Harness serial number
Harness Manufacturers name
Type of harness
Harness Manufacturers date
Lanyard serial number
Lanyard manufacturers name
Type of lanyard
Length of lanyard
Manufacturers date
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Are there cuts of 1mm or more at the edges of webbing?
Is there any surface abrasion across the face of the webbing or at webbing loops?
Is there any abrasion at the edges of webbing?
Is there any damage to stitching on webbing, particularly if localised?
Is there evidence of any chemical attack which may result in local weakening and softening i.e. flaking of the surface, change in colour of the fibres?
Is there evidence of any heat or friction damage i.e. fibres with a glazed appearance that feel harder than surrounding fibres?
Is there any evidence of UV-degradation i.e. loss of colour or a powdery surface?
Is there any contamination of the webbing which may result in internal or external abrasion (e.g. dirt, grit, sand etc.) ?
Is there evidence of any damaged or deformed fittings (e.g. karabiners, screwlink connectors, hooks etc.)
Are any clips/fastenings missing or defective?
Can webbing be freely adjusted to suit leg and chest dimensions ?
Is there any damage to the sheath and core of a kernmantel rope (e.g. rucking of the core detected during tactile inspection) ?
Is there signs of internal damage to cable-laid rope?
Has the energy absorber been partially deployed (e.g. short pull-out of tear webbing)?
Is identification marking clearly visible and not obscured by dirt, paint, oil etc?
Is the harness in a suitable condition for use? <br>(If NO, note the name of responsible person notified on first page