Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Auditors to note that detailed photos are required
Is the signage in good order and clean ?
Is the signage current with new Brandings and Logo's
Are the light boxes in good order and connected to a safety switch .There should be no fused globes ?
Is any of the signage faded or damaged ?
Are Trading Hours present in both the buyshop and retail doors ?
Pavement and walkways
Is the pavement area clear of litter?
Is the stock merchandised outside appropriate and can be categorised and related to exercise and gym equipment ,bicycles and outdoor goods such as lawnmowers ?
Is the stock levels displayed outside limited and does not restrict access to the entrance of the store?
Is the exterior walls clean ?
Does the exterior walls need to be repainted ?
Does the doors have Hasp and Staple locks and is the doors clean ?
Shop front Glass
Is the windows clean and free from fingerprints
Is the there any windows that are cracked ?
Is the shops floors clean and free of grime etc?
Is the stores tiles in good shape ?
Are the walls clean and repainted were necessary ?
Is the wallpaper torn or needs replacing ?
Is the ceiling panels aligned and free of prestik,pins and other fastening material ?
Does the ceiling require re-painting ?
Are the Wall Carpets ,base shelves and dump base carpeting clean and in good shape ?
Cashdesk and buyshop counter
Does the cashdesk needs to be repaired ? i.e drawers ,doors etc. .
Does the buyshop counter needs to be repaired in any way and does the locks on the lockable cash drawers work ?
Does the cabinet glass needs replacement and all aluminium trimmings are in good shape .?
Are all lightbulbs and fluorescent tubes in working order ?
Does the lighting on the retail floor and window displays project a minimum of 300 lux at eye level ?
Are all cables and wiring properly trucked and fasten to the walls etc ?