardous Substances
Are hazardous substances being used and stored correctly?
Are the amounts of hazardous substances on site limited to an "in use" amount?
Has ACM been considered as being present on the worksite?
Is an ACM plan in place?
Is the ACM plan being followed?
Have Worksafe been notified of ACM? (>10sqm friable)
Are workers handling ACM competent?
Silica and Inhalable Dust
Are bricks and concrete saws operating with water suppression?
Is the saw waste water contained to minimise runoff?
Is the dust from dried waste water being eliminated?
Are power cutting tools fitted with an 'at-source' extraction system and is it effective?
Is the vacuum system rated for silica dust ('M' or 'H' class)?
Are fibre cement sheets cut using the correct tools/ methods i.e. shears or score & snap method?
Are workers exposed to dust wearing P2 rated dust masks?
Is the site free from excess settled dust?
Is a vacuum system used to clean surfaces?
Are PATs used by competent operators?
Are exclusion zones in place?
Are warning signs in place?
Are misfired charges secured and discarded correctly?
Are the PATs secured when not in use?
Portable Electric Equipment, RCD's & Leads
Is portable electrical equipment, RCD's and leads in good working order (all guards in place, no damage to casing, no cuts in cable etc.)?
Are power tools used in accordance with the manufacturers instructions?
Does electrical equipment have a current test & tag?
Are temporary power sources fitted with an RCD i.e. Lifeguards?
Are electrical leads routed neatly and away from water sources?
Are silt fences in place?
Is the silt fence in good working order?
Are silt socks/gutter bags in place at stormwater inlets?
Are the silt socks/gutter bags in good working order?
Are accessways metalled?
Is sediment and run-off fully contained with the site boundary?
Are vehicles/ plant tracking mud into the road reserve?
Is dust being controlled on the worksite?
Site Fencing & Security
Is the worksite fully fenced?
Is the fence in good working order?
Is site access controlled?
Are site gates lockable?
Are hot works being correctly managed?
Are hot work activities meeting the hot work permit requirements?
Confined Space
Is there a TRA in place for confined space activities (proof of regular review and communicated to all workers involved)?
Does the emergency response plan cover confined space rescue?
Are confined space activities correctly managed and meeting confined space requirements (i.e. permits, competency requirements etc.)?
Worker Facilities
Appropriate number of toilets onsite (male/ female), clean and hygienic?
Clean, potable water readily available onsite?
Smoko shed available for use?
Traffic management plan in place, current and approved by Road Corridor Authority?
Subcontractor Review
Subcontractor reviewed:
Subcontractor SSSP's in place?
Subcontractor SSSP evaluated and verified by lead contractor?
Worksafe hazardous work notifications submitted (where required)?
TA/TRA's in place where required and signed off accordingly?
Training and competency register in place?
Plant & Equipment register in place for safety critical plant and equipment?
Hazardous Substances register in place?
SDS's in place for all hazardous substances on site?
3. Other Observations
What was your Observation?
Click on the "+ button" over here ---->--->
What was your Worksite Observation?<br>(Select one of the following)
4. Inspection Summary/ Comments
Inspection Summary: