Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Quarterly SHE Inspection
1. Policy and Organisation
1. Are workers aware of the general health and safety legislation applicable to their workplace?
2. Is the MDs health and safety policy statement available to the workforce?
3. Have dept safety reps been nominated and are personnel aware who they are?
Are personnel aware of specific health and safety responsibilities associated with individual TORs or job descriptions?
Are staff aware of the CCF health and safety committee?
2. Risk Assessment & SSOW
1. Have suitable and sufficient RAs been carried out on significant hazards within the workplace and findings brought to the attention of staff and other relevant persons?
2. Have other RAs in respect of the following been carried out:
a. Substances hazardous to health.
b. Noise and risks to hearing.
c. Manual handling operations.
d. DSE
e. PPE
f. Work equipment.
3. Do written systems of work exist for hazardous operations?
4. Are workplace health and safety rules available, promoted and enforced?
3. Accidents and Emergencies
1. Are procedures in place for the reporting of injuries, near misses, diseases and dangerous occurences?
2. Are staff aware of formal procedures for emergency responses (e.g. fire, bomb and explosion)?
3. Are there procedures in place for staff to report health and safety problems or suggest improvements to existing procedures?
4. First Aid
1. Is the provision for First Aid adequate?
2. Are first aiders adequately trained and re-trained?
3. Are first aiders known to all staff?
5. Fire
1. Are fire and emergency plans practised on a regular basis?
2. Are all fire exits and escape routes marked, kept free from obstruction and operational?
3. Are all fire appliances correctly maintained?
4. Are fire instructions prominently displayed?
6. Hazardous Substances and LEV
1. Are hazardous substances identified and correctly labelled?
2. Are hazardous substances stored and handled in a safe manner?
3. Are local exhaust ventilation (LEV) systems examined, tested and maintained on a regular basis?
4. Are LEV test and maintenance certificates available in the workplace?
7. Housekeeping
1. Is housekeeping of a high standard e.g. material storage, waste disposal and prompt removal of spillage?
2. Are all corridors, stairways, fire exits and access and egress points to the workplace maintained and kept clear?
8. Maintenance
1. Are items of machinery, plant, hand tools, access equipment, electrical equipment, storage equipment, warning systems, welfare and amenity ares etc. inspected on a regular basis?
9. PPE
1. Is appropriate protective clothing available where RAs identify a need?
2. Is PPE used correctly?
3. Are storage facilities for PPE provided?
4. Are welfare amenity provisions i.e. sanitation, hand washing, showers and clothing storage arrangements adequate and kept clean?
10. Training
1. Are individual training needs of staff identified and assessed on a regular basis?
2. Are health and safety training records available?
3. Is staff health and safety induction undertaken:
a. At the induction stage?
b. On their being exposed to new or increased risks, introduction of new work equipment or a change to existing work equipment, introduction of new technology, introduction of new system of work
4. Is the training repeated or adapted to take account of new or changed risks and carried out in works time?
5. Is specific training carried out for workers exposed to specific risks (e.g. first aiders, forklift truck drivers, crane drivers etc.)?
11. H&S Promotion
1. Is the means of promoting health and safety adequate?
2. Is adequate use made of safety media?
3. Are safety signs adequate in terms of the assessed risk?
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Compliance Manager