Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Equipment

Drill Rigs shall meet minimum Fortescue Drill Rig standard to ensure equipment is operated safely. The standard shall ensure the protection of operators and maintainers from hazards that are associated with drill rigs

  • D- View specifications list described in current<br>department drilling standards, compare minimum<br>specification listed have been provided to<br>contractors supplying drill rigs and specifications are listed in pre site inspections sheets.

  • I - Ask appropriate personnel what the process is to<br>ensure drill rigs on site have met minimum safety<br>requirements.

  • O - Observe a selection of drill rigs looking for<br>adherence to minimum specifications.

Pre mobilisation checklist is completed prior to site operation to ensure drill rig meets minimum requirements, where requirement is not meet the Site Manager shall determine if safe for operation and arrange controls requirement to be met.

  • D - View a documented pre mobilisation inspection<br>process<br>Inspections are conducted by personnel with<br>sufficient drill rig experience and have been<br>authorised by management to conduct such<br>inspections.<br>Any items not met shall be authorised by the GM and evidence of this shall be provided.

  • I - Interview drilling personnel, ask the process<br>when mobilising a new rig to site and the pre<br>mobilising inspection process (confirm it was<br>conducted off site)

  • O - Observe personnel checking pre‐ mobilisation<br>inspection checklist when drill rig enters site (or a<br>sample of pre site inspections). Check there is a<br>process to track and maintain the inspections for<br>the life of the equipment whilst on site.

There shall be a documented operation procedure to ensure the safety of workers and visitors to the drill rig site. The procedure shall detail drill pad requirements, exclusion zones, isolation points, emergency stop location and safe rod handling requirements.

  • D - View an induction training program specific to the<br>drill rigs in operation.<br>A documented process identifies the required for all<br>workers and visitors.<br>‐ Note: the minimum exclusion zone is the length<br>of the longest drill rod plus 20%

  • I -Ask personnel if they have received an induction<br>for the type of rig in use.<br>Ask drill rig workers how they induct personnel<br>to the drill rig. Is this in line with the documented<br>process?

  • O - Observe an operational drill rig and ask to be<br>inducted to the area. Has the process met the<br>documented standards?

• All personnel who operate a drill rig shall be trained and deemed competent in its use and specifically how the safety systems operate for each type of drill rig they operate.

  • D - View training records for a selection of drill rig<br>workers (Driller and Offsider). Compare training<br>competencies with each drill rig type in use

  • I - Ask rig workers what the process is in regards to<br>specific rig training. How they know who has<br>been deemed competent.

• Drill rigs shall have a specific inspection and maintenance program. Drill rig pre start inspections are completed and any faults are reported. The documented maintenance schedule shall be in place in line with OEM specifications.

  • D -View specific rig maintenance programs. Is<br>maintenance current, what repairs have been<br>requested and have they been completed in the<br>documented timeframes.<br>View documented inspections process (procedure)<br>and inspection checklist requirements. Do these<br>align with OEM requirements and have they been<br>completed as per the specified schedule.

  • I - Ask rig workforce to describe the minimum<br>maintenance requirements, what happens when<br>parts fail and at what stage is the rig deemed<br>unusable until repairs are completed.<br>What is the communication process when there<br>are issues with the rig.<br>Ask what inspections are carried out and at what<br>frequencies.

  • O - Observe a selection of rigs and compare status<br>against recently completed inspection. Does the<br>standard of the rig match the inspection.

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