Title Page
1 Tec-BF-05
Published by Carmel Gatt
Version x.x
Issue Date 29/01/2015
Amended: 04/08/2023 -
For the evidence you will need to take both picture and notes and detail the actual findings. Ensure an NCR is created for each 'no' answer.
Audit Site
Audit Date
Audited By
Line/Bagger Number
Control Documents & Training Records
Is the CCP sign present, clear and in good condition?
Is the process record sheet used, the correct and up to date version?
Make note of the Document No & Revision Status of the CCP process paperwork in use.
Are the records completed, clear, signed and dated, with no overwriting?
Is there a training guide present in the area of the CCP?
Are the training documents for the task fit for purpose?
Make note of the Document No & revision status of the CCP Training Guide in use:
Has the person performing the task received training to the requirements of the most recent revision of the training card?
Provide picture evidence of Training Matrix:
Are the test information cards being followed correctly?
Is the testing frequency being adhered to?
Are all CCP check records within tolerance?
Monitoring & Equipment
Are the test pieces the correct size?
Are the test packs marked with Operator Name, Line Number, product Name, Date and Time?
Are they placed in the correct position on the pack?
Do the packs contain a yellow test label?
Was the test performed correctly?
Is the test equipment used to measure CCP, Available, Good condition & Calibrated?
Note equipment used, its Serial number and verification/Calibration date.
Are the test packs stored inside the metal box/cage, and not left on top of the check weigher?
Are both underweight and metal detection bins are in good condition? Are the Doors without damage and can be closed and/or locked properly?
Weight & Sensor Check
Was the air pressure fail system check recorded at the start of the shift?
Please ask the operative to perform failsafe check. Was the test performed correctly?
Does the operator responsible for the monitoring CCP fully understand what corrective actions are required if there is a failure?
Is under weight T2 test recorded at the start of each run, every hour and at the end of the run?
Check weight of underweight sample. Is underweight sample actual weight correct?
Perform Fail Safe checks for Underweight products. Are both Fail safes working correctly (Belt Stopped and alarm appeared)?
Perform Fail Safe checks for Metal Rejection. Are both Fail safes working correctly (Belt Stopped and alarm appeared)? Are all Test Sticks rejected?
Are the correct metal sticks, in the right order in use during the metal CCP check? (photo of the sticks and record the size, type and order they were sent.)
Perform Fail Safe Check for "Bin Door Unlocked". Are both Fail safes working correctly (Belt Stopped and alarm appeared)?
Perform Fail Safe Check for "Bin Full Sensors". Are both Fail safes working correctly (Belt Stopped and alarm appeared)?
Perform Fail Safe Check for "Reject Confirmation Sensor Test"on metal and Underweight bins. Are both Fail safes working correctly (Belt Stopped and alarm appeared)?
Corrective Action
If corrective actions were taken by the operator, were they appropriate and documented in the correct manner?
Does the operator responsible for the monitoring CCP fully understand what corrective actions are required if there is a failure?
Did the employee monitoring the CCP perform the test competently and correctly?
Audit Completion
Line Operator Name and Signature:
Site Specific Test
This is a question for Drayton
This is a second question for Drayton
This is a question for Runcton
This is a question for Merston
How many Non Conformances